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How can organizations prevent silos in a remote workplace?

How can organizations prevent silos in a remote workplace?
How can organizations prevent silos in a remote workplace?
Several effective strategies can help a company break down the silo mentality and improve these traits across divisions and geographical areas.
Posted in: Leadership
How can organizations prevent silos in a remote workplace?
How can organizations prevent silos in a remote workplace?

There is a higher requirement for teams to collaborate and share information when working remotely. Teams might get detached and disengaged from their organization if they don't have the necessary policies and technologies in place. Many remote employees are disengaged and have little to no face-to-face interaction with their coworkers.

This means that organizations that allow employees to work remotely or on a flexible schedule must now consider how to maintain high levels of productivity even when a percentage of the staff no longer commutes to the office.

Inefficient use of time and other resources might occur as a result of silos, and teams will be unable to collaborate effectively and mutually assist one another as a result. 

Silos are well-known for sabotaging work efficiency

Silos are well-known for sabotaging work efficiency

Isn't this obvious? To put it another way, if the company's many groups don't communicate and collaborate well, productivity will suffer. In order for a company to prosper, all of its teams must be able to work together in harmony.

Cohesive communication methods disappear almost immediately when working in silos becomes the norm. 

Silos, in a nutshell, make it impossible for departments to communicate with one other. 

An unintended consequence of poor team communication is that an area of your business operation may be negatively affected.

Silos can also have a negative impact on your company's pleasant work atmosphere. For the majority of today's workforce, a positive work atmosphere is just as vital as a competitive salary, comprehensive benefits, and room for advancement.

As a result, the company's objectives are no longer being met. 

A scenario like that is one no CEO wants to see come to pass. Efforts will be dispersed, and the result will not satisfy the company's objectives.

The similarities between silos and cliques

 The workplace resembles high school in many ways. 

Consequently, companies are plagued by silo difficulties, or what we term cliques in the business world.

Isn't it logical that working from home would have a positive impact on the team? 

It's the exact opposite, as you've discovered during this COVID-19 epidemic. 

A project manager or team leader may question how to keep their virtual teams from getting isolated.

The importance of breaking down silos in a remote team

The importance of breaking down silos in a remote team

Having agreed that silos may be detrimental to a company, what can we do to prevent them from forming? How can we prevent silos of work from forming, especially in a remote work environment where they are almost inevitable? The following is an example of how you can do this.

Your team's silos need to be identified and dealt with

It's called a "silo" when a team or department splits off into smaller, unofficial units. Due to a lack of communication, teams working on similar or identical projects get into disagreements, which can lead to social disintegration.

There are now two main causes of silos:

  • The first reason is the "silo mentality". This is when teams or individuals deliberately conceal information from others inside the firm (hurting unification and long-term goals).
  • The second reason is the "team silos". Teams that don't communicate with one another or with other departments are said to be operating in silos.

Silos can only be eliminated if you, as the team's leader, do your part to prevent them.

Signs to look out for in silos

A virtual team manager should be aware of a number of warning indicators. As a result, below are some examples.

Signs to look out for in silos

Overlapping responsibilities and redundant tasks

Ideally, your teams will know exactly what they need to accomplish and when they need to do it in an ideal world. Silos are anything but simple to deal with in this context. If you look closely, you may find that two or more groups are working on the same projects simultaneously. It's all due to a breakdown in communication. Frustration and division can result from this costly problem.

How can you solve this? The answer is, don't rely on your staff to come up with creative solutions. 

Assign particular personnel to specific tasks, and include a deadline.

Goals and priorities are not aligned

Marketing and sales are two departments that should be working together to achieve the same goals, yet this is a common problem.

As we know, it is a cross-departmental issue, so you're likely to run into it somewhere else. Your teams will be all over the place if your priorities and goals are out of sync. Consequently, you won't be able to accomplish anything.

Work with your teams to help them develop goals. This way, everyone will be on the same page and able to ask questions to have things straightened out if anything is unclear.

When working together becomes impossible

It's not unexpected that this happens in virtual teams because of the lack of personal interaction. When you're working from home, it's easy to pretend that you're the only one doing the work. As a result, don't expect your project teams to form automatically.

The solution is to design a system that encourages teamwork. Create a procedure that requires teams to communicate with one other and provide information about their progress. There are studies showing that formalizing collaboration may increase productivity and job satisfaction by 15%, so you should try it at least once.

 How can you avoid the silo trap in a remote workplace? 

 You can do it by:

  • 1.Destroying silo mentality
  • 2.Making transparency your organization's policy
  • 3.Taking action to prevent information silos
  • 4.Dealing with geographical silos


We all dived into unknown territory after COVID. However, the COVID epidemic is one you must lead (and the toxic silos). You will have no issue keeping your team members happy, sane, and productive if you use the correct strategies and tools.

Let us know in the comment, what other things can kill silos?

One of the most important, yet often overlooked, aspects of running a successful business is effective information management. 

In today's fast-paced, constantly-connected world, it is more important than ever to be able to quickly and easily access the information you need, when you need it. 

One way to break down the silos that can form within an organization and improve information management is through a intranet software. By breaking down barriers and facilitating communication and collaboration, a well-designed intranet can help increase growth, efficiency, and productivity across the organization. 

In addition, by making information more readily available, a intranet can help to reduce the reliance on individual employees who may be seen as "knowledge silos." As a result, a creative intranet design can be a powerful tool for promoting knowledge sharing and improving organizational effectiveness.

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