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Deskless workforce training: Challenges and possible solutions

Deskless workforce training: Challenges and possible solutions
Deskless workforce training: Challenges and possible solutions
Optimizing your training for the deskless workforce is vital to maintaining engagement and preventing churn. Here are some important things to consider.
Posted in: Employee Engagement
Deskless workforce training: Challenges and possible solutions
Deskless workforce training: Challenges and possible solutions

Digital transformation has been a primary priority for company executives for the past two decades. Operations and product development are guided by the necessity of overcoming challenges and surpassing market needs. 

Covid-19 has unquestionably enhanced the pace of digital transformation in organizations. 

Customers' behavior and the organization's structure have both been modified as a result of the move to online training and other services. 

Changes in technology and the ever-changing environment have created previously unimaginable opportunities during these unpredictable times.  

What is the significance of training for the deskless workforce?  

About 80 percent of the world's workforce is made up of people who do not sit at a desk all day. However, less money has been allocated to developing new technology and tools specifically for this group. 

The term "deskless worker" refers to somebody who doesn't work at a desk. Agriculture, hospitality, retail, and education are just a few of the numerous areas where people operate without a desk.

Despite the fact that there is a sizable number of deskless workers, they have frequently been disregarded when it comes to technological advancements. Only 1% of business software budgets are allocated to non-desk employees. 

Deskless workers sometimes find themselves distracted from their job and cut off from their co-workers and supervisors while also being forced to do their tasks using antiquated technology. 

Most effective ways of training deskless workers

Most effective ways of training deskless workers

Provide on-the-go training

The success of your deskless workers and the success of your organizations depends on you investing in and adopting employee management software for your deskless workers.

AgilityPortal is the most popular mobile training and intranet platform. The days of bulky training binders and reams of documentation that are prone to be misplaced are long gone. 

Deskless workers can benefit from AgilityPortal's ability to expedite the training process.

Video training is an excellent way to provide employees with the information they need to be successful in their roles. When conducting video training, it is important to keep the following factors in mind:

  • The video quality should be high enough that employees can easily see and hear the presenter.
  • The video should be well organized and paced so that employees can follow along and absorb the information.
  • The presenter should be engaging and enthusiastic to maintain employees' attention.
By keeping these factors in mind, you can ensure that your video training is effective and informative.

Improve communication

The success of any organization depends on its ability to communicate effectively. This is especially true when it comes to deskless workers, who often play a vital role in day-to-day operations. 

Good communication with deskless workers can help to improve morale, increase productivity, and reduce the likelihood of errors. It can also help to create a more positive work environment. 

There are a number of ways to improve communication with deskless workers. For example, regular check-ins and updates can help ensure that everyone is on the same page. Additionally, making use of technology can help to bridge the communication gap. 

Things like instant messaging and video conferencing can make it easier to stay in touch, even when workers are not physically present in the office. By taking steps to improve communication with deskless workers, organizations can reap a range of benefits.

Employees might become upset and even quit their jobs before they've even started if adequate communication isn't maintained.

Managers should maintain open lines of communication while training new deskless employees. New hires must be able to approach their supervisors and co-workers with any questions or concerns they may have.  The use of an internal communication software tool like AgilityPortal can help facilitate the communication across deskless workers.

Take action based on the feedback

Deskless staff are employees who do not have a designated desk or workspace often working remotely, and as a result, they are often overlooked when it comes to receiving feedback. However, there are several ways that deskless staff can provide feedback, either to their supervisors via a one to one meeting or to the organization as a whole. 

One way is to use a intranet software with a feedback form or website that allows employees to log in and provide feedback. Another way is to set up regular meetings with supervisors as mention above, either in person or via video call, in order to provide feedback on recent projects or tasks. 

Finally, deskless staff can provide feedback through surveys or focus groups, which can be organized by the HR department or by an external company. 

By taking advantage of these opportunities, deskless staff can ensure that their voices are heard and that they can contribute to making their workplace more effective and efficient.

The only way to enhance the training process and tactics for the future training of new deskless employees is to get feedback from employees who have successfully finished the training process.

Send digital surveys to your deskless staff so they may complete them at their convenience. It can be useful in the future because you will be able to better comprehend what has to be done to improve the situation.

Increase engagement

When it comes to increasing engagement with frontline workers, there are a few key things to keep in mind. 

First, it's important to make sure that employees feel valued and appreciated. Recognizing their hard work and contributions can go a long way towards increasing engagement. 

Second, it's important to provide opportunities for development and growth. Frontline workers who feel like they're able to advance their careers are more likely to be engaged in their work. Third, it's important to create a positive work environment. 

This means promoting open communication, encouraging collaboration, and providing the resources and support employees need to be successful. Finally, it's important to address any issues or concerns that employees may have. 

By taking the time to listen to employee feedback and address their concerns, you can create a more engaged workforce.

It is extremely difficult to retain employees who do not sit at a desk, especially when they are not engaged with their organization. 

Mainly, they have a tough time connecting with the organization.

According to a study, just 56% of employees feel "connected and engaged" with their workplace.

You can assist and ensure that your staff remains engaged so that they can perform at their best for as long as the training is in effect.

Most important components of the training process for deskless workers

  A deskless workforce training approach must include the following three components.

Most important components of the training process for deskless workers

Be concise 

When designing a training program for the mobile workforce, ensuring that it is concise and to the point is one of the most crucial considerations. Deskless employees have a high rate of movement, and any training material that slows them down or distracts their attention is unlikely to be finished.

It's for this reason that we propose microlearning content that's easy to consume and can be integrated into the workday. It allows them to ingest training content in short bursts without getting bored or stressed out. 

In addition, this method of learning has been shown to be considerably more successful at increasing retention and engagement of information learned.

These are components that would be beneficial in any training program. 

The key to making training a habit rather than a nuisance for deskless employees is to provide training content that suits their specific schedules and behaviors. The more easily it can be integrated into their daily routine, the more probable it is that they will use it and benefit from it. 

Training at their own speed

Similarly, deskless employees have made it apparent that they prefer self-paced training. If you want the learners to be engaged and retain information, then you should allow them to learn them at their own speed. 

According to a study, 41 percent indicate that they'd want to be allowed to finish training at their own pace.

As deskless employees, they're more likely to choose to study on their own because that's also how they operate. Allowing learners to finish training at their own pace will help them view it less as a burden and more as a chance to develop their abilities and income potential.

Improve remote access to training

It's hardly a surprise that deskless professionals require training that's as flexible as they are. More than seven in ten deskless workers prefer to learn on the job rather than having it interfere with their work schedules.

As a result, it's critical that your training be available at all times and from any location. Learners should be able to obtain important knowledge at the time of need, whether it's during their lunch break or when they have an issue on the clock. 

Allowing participants to complete the training at their own pace and from any location will not only enhance completion rates but will also benefit your company and your customers.

Mobile learning solutions, which allow you to produce and distribute educational content directly to employees' smartphones and tablets, are the most straightforward method. 

In this way, your employees will be able to finish their training on a platform of their choice as you are giving them total control over their learning experience.

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