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Common problems in internal communications jobs and how you can overcome them

Why don't stakeholders take internal communications seriously at the start?
Common problems in internal communications jobs and how you can overcome them
Lack of employee feedback​​ internal Communications problems and how to identify and overcome them.
Posted in: Internal communications
Why don't stakeholders take internal communications seriously at the start?
Common problems in internal communications jobs and how you can overcome them

Internal communicators must keep their staff abreast of all pertinent developments if they want them to do their job well. However, there will inevitably be instances where things don't go as expected. To quickly address problems with internal communications, it is important to be well-prepared and to employ a methodical approach.

This article will discuss the most common problems with internal communications jobs and how to solve them. 

Why don't stakeholders take internal communications seriously at the start? 

Why don't stakeholders take internal communications seriously at the start?

Internal communication are often seen as an important but secondary concern by organizations and their stakeholders. This is because, unlike external communication, there is no immediate or tangible result that can be measured. Internal communicators are also often seen as being less important than other areas such as marketing or sales. 

However, this is a short-sighted view. Effective internal communication are essential for the smooth running of any organization. They help to ensure that employees are kept informed and up-to-date on company developments, and that they understand and support the organization's goals. 

In addition, internal communications can help to build trust and foster transparency within an organization. When done correctly, internal communications should be seen as an essential part of any business.​

Sometimes internal comms can run into snags when trying to upgrade their internal communications platform. It can be in the form of reluctance from various business stakeholders. You will likely face criticism of your proposal when talking to stakeholders or presenting your business case to the approval committee.

There may be misunderstandings about the nature of employee engagement solutions or the benefits they offer. There could also be pushback due to concerns about budget or deploying new software.

For example, they can bring up points like:

  • We don't need new employee engagement tools
  • Email works fine for us
  • We have Slack
  • It's not a top priority for us
  • We are already working on too many other projects
  • We don't have examples of its success
  • No one is available to oversee it
  • We don't have the budget for this
  • It will add more work for IT personnel

Stakeholder engagement is the final step in the internal communications business case process, following identifying a need for improvement and writing a business case. Refuting criticisms is a part of this process. If you want to succeed at internal communications, this is a skill you need to develop.

When internal communication breaks down

As any business owner knows, communication is essential to the success of any organization. Without clear and concise communication, it is difficult to coordinate efforts, make decisions, or resolve conflicts. When communication breaks down, it can lead to a variety of problems, including decreased productivity, employee disengagement, and even legal issues. One of the most common causes of communication breakdown is a lack of transparency. When information is withheld or distorted, it makes it difficult for employees to trust management and feel like they are part of a team. As a result, they may become disgruntled and start looking for other opportunities. 

There are a number of reasons why lack of transparent internal communication can be detrimental to a business. 

Below are 5 of the most important ones:

  • It hampers collaboration and coordination.
  • It creates an environment of distrust.
  • It leads to employees feeling disengaged.
  • It can cause legal problems.
  • It decreases productivity.

Old and outdated communication technology 

As the world of work evolves, so too does the technology that helps us to stay connected. In the past, face-to-face meetings and telephone calls were the primary means of communication within an organization.

However, with the advent of email, instant messaging, and video conferencing, it is now possible to connect with colleagues regardless of location. While this is undoubtedly a positive development, it can also lead to problems when internal communication technology becomes old and outdated. When this happens, it can be difficult to stay connected with colleagues and customers, leading to frustration and lost productivity. 

To avoid this, it is important to invest in new internal communication technology on a regular basis. By doing so, you can ensure that your organization stays connected and productive.

Perhaps your company is still using antiquated methods of communication. It's not uncommon for stakeholders to resist adopting cutting-edge tech. They can say that email and Slack are enough. These are excellent for team communication and collaboration, but they were not made to disseminate urgent information quickly. That's why it's a good idea to use internal communications tools to supplement and enhance the efficiency of your current set.

Keep in mind that the true value of some technological investments may not become apparent for a full year after they have been made.

Considering how to manage risk is also important, but keep in mind that any move toward new technology is fraught with uncertainty. It's possible that a new technology's benefits won't jump out at you until a rival firm adopts the same solution, at which point your lack of innovation will become painfully obvious. If that's the case, you'll be at a disadvantage if you adopt new technology reactively. 

As businesses have become more reliant on technology, the need for an effective intranet has become more apparent. An intranet is a private network that allows employees to share information and collaborate on projects etc, it also allows admin users to send important internal communication. However, as time goes on, intranets can become outdated and ineffective. 

If you're wondering whether it's time to move on from your old intranet, here are seven signs to look out for:

  • Your intranet is no longer mobile-friendly.
  • You're constantly running into compatibility issues.
  • You don't have control over your content.
  • Your search functionality is lacking.
  • Your intranet is difficult to use.
  • You're not taking advantage of new features and integrations.
  • Your employees are no longer using the intranet.

Employer's lack of involvement with employees

Employer's lack of involvement with employees

 When it comes to unifying their staff, organizations with lagging internal communication programs typically lack executive leadership involvement.

We can anticipate deeper organizational problems when leaders fail to communicate. Staff members may interpret management's silence as concealment, which is bad for morale and productivity. That causes them to lose faith in and respect for those in authority.

The lack of trust and respect amongst staff members has a domino effect on morale and productivity. There needs to be more constant communication between leaders. They are simple to disseminate and beneficial to developing trust, openness, and relationships between management and their staff.

It is essential that your communication plan is in line with the aforementioned leadership goals; however, how can you tell if your abilities are advanced enough to guarantee that your leadership communication is as effective as it can be?

One of the most important traits of effective leaders is the ability to assess and respond to changing circumstances. In other words, they have excellent listening and observational skills and naturally draw on contextual clues to improve their communication.

When communicating with others in a leadership role, it is essential to be able to read the room and adjust your message accordingly, taking into account the people you are speaking with and the context in which you are having this conversation.

The unreasonable workload on one person

Although many businesses employ some form of the internal communications team, that team may consist of a single person. The poor internal communication practitioner may report to a leader in human resources or marketing, leaving them to develop and sustain the role on their own.

Except when all requests are funneled through internal communication, that isn't a major issue. It's possible that a high-up executive requires some assistance with a PowerPoint presentation. That's where communication comes in handy.

Perhaps a manager needs more details about open enrollment for employees, and that's the job of the internal communicator! Consider approaching upper management to request additional internal communicators to assist with the influx of work.

If internal communications are built properly, they can provide even more benefits. A weekly newsletter can be developed, written, and distributed by your organization's internal communication team. A competent internal communications team can go anywhere. 

Not keeping track of employee engagement

employee engagement

If you want to know if your internal communications strategy is having an effect on your company, you need to pinpoint the key indicators that will tell you the progress. Indicators can be monitored separately to determine which aspects of your strategy are successful and which need improvement.

A metric to monitor over time will tell you if your business strategies are fruitful and provide you with in-depth metrics and insights regarding your communication. Analytics enable you to make informed, data-driven decisions based on actual numbers that are best for your business. 


Strong and consistent leadership communications, regular and relevant content that employees want to hear, and regular videos and other creative communication channels all contribute to higher levels of employee engagement. Internal communicators need access to cutting-edge technology that extends the reach of communications and campaigns and gauges their success in order to track and measure this kind of information. Implementing a modern intranet may provide an ideal answer to these issues.

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