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Virtual White Elephant – UPDATED 2022 – A Complete Guide

Virtual White Elephant – UPDATED 2022 – A Complete Guide
Virtual White Elephant – UPDATED 2022 – A Complete Guide
The Virtual White Elephant Gift Exchange is a perfect way to have fun and boost engagement, but what is this wacky game?
Posted in: Employee Engagement
Virtual White Elephant – UPDATED 2022 – A Complete Guide
Virtual White Elephant – UPDATED 2022 – A Complete Guide

Sometimes, it's just not possible for everyone to spend Christmas together in person. If you have relatives who live in another state and are unable to travel or work, they may be prevented from attending a gift exchange at your house because of the distance. There's nothing to be concerned about! Virtual White Elephant gift exchange is the solution for those of you who live far apart and want to have fun even though you can't be there in person.

What is Virtual White Elephant?  

What is Virtual White Elephant? ​

Participating in a virtual white elephant gift exchange involves exchanging crazy and impractical gifts with other people online. A "steal" technique is commonly used at these gatherings, allowing one participant to take a present from another. In white elephant exchanges, teammates strive to locate the most unusual but nonetheless desired gift. An "internet white elephant," "remote white elephant," or "digital white elephant" is another term for this type of party.

What is the procedure for exchanging a virtual white elephant?

If you want to conduct a white elephant exchange online, there are two options. A no-steal policy, akin to a virtual Secret Santa with humorous gifts, or a steal-friendly party is the two options you have to choose from.

Virtual White Elephant Gift Exchange

Virtual White Elephant Gift Exchange ​

​ This type of gift exchange is exactly what everyone needs right now in their lives. It's a little different from the norm when it comes to gift exchanges because it encourages the kind of behavior that could get you on Santa's naughty list in addition to the usual gag gifts. As a result of this fast-paced game of irreverent hilarity, each participant receives a gift at the end of the session. Also, this year, you and your loved ones from all over the world can join in the fun from wherever you happen to be. These pointers can help you host a successful virtual white elephant exchange.

The process of Virtual White Gift Exchange  

The process of Virtual White Gift Exchange ​

It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the basic guidelines of a white elephant gift exchange before trying to figure out how to make it work over video chat. Everyone arrives at the party with a package in hand and is given a number (typically selected from a hat) before the game begins.

In order to begin the gift exchange, the person who drew number one has the option of choosing any present from the pile and unwrapping it. Unwrapping a mystery gift or grabbing a gift that has already been unwrapped is the choice of the next person in line (person number two). Every guest has a turn to steal or open a gift, and the game continues until everyone has had a chance to steal or open one.

Like Secret Santa, this gift exchange has a strategic component as well as some fun. (Consider trading and robbing in order to get your hands on the best-looking stuff.)

How to create a virtual white elephant?

In fact, it's not that difficult to implement a virtual version of this popular Christmas exchange. This remote gift exchange isn't a bad idea if no one on your guest list possesses immunity that can be sealed in a bottle and sent over the internet.

It's actually a lot of fun. Are you up for the challenge? Make sure your white elephant party goes off without a hitch with these step-by-step instructions.

#1.First, pick a date!

​ Attend the event at a time that is convenient for you, your family, friends, and colleagues. According to how big the group is and how many people will be attending, you may want to send out an email questionnaire that asks attendees to select their most available days and times of the day so you can plan accordingly.

#2.Have everyone buy and wrap their own gifts  

The only way a white elephant gift exchange works is if everyone involved buys and wraps a gift in advance. You don't want one individual to go away from the chat feeling like they've been cheated, while their cubicle friend is on cloud nine because he or she has just received a high-end espresso maker. (Note: Having a defined budget and giving outlandish presents is highly recommended.)

#3.Make a number line

​ If you like, you can simply assign a number to each guest as the host. and, two websites dedicated to the old-fashioned way of exchanging gifts, allow you to do just that: leave nothing to chance. You can utilize their service to assign random numbers to invitees if you sign up.

#4.Select a channel

Reach out to your invitees and find out which video platform they prefer, as this virtual industry is new to many of us. In the event that one of your pals only knows FaceTime and has never used Google's Meet, it's good to get an idea of the group in advance so that everyone avoids a lot of sighs. Finally, prepare for the gathering by completing the tech tutorial ahead of time.

#5.Make a conference call appointment

Attendees should turn on their video settings before the scheduled conference call time. Take some time to chat with your friends and then have them hold up their wrapped presents for the camera. Then the games can begin.

Once person number one selects the most enticing mystery present, the person who purchased it will unwrap and showcase it to the entire group before moving on to the next person in the line-up.

From this point on, the virtual gameplay is quite simple—just think about if you want to set any regulations for fairness' sake and to avoid an event that goes on too long. It's common for white elephant parties to limit the number of times a single person's presence can be stolen to three times.

#5.Email account information

In order to ship out the present, each participant will need to know the correct recipient. A spreadsheet with everyone's names, addresses, and the present they're receiving can help with organization.

White Elephant Number Generator

 White Elephant is a terrific way to have some fun. Everyone contributes a gift, and you start the game with one wrapped gift for each participant. One at a time, a fresh item is unwrapped or a gift is stolen from someone else's stocking by a random participant. When everyone has received a gift, the game is over.

Make a day and time for the party, and then invite your pals! Having a price limit (say $20 or $25) ensures that the quality of presents is equal. Some people choose to design their gifts around a specific subject. You can choose a specific topic, such as "all music and movies," or a more general one, such as "everything ridiculous or absurd." No theme is always the best, as long as you can get a diverse selection of gifts that reflect the group's unique character!

How to play White Elephant Virtually?

How to play White Elephant Virtually?

An endless White Elephant Gift Exchange can be avoided if there are clear rules in place. Of course, given how much fun you'll be having, you're not going to mind, but at some point, you'll probably want to get back to trimming trees, decorating halls, and roasting a few chestnuts. Ensure that everyone in the party is aware of these rules for White Elephant before you begin the game:

  • Gifts should be anonymous and wrapped.
  • Specified requirements must be met before a gift is accepted (i.e. price and theme).
  • During the game, each present can only be taken three times.
  • It is only possible to steal one present per turn.

A gift must be given to everyone who has taken a turn. The first person to open a present loses the opportunity to unwrap another one. Everybody should have a gift at any given time in the game because stealing and exchanging gifts becomes more common. So, if you want Sally's animal crackers, you'll have to give her your squeegee.

Virtual White Elephant Template

Virtual White Elephant Template

Invite your friends, family, and coworkers to participate in a virtual gift exchange by setting up a website for it.

Each participant contributes something unique to the 'virtual table.' '

To begin the festivities, bring everyone together online.

The game of White Elephant, which is also known as "Yankee Swap" or "Dirty Santa," is a popular one throughout the Christmas and holiday season.

When playing White Elephant in person, the host tells everyone where and when to gather, the cost limit for the present, and any "gift theme" they wish to introduce. Everyone brings a wrapped present to the celebration on the day of the event.

After that, you'll be provided with an 'invite link,' which you can send to friends, family, and coworkers alike.

They'll be able to submit their white elephant gift once they've signed up. Adding a name and photo to an online presence and then selecting a gift wrap design is all it takes. All participants will be able to witness the virtual 'table' fill up with these gifts well in advance of the actual event. 

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