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Slack Project Management​? The pros and cons list

Slack project management
Slack Project Management​? The pros and cons list
In this post, we will furnish you with all the answers you seek. Continue reading to gain comprehensive insights. But before we delve into these aspects, let's first acquaint ourselves with Slack more intimately.
Posted in: Project management
Slack project management
Slack Project Management​? The pros and cons list
So what is slack project management​? Using Slack for project management is undoubtedly a commendable choice, but does it stand as the ultimate option? In this article, we aim to provide you with a precise, impartial, and unembellished response to the inquiry frequently posed by countless project managers.

The connection between project management and project management tools is evident; the efficient handling of projects and teams necessitates the use of a dependable PM tool.  Is slack a common project mamangement tool, lets have a look::

  • Over 70% of businesses use Slack for project management.
  • Slack is the most popular project management tool among small businesses (50-250 employees).
  • Slack is used by 90% of Fortune 500 companies.
  • Slack users save an average of 3 hours per week on project management tasks.
  • Slack users are more productive than those who don't use Slack for project management.
  • Slack users are more engaged with their work than those who don't use Slack for project management.

When discussing project management tools, Slack often emerges as one of the primary contenders. It enjoys widespread popularity among teams spanning various industries.

Yet, what sets Slack apart from alternative tools? What characteristics render it a desirable choice for project management? Furthermore, are there any drawbacks to employing this platform, and if so, what are the worthy alternatives to Slack?

In this post, we will furnish you with all the answers you seek. Continue reading to gain comprehensive insights. But before we delve into these aspects, let's first acquaint ourselves with Slack more intimately. 

What is Slack?

Slack is a comprehensive team communication platform that unifies all your team members in a single location. It offers the convenience of both group and one-on-one conversations, seamlessly integrates your various tools and services, and allows for calls and file sharing. 

What's more, Slack boasts robust security features, providing an enterprise-grade level of data protection for your peace of mind.

Slack Project Management: How Does It Work 

Slack offers standalone applications compatible with Mac, Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS, in addition to its web browser functionality. Now, let's delve into how Slack facilitates project management. 


In Slack, channels serve as collaborative chat rooms where team members can engage in work-related discussions, exchange ideas, and reach consensus. 

You have the flexibility to establish either public or private channels, allowing you to decide whether the conversation should be accessible to all or kept confidential. 

The beauty of this system is that there's no restriction on the number of channels you can generate. This enables you to organize and track discussions on specific topics, projects, or teams within their dedicated channels. 

This inclusive approach ensures that even newcomers joining the team at a later stage can easily stay informed and harmonize with ongoing work. 


Slack's direct messaging feature empowers you to send confidential messages to fellow users within your team. Initiating a direct message is straightforward; simply click on the individual's name within the sidebar. Additionally, you have the option to establish group chats, allowing you to communicate with several individuals simultaneously.

Group chats offer an efficient means to ensure that everyone remains well-informed, especially when your team members are dispersed across various locations. 

Within these group chats, you can engage in discussions regarding critical updates, share files, and collaborate on projects, all without the need to constantly switch between different tabs. 

Voice and Video Calls

Effective and punctual communication stands as a cornerstone of prosperous project management. 

Slack's integrated voice and video calling capabilities offer you the convenience of connecting with your team members regardless of your location, fostering enhanced collaboration facilitated by crystal-clear visuals.

Video conferencing proves instrumental in swiftly and effectively conveying information, ensuring that tasks progress without unnecessary hold-ups. Sharing your screen during a video call becomes a valuable tool for communicating intricate concepts with precision, ensuring that everyone comprehends the subject matter.

With the ability to instantly commence meetings or join calls without departing from your ongoing Slack conversations, you enjoy seamless access to your team, enabling swift and effortless connection whenever the need arises. 

Workflow Builder

Slack's Workflow Builder is a valuable tool that assists teams in streamlining and structuring their workflows through the automation of everyday tasks and communication. 

Within a matter of minutes, users can craft workflows that proficiently gather and relay information to the appropriate individuals and teams, effectively eradicating needless delays and repetitive exchanges. 

This functionality stands as one of the most pivotal features of Slack for optimizing project management processes. 

Search features

Slack's search functionality ranks among its most valuable tools, offering the ability to swiftly navigate through your team's discussions and files to locate the required information within minutes. This efficient search capability not only conserves your precious time but also simplifies the task of staying well-informed.

As you begin typing in the search bar, Slack intuitively presents related channels, team members, and a search history, thus facilitating the process of refining your search results. 

How you can use Slack for project management

 Slack is not intended to substitute your current project management tools; rather, it complements them.

Although Slack excels as a robust communication platform, it doesn't encompass all the essential features required by project managers. Therefore, the question arises: How can you leverage Slack for effective project management?

Task management  

 Slack simplifies the task management process, whether it's for individual or team purposes. You have the option to seamlessly incorporate a task management platform such as AgilityPortal to add items to your task list without exiting Slack.

However, if you prefer not to use dedicated task management software, you can still create a to-do list within Slack by either pinning or saving messages. 
To access your saved messages, just click on the "saved items" option situated at the top of the left sidebar. 

For pinned messages, click the details button located in the upper right-hand corner of the Slack channel.

File sharing 

Uploading files in Slack is a breeze, facilitating seamless collaboration on tasks like presentations and design approvals. You can effortlessly connect with popular cloud storage services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, and OneDrive, allowing you to upload files from your computer, mobile device, or cloud-based repositories. 
Once the file is uploaded, all participants in the channel or direct message can swiftly access, save, and even share it with other conversations. 

Moreover, all uploaded files can be readily shared throughout your workspace.

Chat channels

 Teams using Slack can establish an unlimited number of project-specific channels, ensuring that pertinent information and team members are accurately sorted into the appropriate channels. This approach effectively eliminates the need for inundating team members and stakeholders with unnecessary emails.

Additionally, you have the option to pin important messages and files, including designs, documents, and briefs, to a direct message or channel for swift and convenient access. All participants in the channel or direct message can readily view the pinned items.

Slack Project Management: Pros & Cons

Slack has emerged as a valuable asset for project management teams by facilitating the rapid exchange of essential information. In the realm of communication, Slack is a comprehensive solution, offering channels, messaging, and voice-video calling capabilities.

Nonetheless, relying solely on Slack for project management may not consistently yield the best results. Why, you might wonder? While Slack encompasses numerous beneficial features, it doesn't encompass the full spectrum of tools required for a comprehensive project management strategy.

As the saying goes, every coin has two sides. Let's now explore both the advantages and disadvantages of this platform.

Pros Of Slack Project Management

Here are some of the advantages of incorporating Slack into your project management:

  1. Real-Time Communication and Collaboration: Slack serves as a dynamic communication tool, fostering seamless collaboration among team members. Project-specific channels enable efficient communication through text, voice, and video calls, ensuring that everyone is synchronized and can work collectively on tasks.
  2. Transparency and Visibility: Slack's threaded conversations provide a clear overview of discussions and ongoing tasks. This transparency enhances accountability and minimizes redundant efforts within the team.
  3. File Sharing and Storage: Slack simplifies file sharing and storage in the cloud, granting team members easy access to necessary files, regardless of their location.
  4. Integrations: Slack seamlessly integrates with a wide range of tools and services, including project management software, CRM systems, and productivity applications. This streamlines workflow and augments project management effectiveness.
  5. Customization: Slack offers high levels of customization, allowing teams to tailor the platform to their unique requirements. Custom channels, bots, and commands can be created to automate tasks and optimize workflow.

Overall, Slack is an adaptable and robust tool that can enhance project management in various ways, improving communication, collaboration, and organization.

Here are specific instances of how Slack can be utilized for project management:

  1. Task Assignment: Project managers can leverage Slack to assign tasks to team members and monitor their progress effectively.
  2. File Sharing: Teams can effortlessly share files and documents in Slack channels, ensuring everyone has access to essential information.
  3. Meeting Scheduling: Slack serves as a useful platform for scheduling meetings and setting reminders.
  4. Progress Tracking: Teams can utilize Slack to monitor project progress and identify potential roadblocks.
  5. Feedback Collection: Slack enables teams to gather feedback from one another regarding their work.
  6. Celebrating Achievements: Teams can use Slack to commemorate their accomplishments and maintain motivation.

If you seek a means to enhance your project management process, Slack presents an excellent option worth considering.

Cons Of Slack Project Management

Slack stands as a widely embraced communication and collaboration tool, but it is not exempt from limitations when employed for project management. Below are some of the downsides associated with using Slack for project management:

  1. Information Overload: Slack's real-time messaging capabilities can result in an inundation of messages and notifications, potentially causing distractions, especially in the case of large projects with numerous team members.
  2. Lack of Structure: Slack lacks project management-specific design, making it challenging to maintain structured tracking of tasks, deadlines, and progress. This can lead to confusion and missed deadlines.
  3. Limited Features: Slack lacks critical project management features like task dependencies, Gantt charts, and resource management, which are essential for effective project management.
  4. Security and Privacy Concerns: While Slack employs security measures, there is always a risk of data breaches, potentially exposing confidential information to unauthorized access.

Furthermore, there are additional drawbacks associated with Slack project management:

  1. Free Plan Limitations: The free plan of Slack comes with limitations, including a cap on the number of stored and searchable messages. This can impede the tracking of project progress and historical data.
  2. Integration Challenges: Slack does not seamlessly integrate with some popular project management tools, such as Asana and Jira, making it difficult to centralize project data.
  3. Scalability Issues: As your team and projects expand, Slack can become challenging to scale due to the management of multiple conversations and channels.

In essence, while Slack is a robust communication tool, it may not be the optimal choice for overseeing complex projects. If you seek a more comprehensive project management solution, it's advisable to explore dedicated project management tools like Asana, Jira, or

Here are some tips for utilizing Slack for project management:

  1. Create Separate Channels for Each Project: Organize project-related discussions by creating distinct channels, ensuring easy access and organization.
  2. Utilize Threads: Employ threads to keep track of sub-conversations, enhancing conversation clarity and organization.
  3. Utilize Pins: Highlight important messages and files using pins, ensuring easy reference and accessibility.
  4. Use Mentions: Use mentions to grab someone's attention when a response or action is required.
  5. Leverage Slack Integrations: If you employ a dedicated project management tool, integrate it with Slack to centralize project data.

By applying these strategies, you can mitigate the limitations of using Slack for project management, making it a more effective tool for overseeing your projects.

Slack Project Management: Pricing

  • Free: For small teams with basic needs.
  • Standard: For small and medium-sized businesses with more advanced needs. ($2.67/month)
  • Plus: For large businesses or those with administrative needs. ($5/month)
  • Enterprise Grid: For extra large businesses or those in regulated industries. (Pricing available on quote)

Slack Alternative: Is there a better app than Slack?

While Slack offers convenient communication, its limitations render it inadequate for large teams handling complex projects. 

High pricing and the absence of self-hosting options are common sources of dissatisfaction. Remote teams, in particular, seek cost-effective and comprehensive alternatives.

If you're in search of a feature-rich substitute for Slack, then keep reading we are here to assist you in finding the ideal solution tailored to your requirements.

AgilityPortal – The Best Alternative To Slack

AgilityPortal – The Best Alternative To Slack

AgilityPortal stands out as an intranet platform that fulfills the dual roles of a comprehensive database and a robust enterprise social network. For Project Management departments, it serves as an invaluable intranet solution for the efficient organization and seamless sharing of all your projects, fostering enhanced collaboration.

The beauty of AgilityPortal lies in its ability to consolidate all essential tools within a single platform, bringing together project managers, team members, clients, and stakeholders for effective collaboration and management. 

This unified approach simplifies the project management process and eliminates the need to invest in multiple tools, a potential financial burden, especially for small businesses with limited teams. 

Moreover, AgilityPortal offers straightforward pricing plans that allow your team to grow without concerns about escalating per-user membership costs.

Let's now delve into some of the most compelling features that AgilityPortal project management modules has to offer.

Task Management

Task Management

 Effectively overseeing intricate tasks and extensive teams within Slack may present challenges. 

AgilityPortal's task management software provides a centralized platform for generating and assigning individual or group tasks, streamlining the allocation of responsibilities and enhancing organizational transparency. 

The inclusion of custom labels, start and due dates empowers team members to prioritize and attain their objectives. 

Users can also monitor task duration, facilitating the calculation of work efficiency.

Kanban Boards

Kanban Boards

AgilityPortal's Kanban boards offer teams a visual representation of their tasks, enabling them to monitor progress and pinpoint potential bottlenecks. Project managers can leverage Kanban boards to gain insights into the time tasks spend within each stage of the workflow before advancing to the next phase.

A fundamental Kanban board consists of three columns: To-do, Doing, and Done. However, you have the flexibility to tailor the board by adding extra columns to align with your unique workflow. Team members can simply drag and drop tasks from one column to another as they progress.

Kanban boards provide a real-time perspective on task statuses, empowering teams to collaborate efficiently and effectively oversee and steer project advancement. 

By harnessing Kanban boards, you can design customized workflows that offer enhanced clarity in your work processes.

Project management Discussions 

Project management Discussions

 Beyond group chat, AgilityPortal offers a designated area for immediate, real-time discussions. Creating a topic, adding participants, and engaging in seamless collaboration is just a few clicks away.

This feature proves particularly valuable for geographically dispersed teams that require frequent collaboration but may not always find video conferencing or meetings to be the most efficient solution. 

AgilityPortal provides a straightforward and highly effective alternative.

Real-time Chat 

Real-time chat
While real-time chat was traditionally associated with personal use, the landscape has evolved significantly over the past decade. Nowadays, an increasing number of businesses are adopting chat as a vital tool for facilitating internal communication among their employees. Yet, this is merely the tip of the iceberg in terms of its potential.

Exploring the diverse applications of chat within a corporate environment highlights its profound significance. It becomes evident that forward-thinking organizations should readily embrace intranet chat software as an integral component of their operations.

Bid farewell to lengthy and chaotic email threads and the tedious wait for replies that can span hours or even days. AgilityPortal's group chat feature empowers you to dispatch messages directly to recipients in a matter of seconds, with prompt responses in return. What's more, you can infuse your conversations with expressive and engaging emojis.

This integrated group chat function eliminates the necessity for standalone communication software within your organization. 

You can effortlessly share files, images, and documents within chats, fully harnessing the capabilities of this robust communication tool. 

Additionally, you can stay informed about message views and the last chat activity of your correspondents, adding another layer of functionality to your interactions. 

Time tracking

Time tracking
AgilityPortal's time tracking software holds vital significance for businesses as it recognizes that time equates to money. 

It consolidates all time-related data into a single repository, granting project managers a comprehensive view of how time is allocated across various projects.

With AgilityPortal, project managers can:

  • Create multiple timesheets to record time data for purposes such as payroll, client billing, estimation, tracking, and time management.
  • Set time estimates to establish clear expectations regarding task duration.
  • Track time manually or employ timers for accurate timekeeping.
  • Generate customized time reports tailored to individuals and projects, enhancing data-driven insights.
  • Maintain the privacy of marked timesheets, ensuring the confidentiality of sensitive information.

Wrapping up 

Effective project management necessitates comprehensive control over tasks and team members. 

To successfully deliver a project to the client, a seamless streamlining of all project aspects is essential.

While Slack serves as a valuable communication and collaboration tool, its optimal use aligns more with smaller teams handling less complex projects. As projects scale in size and complexity, Slack's limitations become more pronounced, rendering it less effective for project managers leading large teams.

In contrast, AgilityPortal emerges as a potent alternative to Slack for project management. It consolidates all necessary tools within a unified platform, effectively addressing the areas where Slack falls short.

This is why over 8,000 teams worldwide have chosen AgilityPortal for team collaboration and project management. It stands as an affordable and feature-rich solution capable of facilitating on-time project deliveries and team accountability.

Hence, the present moment is an opportune time to transition from Slack to AgilityPortal, embarking on a journey to streamline your work processes and deliver your best work with unparalleled ease.

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