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Must-have intranet features that can help your company in a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic

Must-have intranet features that can help your company in a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic
Must-have intranet features that can help your company in a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic
Concerned about bringing employees back to the office? We have put together a list of intranet features that can help during another crisis.
Posted in: Intranets
Must-have intranet features that can help your company in a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic
Must-have intranet features that can help your company in a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic

An emergency can happen at any time, as the recent coronavirus pandemic demonstrated. During an emergency, it's crucial to have the resources necessary to verify the well-being of employees, carry out procedures, disseminate data, and coordinate actions. Your company's intranet is vitally important.

Many of us wouldn't immediately associate the term "intranet" with "crisis management tool."

In times of crisis, however, when the rapid dissemination of information is of paramount importance, it seems to reason that your intranet will step up to the plate. Your intranet's potential as a tool for efficient crisis management can be realized with proper use.

Whether your company currently has an intranet set up or you're just looking into different possibilities to improve internal communications in the event of a crisis, it's important to be familiar with the many features that can be used during a crisis. 

How can a company utilize an intranet during a crisis? 

Instant updates

When a crisis occurs, it's important to keep your staff informed with frequent, brief messages. The intranet can also serve as a central repository for all company papers, policies, and processes.  

Crisis management team

Your staff needs to know who to reach out to in the event of an emergency. In the event of a crisis, your intranet's crisis management team can set up a special section where staff members can go to get answers to their queries, talk about their own personal experiences, and contribute any other information they feel is relevant. Your staff will be better able to assess potential dangers in the event of a crisis or emergency if they have access to this information.

Alerting employees about the upcoming crisis

  In times of emergency, alert systems are the most reliable means of contact. Using an alert system, you may notify everyone in your organization of crucial, time-sensitive information or updates. Composing alert messages in an intranet and sending them out across numerous channels at once saves time and guarantees that the message is delivered consistently.

Standard operating procedures for emergencies

​ An intranet is a good option when information needs to be stored securely. It is essential that your staff be able to quickly and efficiently search for and retrieve important data. Information about the company's emergency plans can be kept in a central location, such as an intranet. For instance, procedures for evacuating in the event of an earthquake or fire should be posted. Make it simple for your staff to locate the necessary protocol, procedures, or paperwork by using appropriate keywords or tagging.

Providing assistance to employees

​ Depending on the nature of the crisis, some of your staff may require medical assistance, financial aid, or emotional support. If employees wish to help out with things like fundraising and relief efforts, they can do so by submitting articles to a specific section of the company intranet.

Must-have intranet features that can help during the crisis

  The good news is that most intranets come equipped with tools to help you deal with a crisis. Many of these tools are probably currently in use inside your company. Still, it is important to reevaluate their usefulness in the face of a local or global disaster like the present COVID-19 outbreak. As the nerve center of a well-designed digital workplace, your intranet offers a ready, nearly custom-built "situation room," making it a logical venue for communications during a crisis.

Social features

As crucial as it is to hear from upper management, employees value feedback from their peers equally. During a crisis, it is imperative that you communicate with your staff through the established channels on software such as AgilityPortal, Teams, or other solutions. Inquire about their well-being. Find ways to get folks talking to each other if they're bored or cooped up together; this will help them feel less alone.  

Collaboration for crisis management  

At a time when people need to feel connected the most, a crisis like the current Coronavirus outbreak can force workers to stay at home or not in the workplace, leaving them feeling alone and alone. Disruptions to "office life" are significantly less disruptive if a company can provide the tools and chances for employees to work together no matter where they are.

While this may be "business as usual" if your company already makes heavy use of digital workplace collaboration tools, a crisis is a great moment to remind employees of these resources, which could help restore the sense of normalcy that many people want in the midst of chaos.

Availability of important documents

Whether it's Work-From-Home guidelines and policies, access to health care documents, or a crisis plan, employees will appreciate a straightforward information architecture and a well-structured taxonomy that makes it easy to search for and locate the relevant documents.  

Sharing relevant news

Corporate communications departments commonly use the company news section of their intranets to disseminate company-wide brand and strategy messaging. In the midst of a crisis, it's not wise to engage in idle chatter, but neither is it prudent to remain silent.

The news section is an excellent forum for senior management to address staff members directly and reassure them that the company cares about them.

Important and customized alerts

Alert systems are common in businesses and are used for communicating with staff about system downtime, inclement weather-related closures, and upcoming deadlines and events.

This is "holy ground," where only the most important news can be shared, and only those chosen to do so are allowed to do so. When it makes sense to do so, segment your notifications so that they only reach the eyes of the people who need to see them. As a result, the alert will have a greater effect on individuals who need it while reducing widespread panic and confusion.


Crises have a way of bringing out the best in people and helping organizations flourish. An organization's and its employees' resilience increases when there is a strong and good bond between workers and their workplace. AgilityPortal, an internal network, can be a useful tool in this regard. While most of our time as corporate citizens is spent making profitable business decisions for our stakeholders, a crisis is an opportunity to give our employees a new, yet connected, form of value.

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