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Intranet software: Here is how you can find modern and affordable intranet in 2022

Intranet software: Here is how you can find modern and affordable intranet in 2022
Intranet software: Here is how you can find modern and affordable intranet in 2022
As long as an intranet serves a purpose and is widely used, it doesn't matter whether or not it's called an intranet. However, in our experience, when many employees view an intranet site, they will consider it the intranet, regardless of how you arrange it.
Posted in: Intranets
Intranet software: Here is how you can find modern and affordable intranet in 2022
Intranet software: Here is how you can find modern and affordable intranet in 2022

 More and more functionality, a new look, and social media features have been included in intranets in recent years. They've evolved from being the mostly static repository of content into dynamic entry points into the larger digital workplace, adding social and collaborative features, customization, and interactions with various other apps.

It is because intranets are able to adapt to the changing needs of their users that they are still present today. Some people claim that intranets are no longer relevant; this is obviously false, as many organizations continue to invest in intranets, and most have them. Instead of calling a modern intranet an "intranet," they may refer to it as a "digital workplace" because of the way it integrates so many different aspects of the modern work environment.

As long as an intranet serves a purpose and is widely used, it doesn't matter whether or not it's called an intranet. However, in our experience, when many employees view an intranet site, they will consider it the intranet, regardless of how you arrange it. In certain organizations, branding a new intranet as a 'digital workplace' can help it stand out from past intranets and better convey its value.

Features you need in an affordable intranet software 

What is the best intranet software features does one typically needs for a more effective private space.  Clients regularly ask us this question, particularly when they are considering a new intranet project. Here we're going to explore and explain the essential features that should be part of a modern company intranet.

Provide required content to employees

Information adoption was a key metric for early intranets. However, time and relevance are the most important considerations for modern intranets; an intranet cannot be used as a dumping ground for content. Content that is up-to-date and relevant is critical to the operation of a business.

As a result, the intranet portal should be updated with all information relevant to the present state of an organization. 

Updating and releasing current and relevant information is a breeze with the aid of sophisticated software such as a content manager.

Best practices and continuous input from employees can help guarantee that the content being posted is of value and relevance.

Here are some useful features for content:

  • Discussion forum and commenting
  • Blog articles and commenting
  • Company news articles
  • Ideation and innovation management
  • Document management system
  • Knowledge bases and Library

Focus on company culture  

Intranets have evolved into a vehicle for disseminating a company's culture because of their role as a central repository. Adoption rates of intranets can be boosted by placing a focus on people and culture.

Your intranet should include some of the following features:

  • Notification of critical and timely updates, news, and announcements to the users.
  • People engagement and the organization's concept are made clear.
  • Updates on awards, anniversaries, and birthday wishes can be made via social media features.
  • Intranets provide possible ways to connect people and get to know your team and how you can improve your search for new employees.
  • Homepage dashboard that serves as the entry point with a dashboard widgets that can be configured per user.

Accessible on smartphones and tablets

An intranet mobile app is another major aspect of the cloud intranet that allows for a mobile workplace. This allows all employees, regardless of location, to join via their mobile devices. In addition, it allows for rapid access to information, so it reduces the amount of time lost due to time zone differences when people are working remotely or across time zones. As an example, you could use mobile intranet features to broadcast news or live events or establish support channels, etc.

Latest security protocols 

​ Intranets can fail if their personal or commercial data is compromised. Because of this, the level of security and protection an intranet software can provide is another highly sought-after criterion. Hacking, viruses, security breaches, and malicious assaults are all threats to the confidentiality of sensitive and confidential information that is stored on internal communication platforms. Businesses seeking a more secure internal network should also think about moving from locally sourced platforms to cloud-based ones, which has been shown to be a better investment for companies.

Features that allow people to interact with each other  

 Social media usage has certainly increased, which has led to an increase in social networking and sharing in the workplace. Employees may interact with one another and with the right content by using well-designed intranets with various widgets, including social capabilities like the post, share, like, etc. At no additional charge, employees can form groups and exchange information.

There are several ways that a social intranet can help an organization run more effectively, such as posting messages in forums, tagging information, and collaborating on projects in discussion groups.

An intranet with embedded feeds, likes, and comments on articles and all personal tales, like birthdays, anniversaries, and the like, might give your adoption of a business social network like Yammer a boost.

Ability to personalize 

 The failure of intranet adoption is most often caused by a poor user experience. User experience can be improved by better communication and more personalization of content. Make information tailored to the administration or area, type of position, personal or professional interests, and even how active they are on social networking platforms. Increasing broad adoption and reinforcing organizational culture are both possible when people are engaged based on a personal connection.

Now, content managers don't have to rely on IT teams to keep the intranet up to date with important posts. A workbench or CMS, on the other hand, provides them with an immediate capability for making modifications and adding new content in a short period of time.

Content management system 

An effective content management system gives structure and a unified and structured system for all of the information on a website. A user-friendly interface should make it easy for people to find the information they need fast.

The intranet's CMS is more than just a repository of information; it's also an important tool for creating new content. It enables the creation, modification, and personalization of digital content by users. It's simple for employees to create high-quality documents that include graphics, graphs, and videos. Maintaining current information improves the intranet user's experience while also increasing the likelihood of rapid intranet uptake.

Ease of search 

Every day, businesses rely on information discovery to keep their operations running smoothly. Unless your social intranet software has robust search capabilities, your staff will be wasting valuable time searching for content.

People's search times can be sped up by using a search engine that offers results organized by the type of information. When relevant products are added, users are more likely to find their way to their desired destination. Intranets can be made as simple to use as feasible by properly separating material and streamlining navigation.

Using keywords, phrases, categories, and tags, the search feature makes it easier for employees to find information about specific content or people. Search engine optimization in the enterprise helps workers get more done.

Managing people or employees

It is possible to develop a platform for your employees to customize their profiles and earn badges through the use of people management solutions. External partners can be given limited access to HR processes such as contracts.

It is possible to use the intranet for both horizontal and vertical communication. People in positions of authority and management should be active participants on the platform and serve as role models for their subordinates. Having a leadership corner is a terrific place for executives to openly communicate their beliefs, ambitions, and aspirations for the company. Allow for two-way contact between workers and managers by opening a direct line of communication. You can decide to use a detailed rubric or a one-liner, but the most important thing is that your staff will be more motivated and committed as a result of your efforts.

How can you choose the best intranet software for your organization?

The ultimate purpose of an intranet is to get people to use it. To be a hit show, you need to keep your content current, relevant, dynamic, and easily consumable. As a rule, intranets are anticipated to evolve and change throughout time rather than being viewed as a one-time undertaking.

The above-mentioned features can help firms increase adoption and enhance the purpose of their intranets. Intranet adoption hurdles can be broken down with the use of a powerful management solution.

Achieving the ideal balance is the trick when it comes to modern intranet software. If budget is an issue, look for an all-in-one platform that is easy to use and provides all you need for your employees, just like AgilityPortal.

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