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Advantages Remote Working: Is it Right for You? Employees and Employers

Advantages Remote Working: Is it Right for You? Employees and Employers
Advantages Remote Working: Is it Right for You? Employees and Employers
By 2020, it is estimated that about 50% of the workforce will be working remotely. Cloud services, mobile platforms and videoconferencing have made remote work possible and very acceptable to both employees and employers.
Posted in: Remote Work
Advantages Remote Working: Is it Right for You? Employees and Employers
Advantages Remote Working: Is it Right for You? Employees and Employers

​The advantages of remote working can be beneficial to both the business and the employee. Because remote working is becoming more widespread, it is ideal to work out a mutually suitable condition for all parties. By 2020, it is estimated that about 50% of the workforce will be working remotely. Cloud services, mobile platforms, and videoconferencing have made remote work possible and very acceptable to both employees and employers.

Is Remote Working All about saving money?

No, not at all. Employee motivation increased productivity, and employee retention are all advantages of remote working. And remote working isn't limited to those who work from home (telecommuting). Freelancers, contract workers, frontline workers, international workers, and others are all included.

Furthermore, a distant corporation can maintain a physical presence through the use of an office. One of the big advantages of remote working is that employees spend some days at work and the majority of the time at home, ensuring that everyone stays in touch face-to-face.

For many of us, remote working has become a way of life in recent years. For many workers, it has become the "new normal" after the Covid-19 crisis. People were working in their workplaces one day and connecting their computers from home the next, instant messaging colleagues on Slack, and scheduling meetings on Trello.

Office coworkers have joined freelancers in the flexibility of not having anyone scrutinizing their work, being able to set their own schedules, and having time-saving remote meetings via the intranet network.

What are the advantages of remote working for workers?

Advantages of remote working

1.Flexibility and freedom

​ Remote workers value their independence. They can schedule their days to fit both their job and personal lives as long as they do the required tasks on time. It can be beneficial to be able to attend medical appointments, watch the kids' basketball games, or go shopping with aging parents. Not needing to seek special approval or fit in with the rest of the team also relieves stress. When an employer delivers employees this level of autonomy, it fosters trust and increases job happiness.

2.What about Cost-cutting

​ It might be costly to commute to work. The list goes on and on: travel costs, parking rent, lunch expenditures, coffee and snacks, birthday cakes, colleague gifts, work clothes, and so on. Some corporations even provide a stipend for refreshments or clothing as a perk. Working from home allows you to save money on these expenses, which can soon add up. This means you'll have extra cash to spend on other things, which is always a plus.

3.Time is money

Another advantage of remote working is, remote work allows people to manage their own schedules in addition to saving time on commuting. Mornings are preferred by some people over afternoons. Some persons are energized by new ideas in the evenings. You are free to work whenever you like, as long as it does not conflict with the schedules of your coworkers and you meet deadlines.

Because advanced technology allows teams to video contact each other over the intranet, working remotely saves a lot of time going to and attending meetings.

4.What about locations 

​ Another benefit of working remotely is that employees can work from any location. People are less likely to travel since they are not forced to dwell in a city that does not fit their standards or preferences. If one spouse is required to be based or assigned in a specific region, remote working may be able to help them keep their jobs or make the transition smoother. If you work remotely, it doesn't important if you live on top of the hill or by the sea. You can work from any place on the earth as long as you have the best internet connection.

5.Quiet and peace

​ In a regular office, noise and distractions are common. There's a buzz in the air, with phones ringing, people talking, and a general buzz. While this is fantastic for socializing, working in this environment can be challenging. To concentrate, some people need to work in complete stillness. Working from home, in particular, allows for more creative thinking and productivity. Silence is wonderful, whether there is a beautiful view from the window or a brick wall.

6.Happiness and good health

Being in an office and commuting each day isn't the healthiest way to spend time. Remote workers avoid coming into contact with other people (this is especially crucial in light of Covid-19) and catching infections from coughs and colds.

Remote working home can improve mental health by reducing stress and allowing you to work in your own environment. Employees that are pleased are more productive and motivated, which leads to higher-quality work.

7.You're not alone

Remote working was often thought to be exclusive to freelancers and the self-employed. But that is no longer the case. Since the recent Covid-19 epidemic, there has been a major increase in working from home, and the advantages of remote working for employers have been obvious. This means that working from home no longer has the stigma of lounging about in your jammies all day doing nothing productive. Today's remote workers are establishing a professional reputation as tomorrow's employees. "When trying to hire employees remotely, you can consider one of the best freelance website such as Upwork."

8.Work-life balance is important

Working remotely allows you to achieve a better work-life balance. Working from home might help you feel more in control of your life by giving you more time to arrange work and home responsibilities. Employees will feel more accomplished as a result, and they will be more productive. When working remotely:

•There's no need to rush to catch a train or get stuck in traffic.

•You don't need to bring any notes or your laptop with you.

•You are allowed to take a break each and every time you want.

•There are no tense office politics to deal with.

•You devote extra time to your loved ones.

9.A relaxing atmosphere

One of the benefits of remote working is that you can arrange your workplace or workstation any way you wish. If you're messy, you won't have to worry about your coworkers complaining. And if you're the office's neat freak, you can concentrate on your own space.

Many people are more productive when they are in their own surroundings. If you work from home as a telecommuter or freelancer, you can put your workstation where you want it, shut the door if you want to, and listen to music if it helps you show your ideas.


If you work remotely and have your own office, you can make it your own and make it reflect your personality. To create an exciting workstation, you can hang as many images of your children and pets as you want. It's all about personalizing your workspace with your favorite plants or valued baseball cap collection.

You spend a lot of time at work, so having an office that you enjoy spending time in can help you produce more. Employees who work remotely can make their environment as colorful or as plain as they choose.

For employers, what are the advantages of remote working?

For employers, what are the advantages of remote working?

1. Cost Saving

For employers, one of the advantages of having employees work from home is the cost savings. Even if you continue to rent an office, employees might use a hot desk to save space. Employers can save on: Depending on whether the company is entirely virtual or not, employers can save on:

  • 1.Rent
  • 2.Utility water, electricity, Wi-Fi
  • 3.Building maintenance
  • 4.Cleaning
  • 5.Provision of a coffee shop or restaurant
  • 6.Equipment
  • 7.Furniture

Because many freelancers operate from home and have their own office equipment, there's no need to offer expensive tech equipment when you outsource to them.

2. A positive attitude

Is it a good idea for teams to operate remotely? We feel so because it has the potential to improve communication and integration. Team members can communicate via a modern company intranet, making it appear as if they are in the office.

Working together effectively in this manner can lead to positive emotions and motivation. This can lead to staff going above and above when you require them to work late or deliver a spectacular presentation. Employees who work from home are generally happier than those who work in an office, making them effective brand ambassadors.

3. A talent pool

When it comes to hiring remote employees, business owners have more options. Hires do not have to be local and can be located anywhere in the world, subject to time zone differences. This gives you a better chance of finding people with particular talents, which saves you money on training.

Another advantage of hiring remote labor is that the company incurs no relocation charges, which can range into hundreds of dollars. And because they've grown up with technology that allows them to work remotely, today's millennials virtually expect to be able to do so.

4. Absenteeism is reduced 

If an employee is sick, they are more likely to continue working if they can work from home. They don't have to travel if they're sick, and they may take a break if they need to. Someone who needs to travel a large distance is considerably more likely to call in ill than someone who only has to walk from one room to the next.

This also applies to vacation time taken for appointments or special activities. Employees who can plan their days around their jobs are less likely to use unneeded vacation time.

5. Time Saving

Time is valuable in the fast-paced world we live in, and we never seem to have enough of it. Employees will spend their time more productively if they work from home, which is another benefit of remote working for firms. Working from home cuts down on office gossip, lateness, and time wasted at the coffee shop, in addition to saving time on travel.

When it comes to timing, it's also important to consider when a firm is open. A corporation that employs individuals all around the world can be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

6. Politics in the workplace 

Office politics is a fact of life in the business world. It occurs in both small businesses and multibillion-dollar corporations. People will always cause or be subjected to adversity. In a professional atmosphere, there will always be likes and dislikes, tears, and fury. Managers and human resources personnel are responsible for resolving these issues in the best interests of the company. Staff is more productive and less bothered about whether Jack spent 5 minutes chatting with Nora at the vending machine without the lure of workplace politics.

7. Trustworthiness

Working from home fosters loyalty. Another advantage of allowing employees to work from home is that it allows them to be more productive. And, as a result of loyalty, both the employer and the employee gain trust. Respect grows when an employee believes their supervisor trusts them to execute their job in their own way.

Employee retention is also a result of employee loyalty, as satisfied employees are less likely to hunt for another job. This saves money for the organization because new recruits are avoided, and skills are retained.

8. Increased Productivity

Productivity is critical to an organization's success. And more productive staff equals more efficiency and profit. Employees who work from home are more productive since it is in their best interests to complete tasks efficiently and avoid wasting time.

Similarly, a fast intranet meeting is significantly more productive than everyone trailing to a meeting room, the meeting taking 10 minutes to begin, and then running over its time. People are more productive as a result of the advantages of remote meetings since they have more time to complete tasks.

9. Technology

With today's technology, there's no reason why businesses can't benefit from a remote workforce. Employees have access to all the apps they need to accomplish their jobs thanks to an internet connection and a good digital workplace platform. Collaboration suites, messaging apps, task management tools, your intranet platform, and a variety of other digital collaboration tools are all available to help any remote worker enhance their productivity.

There's also no reason to be at work. A modern intranet can even integrate employee profiles and social networking apps, making it more appealing to use.

10. Communication

Employees who are new to working remotely may find it strange at first. They aren't used to the silence or the lack of office gossip. However, as people learn to talk to whom they need to, when they need to, without wasting time, this might inspire greater communication. It can also encourage coworkers to get to know one another using messenger apps and conversations in order to figure out how they might help one another. Because remote working encourages teamwork, communication improves.

Download our eBook on How to get your intranet off the ground. 

Download our eBook on How to get your intranet off the ground.

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