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The 4 Best Employee Management Software Solutions in 2024

The 4 Best Employee Management Software Solutions in 2023
The 4 Best Employee Management Software Solutions in 2023
We analysed the leading solutions to find the 4 Employee Management Software Solutions based on pricing, features, services and more.
Posted in: Employee Engagement
The 4 Best Employee Management Software Solutions in 2023
The 4 Best Employee Management Software Solutions in 2023
In today's business landscape, there is a multitude of HR tools available, each promising to provide a competitive edge. Among these tools, employee management software stands out as a solution designed to enhance employee productivity, engagement, and satisfaction.

Despite organizations often declaring that employees are their most valuable asset, their actions don't always align with this sentiment. 
This discrepancy is especially noticeable in the case of organizations with deskless workers, who receive a mere 1% of software venture funding, despite constituting 80% of the global workforce.

The good news is that the range of business solutions tailored for deskless workers is expanding. This is evident from the growing number of employee management software solutions that cater to their unique requirements.

Deskless or remote workers, who often operate without a fixed location, set hours, or even a company email address, may initially appear challenging to engage. 

Why is a employee management software needed?

Employee management software

According to a 2023 survey by Owl Labs, 81% of organizations plan to allow employees to continue to work remotely, at least part-time, after the pandemic is over. The survey also found that 60% of employers plan to offer a hybrid model with both in-office and remote work options after the pandemic is over.

Another survey by Workfront found that 83% of employers have seen an increase in productivity since allowing employees to work remotely. This suggests that remote work is a viable and productive option for many businesses.

However, remote work can also present some challenges, such as communication and collaboration. This is where intranets can come in handy. Intranets can provide a central place for remote employees to communicate, collaborate, and share information.

According to a survey by ClearPeople, 74% of remote workers say that an employee management software is essential for their work. The survey also found that the most important employee management software solutions features for remote workers are communication tools (85%), file sharing (82%), and company news (79%).

These statistics suggest that there is a growing demand for employee management software among businesses that want to go remote. 

Intranets and employee management software can help remote employees to stay connected to the company and their colleagues, and they can also help to improve internal communication and collaboration.

Overall, employee management software solutions can be a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes that want to go remote. 

By providing a central place for remote employees to communicate, collaborate, and share information, intranets can help businesses to improve their efficiency, productivity, and employee engagement.

What is employee management?

What is employee management

Employee management encompasses the methods and procedures through which businesses optimize their employees' performance. 

This typically involves a strong emphasis on job satisfaction and engagement, as extensive research consistently shows that content and engaged employees tend to be more productive.

Employee management can be subdivided into various key areas, and organizations should prioritize it right from the initial stages of considering a potential candidate for a job role. 

From the recruitment and onboarding processes to ongoing monitoring, recognition of achievements, and eventual departures, effective employee management plays a pivotal role in both cultivating and retaining a skilled and talented workforce.

Employee management is the process of ensuring that employees are performing their jobs to the best of their abilities in order to achieve the organization's goals. 

It involves a wide range of tasks, including:

  • Recruiting and hiring: Finding and hiring the right people for the job.
  • Onboarding: Getting new employees up to speed and acclimated to the company culture.
  • Training and development: Providing employees with the skills and knowledge they need to be successful.
  • Performance management: Setting goals and expectations for employees, and providing feedback on their performance.
  • Compensation and benefits: Ensuring that employees are fairly compensated and have access to the benefits they need.
  • Employee engagement: Creating a positive work environment where employees feel valued and supported.
  • Employee relations: Maintaining a healthy relationship between employees and management.

Employee management is an important part of any organization, regardless of size or industry. By effectively managing their employees, organizations can improve productivity, efficiency, and profitability.

Here are some of the key benefits of effective employee management:

  • Improved productivity: When employees are well-managed, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their work. This can lead to improved productivity and efficiency.
  • Reduced costs: Effective employee management can help to reduce costs by reducing turnover, improving employee morale, and reducing accidents.
  • Increased customer satisfaction: When employees are well-managed, they are more likely to provide excellent customer service. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Improved organizational culture: Effective employee management can help to create a positive and supportive work environment. This can lead to improved organizational culture and morale.

Overall, effective employee management is essential for any organization that wants to be successful. 

By investing in their employees, organizations can reap a number of benefits, including improved productivity, reduced costs, increased customer satisfaction, and improved organizational culture

What are the features of an employee management software solution

When evaluating which employee management software solution suits your company best, it's essential to consider specific key features.

These encompass transparency, well-defined communication channels, employee recognition, and avenues for fostering engagement.

A comprehensive employee management solution should encompass various aspects, including employee experience, scheduling, performance monitoring, people analytics, and more, ensuring it caters to the needs of all employees, including deskless workers. 

This necessitates that your selected software must be equally accessible and user-friendly for deskless workers as it is for the rest of your organization.

When choosing employee management software, consider the following key features:

  • Transparency: Provides access to important information, such as their performance reviews, salary information, and company policies.
  • Communication: It should provide clear channels for communication between employees and managers, and between employees themselves.
  • Recognition: Allows managers to recognize and reward employees for their achievements.
  • Engagement: The software should provide opportunities for employees to engage with each other and with the company.

The software should also cover all aspects of employee management, including:

  • Employee experience: It should help companies to improve the employee experience by providing tools for onboarding, training, and performance management.
  • Scheduling: Help companies to create and manage employee schedules.
  • Performance tracking: Allows companies to track employee performance and identify areas for improvement.
  • People analytics: Provide companies with data and insights on their workforce.

Importantly, the software should be accessible and intuitive for all employees, including deskless workers. This means that the software should be easy to use and navigate on any device, regardless of location.

Overall, the best employee management software for your company will depend on your specific needs and requirements. However, the features listed above are a good starting point for your search. 

Benefits of Using Employee Management Software

 Employee management software offers a number of benefits to businesses of all sizes, including:

  • Improved efficiency and productivity:  can help businesses to improve efficiency and productivity by automating tasks, streamlining processes, and providing employees with a central place to find information and share resources. This can free up employees to focus on more strategic and value-added work.
  • Reduced costs:  helps businesses to reduce costs by reducing the workload on employees, improving accuracy, and reducing waste. For example, employee management software can automate tasks such as payroll processing and time tracking, which can save businesses time and money.
  • Improved communication and collaboration:  improve communication and collaboration by providing employees with a central place to communicate with each other, share files, and collaborate on projects. This can help to break down silos and improve teamwork.
  • Increased employee engagement:  increase employee engagement by providing employees with tools to manage their own careers, access training and development resources, and receive feedback from their managers. This can help employees to feel more valued and motivated.
  • Improved compliance:  helps businesses to comply with complex HR and employment regulations. For example, employee management software can help businesses to track employee training, performance, and compensation.

Overall, employee management software can help businesses to improve their efficiency, productivity, costs, communication, collaboration, employee engagement, and compliance.

Here are some additional benefits of using employee management software:

  • Enhanced employee experience: Employee management software can provide employees with a user-friendly interface and mobile access to their HR information. This can make it easier for employees to manage their careers and access the resources they need.
  • Improved decision-making: Employee management software can provide businesses with data and insights on their workforce. This information can be used to make better decisions about hiring, training, performance management, and more.
  • Increased scalability: Employee management software can help businesses to scale their operations more easily. For example, employee management software can automate tasks and streamline processes, which can help businesses to handle more work without having to hire more staff.

If you are looking for a way to improve your employee management processes, employee management software is a good option to consider.

What are the 4 Best Employee Management Software Solutions​ in the Market 

We've all heard it: Your employees play a pivotal role in driving your company's success.

However, the sheer volume of tasks on your plate – from tracking work hours and assignments to ensuring knowledge levels and paperwork compliance – can make employee management a formidable challenge. Effectively and efficiently managing employees is no small feat.

That's where employee management software comes into play. It's specifically designed to alleviate this burden and streamline every facet of employee management. With this software in your corner, maintaining a productive, engaged, and satisfied workforce becomes a breeze.

Wondering where to find these solutions? 

Look no further – you're in the right place! Explore our list of top employee management tools to discover the perfect fit for your requirements and budget.

To address this need, we have outlined these tools below.


AgilityPortal - Employee Management Software Solutions
Employee management app free​ fro 14 days.

As a comprehensive employee experience app, AgilityPortal excels as an employee management tool, meeting a wide range of needs. It offers a unified platform for all internal communication requirements, seamlessly functioning across various mobile platforms. 

This feature is particularly advantageous for deskless workers, who rely heavily on smartphones for accessing corporate resources.

AgilityPortal is strategically designed to facilitate surveys, e-learning, forms, and third-party integrations, ensuring effective engagement with deskless employees, regardless of their location. Rather than juggling separate systems for communication, onboarding, micro-learning, forms, checklists, and scheduling, AgilityPortal consolidates all these employee management functions into a single, user-friendly platform.

Moreover, its flexible pricing structure, ranging from $3 to $6 per user per month, ensures accessibility for businesses of all sizes. 

Whether you have a few or many deskless workers in industries like retail, hospitality, or others, AgilityPortal provides the necessary employee management tools to streamline their tasks and enhance productivity. 

AgilityPortal is a cloud-based intranet platform that offers a variety of features to help businesses improve communication, collaboration, and productivity.

Features of AgilityPortal:

  • Employee directory: AgilityPortal provides a central place for employees to find contact information, job titles, and other information about their colleagues.
  • Company news: AgilityPortal allows businesses to share company news and announcements with employees in a central location.
  • File sharing: AgilityPortal allows employees to share files with each other and with their teams.
  • Task management: AgilityPortal provides tools for creating and managing tasks, as well as tracking progress and deadlines.
  • Discussion forums: AgilityPortal provides discussion forums where employees can ask questions, share ideas, and collaborate on projects.
  • Knowledge base: AgilityPortal allows businesses to create a knowledge base of company policies, procedures, and other important information.
  • Integration with other systems: AgilityPortal can be integrated with other systems, such as HR systems and CRM systems, to streamline workflows and improve efficiency.

Top benefits of AgilityPortal:

  • Improved communication and collaboration: AgilityPortal provides a central place for employees to communicate and collaborate with each other. This can help to improve teamwork and productivity.
  • Increased employee engagement: AgilityPortal allows businesses to share company news and announcements with employees, and to provide them with tools for communication and collaboration. This can help to increase employee engagement and morale.
  • Improved efficiency and productivity: AgilityPortal can help businesses to improve efficiency and productivity by automating tasks, streamlining processes, and providing employees with a central place to find information and share resources.
  • Reduced costs: AgilityPortal can help businesses to reduce costs by reducing the workload on employees, improving accuracy, and reducing waste.

so that means, AgilityPortal is a powerful intranet platform and employee management that can help businesses of all sizes to improve their communication, collaboration, productivity, and employee engagement.

2. Kissflow

Another employee management software solution that places a strong emphasis on communication is Kissflow. It offers a valuable chat feature, with the added option of anonymous posting for situations where confidentiality is essential, particularly during discussions of sensitive topics.

Kissflow is compatible with Android and iOS platforms and provides real-time reporting capabilities. However, it's worth noting that integrations may not always function seamlessly, and there can be occasional gaps in customer support.

Regarding pricing, Kissflow's Small Business plan is priced at $15 per user per month, while customized quotes are available for larger enterprises. 

Features of Kissflow:

  • Business process automation (BPA): Kissflow allows users to automate repetitive, rule-based processes, such as employee onboarding, purchase orders, and expense approvals. This can help to improve efficiency and accuracy, and reduce the workload on employees.
  • Case management: Kissflow can be used to manage complex cases, such as customer support tickets and product defects. This can help to improve visibility and tracking, and ensure that cases are resolved quickly and efficiently.
  • Project management: Kissflow can be used to plan, track, and manage projects of all sizes. This can help to improve team collaboration and communication, and ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.
  • Communication and collaboration: Kissflow provides a variety of tools for communication and collaboration, such as discussion forums, task and project boards, and real-time notifications. This can help to improve teamwork and productivity.
  • Reporting and analytics: Kissflow provides a variety of reports and analytics that can help users to track their progress, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions.

Top benefits of Kissflow:

  • Improved efficiency and productivity: Kissflow can help businesses to improve efficiency and productivity by automating repetitive tasks, streamlining processes, and improving communication and collaboration.
  • Reduced costs: Kissflow can help businesses to reduce costs by reducing the workload on employees, improving accuracy, and reducing waste.
  • Improved customer satisfaction: Kissflow can help businesses to improve customer satisfaction by providing tools for managing customer support cases and tracking customer feedback.
  • Increased employee engagement: Kissflow can help businesses to increase employee engagement by providing tools for communication and collaboration, and by empowering employees to automate their own work.

Overall, Kissflow is a versatile and powerful platform that can help businesses of all sizes to improve their efficiency, productivity, and customer satisfaction. is a user-friendly CRM tool that offers various employee management features. It empowers managers to identify and prioritize tasks while providing employee progress tracking and modules for enhancing employee well-being and learning.

However, it's worth noting that navigating the app can be somewhat confusing. Additionally, may become costly for larger teams. For instance, the Basic subscription starts at $49 per month but limits the number of users to just 10, which may not meet the needs of larger enterprises. offers a wide range of features and benefits, making it a popular choice for teams and organizations. Here are some of its key features and top benefits: is a cloud-based work management platform that offers a variety of features to help businesses of all sizes manage their projects, tasks, and teams.

Features of

  • Boards: is organized into boards, which can be used to manage different projects, teams, or workflows.
  • Columns: Each board is made up of columns, which can be used to track different aspects of a project, such as tasks, deadlines, status, and priority.
  • Cards: Each card represents a task, and can be customized to include all of the relevant information, such as the task name, description, due date, assignee, and status.
  • Automation: allows users to automate repetitive tasks and workflows. This can help to save time and improve efficiency.
  • Integrations: integrates with a variety of other tools and platforms, such as Slack, Google Drive, and Salesforce. This allows users to streamline their workflows and keep all of their data in one place.

Top benefits of

  • Improved visibility and transparency: provides a central place to track all of your projects and tasks. This can help to improve visibility and transparency for team members and stakeholders.
  • Increased collaboration: provides a variety of tools for collaboration, such as commenting, tagging, and task assignments. This can help to improve teamwork and communication.
  • Improved efficiency and productivity: can help to improve efficiency and productivity by automating tasks, streamlining workflows, and providing a central place to track progress.
  • Reduced costs: can help to reduce costs by reducing the workload on employees, improving accuracy, and reducing waste.

In summary, offers a comprehensive set of features and benefits that cater to various work styles and industries, ultimately helping teams and organizations become more efficient and productive.


Workday is a suitable choice for companies of varying sizes, offering real-time insights for HR professionals. Deskless workers can conveniently access their schedules and other important metrics using their smartphones.

Despite its user-friendly interface, Workday falls short in terms of lacking a free version and presenting unclear pricing options. To determine the cost of Workday, businesses must contact a sales representative, which might deter some potential users. 

Workday is a cloud-based human capital management (HCM) and financial management software suite that helps organizations manage their workforce, finances, and operations. It offers a wide range of features, including:

  • Human capital management: Workday's HCM suite includes features for recruiting and hiring, onboarding, performance management, compensation and benefits, and more.
  • Financial management: Workday's financial management suite includes features for accounting, financial reporting, budgeting and planning, and more.
  • Analytics: Workday's analytics suite provides users with insights into their workforce and financial data.
  • Integrations: Workday integrates with a variety of other systems, such as payroll systems, ERP systems, and CRM systems.

Top benefits of Workday:

  • Improved efficiency and productivity: Workday can help organizations to improve efficiency and productivity by automating tasks, streamlining processes, and providing a central place to manage all aspects of HR and finance.
  • Reduced costs: Workday can help organizations to reduce costs by reducing the workload on employees, improving accuracy, and reducing waste.
  • Improved decision-making: Workday's analytics suite can help organizations to make better decisions by providing them with insights into their workforce and financial data.
  • Increased employee engagement: Workday can help organizations to increase employee engagement by providing employees with a self-service portal where they can view their paystubs, benefits information, and other important information.

Overall, Workday is a powerful and versatile HCM and financial management software suite that can help organizations of all sizes to improve their efficiency, productivity, cost-effectiveness, decision-making, and employee engagement.

Here are some additional benefits of using Workday:

  • Improved compliance: Workday helps organizations to comply with complex HR and financial regulations.
  • Increased agility: Workday's cloud-based platform allows organizations to scale their operations and adapt to change quickly.
  • Enhanced employee experience: Workday provides employees with a user-friendly interface and mobile access to their HR and financial information.

If you are looking for a comprehensive HCM and financial management solution, Workday is a good option to consider.

Improve Remote Staffing With the Best Employee Management Software

Managing your HR tasks can consume valuable time that could be better spent on strategic business activities. Streamline your operations by implementing employee management software that automates a wide range of processes. 

AgilityPortal is your comprehensive solution, encompassing everything from onboarding and time tracking to talent management and payroll. It doesn't stop there – you can also utilize it for project management, client relationship management (CRM), marketing, or operations. It's a versatile all-in-one tool that caters to various industries.

Experience the convenience of AgilityPortal for free and discover how it simplifies your business operations, enhances productivity, organization, and ultimately contributes to your bottom line! 

Wrapping up 

Once you've clearly outlined your needs and requirements, navigating the realm of HR tech for your business becomes a smoother journey. 

The availability of nearly every employee management solution on your smartphone means both you and your team can perform tasks and work from anywhere, at any time. 

This is the beauty of technology – it has the potential to simplify your daily responsibilities.

Utilizing a management software solution, such as the options outlined above, streamlines your operations, which is especially valuable for busy business owners juggling countless tasks simultaneously. 

By selecting the solution that suits your needs, you'll find it easier to accomplish tasks, anticipate risks, and enhance overall efficiency – all achievable through the power of management software, just in case that point wasn't crystal clear!

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