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Maintaining Employee Mental Health With a Remote Workforce

Maintaining Employee Mental Health With a Remote Workforce
Maintaining Employee Mental Health With a Remote Workforce
Here are some activities that can help boost the mental health of your remote workers.
Posted in: Culture
Maintaining Employee Mental Health With a Remote Workforce
Maintaining Employee Mental Health With a Remote Workforce

 The workforce has seen a tremendous amount of change during the past few years. One of the biggest shifts has been the transition to more remote work. Even though remote work has been a growing trend for a while, it has been markedly accelerated during the past two to three years.As a result, mental health issues have become more common recently. For example, rates of depression and anxiety have been growing quickly. That's why it's so important for companies to think carefully about how they can protect the mental health of their remote employees.

#1. Set Clear Boundaries Between Work and Personal Time 

Set Clear Boundaries Between Work and Personal Time​

One of the first steps that companies should take is to set clear boundaries between work time and personal time. When people physically come to an office, it's easy to see when they're working and when they're not. If someone is in their office, they are working. When they are not in their office, they are probably not working. Their colleagues know not to expect an immediate response from them when they send an email or leave a voicemail. When people are working remotely, however, those lines are blurred. You may find yourself answering work emails at 8 p.m. or taking phone calls with your morning coffee. Encouraging employees to stop working after normal business hours —and most importantly, making sure they have workloads that enable them to do that — helps give employees the down time they need to do their best work when they're on the clock.

#2. Provide Access To Counseling 

Provide Access To Counseling​

It can be difficult for employees who work remotely to develop strong relationships with their colleagues. As a result, they may need someone else to talk to if they are experiencing problems. That's where companies can offer access to free counseling. Having a safe place to discuss work stress and other issues can help employees learn how to effectively manage them so they can continue to do great work.Of course, there are other ways companies can look out for their employees as well. One example is letting them know about emergency hotlines they can call for mental health issues. When companies decide to discuss these important topics, they let their employees know that it is okay not to be okay.

#3. Encourage Employees To Speak Up 

Encourage Employees To Speak Up​

 Another thing employers can do is encourage their employees to speak up when something goes wrong. Whether it's an HR department representative or a direct supervisor, everyone should have a person they can talk to if they have questions or concerns about something. This could be anything from a specific project to work hours and even mental health issues.

Businesses may also want to set up a confidential website where employees can submit concerns. If employees feel like their questions remain confidential, they may feel more likely to speak up. That way, the company can identify issues that it may have otherwise overlooked. When employees feel like they are heard, they are more likely to stick around. This can help companies increase their retention rates and avoid the high costs of constantly training new employees.

#4. Give Access To Free Mental Health Apps

Give Access To Free Mental Health Apps ​

When people work remotely, they spend more time in front of their computers and on their phones than they would if they came to a physical office. You should focus on mental health because addiction is one outcome of poor mental health.Companies should demonstrate that they care about the mental health of their employees by giving them access to free mental health apps on their phones. These apps come in many shapes and forms. Some apps are designed to help people relax, such as Calm for Business. Other apps are designed specifically for stress management.

#5. Encourage Employees To Exercise More 

Encourage Employees To Exercise More​

Physical health and mental health are inextricably linked. When people work remotely, they may have a difficult time sticking to a regular workout schedule. They may feel obligated to work later in the day, which might make it hard to get to the gym. So companies may want to encourage their employees to exercise more by incorporating stretch breaks or exercise time during the day.

Try encouraging employees to take a five-minute stretch break from time to time. You could add reduced price or free gym memberships to employee benefit packages. If you decide to try a gym membership, make sure to select a gym or club that all your employees can access. If the gym is too far from home, people may not have the time or energy to drive there and back three times a week.

If a gym is not the best option, maybe try company-wide fitness activities, like a work picnic and volleyball game. By encouraging physical health, companies can encourage mental health as well.

When people don't see each other every day, it's easy to forget they might be a part of the company. When remote employees are overlooked, their mental health may suffer, leading to issues like addiction. If you focus on improving the mental health of your employees, you'll have an easier time accomplishing your goals while keeping your employees and clients happy.


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