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How to Provide Top-Notch IT Support for WFH Employees

How to Provide Top-Notch IT Support for WFH Employee
How to Provide Top-Notch IT Support for WFH Employee
Learn effective strategies for delivering top-notch IT support to your WFH employees, ensuring productivity, seamless communication, and robust problem-solving.
Posted in: Remote Work
How to Provide Top-Notch IT Support for WFH Employee
How to Provide Top-Notch IT Support for WFH Employee
The rise of remote work has transformed the way businesses operate. Gone are the days of needing everyone physically present in an office. While this flexibility offers numerous benefits, it presents new challenges, particularly for IT support teams.

Ensuring your WFH employees have the tools and resources to stay productive requires a well-crafted strategy. This guide will explain everything you need to know about how to provide remote IT support for your WFH teams. 

What Are The Challenges of Working Remotely

The remote workforce has expanded by 44 percent over the past five years.

The sudden onset of COVID-19, however, caught everyone off guard. Nationwide stay-at-home orders forced businesses to adapt to remote operations with little to no preparation quickly. A survey revealed that 88 percent of companies encouraged or required their employees to work from home during the pandemic.

While remote employees generally report 22 percent higher job satisfaction, the rapid transition raised numerous questions for businesses:

  • Do we have sufficient IT staff?
  • Are our hardware and software resources adequate for this shift?
  • What security protocols are necessary?
  • How will we maintain open lines of communication?
  • What impact will this have on employee morale?

For many businesses, remote work had previously been considered unfeasible. 

Yet, necessity spurred innovation, and as remote work became a reality, new concerns about IT support, security, and communication emerged.

It's also worth mentioning that 74 percent of companies plan to permanently shift some employees to remote work, underscoring the importance of effectively addressing these challenges.

Why is it Important to Support For Your WFH

Why is it Important to Support For Your WFH
Supporting work-from-home (WFH) employees is crucial for maintaining productivity, morale, and overall business success. According to a 2022 study by Owl Labs, remote workers report being 22% happier than their office-based counterparts, mainly due to better work-life balance and reduced commuting stress. When companies invest in ergonomic home office setups, provide regular virtual check-ins, and offer mental health resources, they can significantly enhance employee well-being. 

For example, a survey by FlexJobs found that 86% of remote workers said they were less stressed, directly correlating with increased productivity and lower absenteeism.

Also, effective support for WFH employees not only improves their well-being but also leads to substantial cost savings and talent retention. 

Global Workplace Analytics estimates that a typical employer can save around $11,000 per year for every employee who works remotely half the time, thanks to reduced overhead costs and improved employee retention rates. Companies like Twitter and Shopify have reported lower turnover rates and higher employee satisfaction since implementing comprehensive WFH policies. 

By providing robust support, such as reliable tech infrastructure and ongoing professional development opportunities, businesses not only foster a loyal workforce but also position themselves as attractive employers in a competitive job market. For companies operating in the UK, partnering with London IT support services can offer tailored solutions that address the unique challenges of supporting a remote workforce, ensuring seamless IT operations and minimizing downtime."

Providing the Tools and Resources

Remote Access Solutions

WFH employees also face technical issues. But how frustrating would it be if getting help required a lengthy back-and-forth?

Remote access solutions are here to help. These tools allow your IT team to securely connect to your employee's device and see the problem firsthand.

There are two main types of remote access software:

  • Screen sharing: This is ideal for troubleshooting software problems. Screen sharing allows your IT team to see exactly what's on your employee's screen and guide them through the solution.
  • Remote desktop: This option offers more in-depth control. IT support services can temporarily control your employee's device to diagnose and fix complex issues directly.

Outsourced IT services may provide the remote support solution your WFH staff needs. We contacted Attentus, and they emphasized the importance of providing tools and expertise to equip your business with more effective strategies for communicating with and supporting your WFH employees during challenging times.

Project Management Tools

Project management tools can help streamline not just your everyday work processes but also your IT support process. These tools allow you to:

  • Assign tickets to specific IT staff members.
  • Track the progress of each support request.
  • Ensure accountability and timely resolution of issues.

Investing in proper software and processes helps keep you and your WFH team on the same track for daily tasks and important projects. 

iT Services 2 said IT services providers can offer the necessary assistance to improve project management and address problems efficiently.

Communication Platforms

Effective communication is even more critical when supporting a remote team. Choosing the right communication platforms is essential. Your chosen platform should have the following features:

  • Real-time interaction: Opt for tools that facilitate real-time interaction and collaboration, such as instant messaging or video conferencing.
  • Ease of use: The platform should be user-friendly and accessible for both IT staff and WFH employees.
  • Accessibility: To accommodate different preferences, consider offering multiple communication channels, such as chat, video calls, and email.

This ensures you've got all the bases covered for smooth communication with your remote workforce. 

Knowledge Base and FAQs

Your business can work best when you have a well-maintained knowledge base for common WFH tech issues. This empowers your employees to solve minor problems themselves, saving them time and frustration.

Here are some key things to include in your knowledge base:

  • Step-by-step instructions for common tasks like connecting to the company VPN or setting up a printer.
  • Troubleshooting guides for frequently encountered problems such as password resets and software installation issues.
  • FAQs with clear and concise answers to common questions.

Make sure you cover every crucial detail all your staff need to know. Doing this could reduce mistakes and repetitive questions.

Mastering Communication: Bridging the Distance

​When you have a remote team, constant and uninterrupted communication is a must. Here's how to provide remote IT support through clear and helpful communication.

Active Listening 

When a WFH employee describes a technical issue, give them your full attention. Avoid interrupting and let them explain the problem completely. Ask clarifying questions to ensure you understand their situation. This not only shows you care about their frustration but also helps pinpoint the cause of the problem faster.

Clear Communication

Once you grasp the situation, maintain clear communication. Provide step-by-step instructions in simple, easy-to-understand language. Break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps. If necessary, offer screenshots or visuals to aid understanding. 

The clearer your instructions are, the less likely it is for misunderstandings to arise and more likely to improve communication in the workplace.


As you walk your employee through the solution, keep a record of the steps taken. 

This helps resolve the immediate issue by providing a reference point that can be added to your knowledge base for future reference. Additionally, it allows future IT support team members to understand past troubleshooting efforts, saving time and ensuring consistent support.

Empathy and Patience 

Approach your interactions with empathy and understanding. Acknowledge your employees' frustrations and be patient as you guide them through the solution. 

A positive and supportive attitude goes a long way in building trust and rapport with your remote team. Remember, a calm and helpful demeanor can significantly improve the overall experience for your WFH staff.

Prioritizing Security: Protecting Your Remote Workforce 

With data breaches happening more frequently nowadays, security becomes more vital, especially with remote work. Consider implementing these measures.

Secure Remote Access 

A secure VPN (Virtual Private Network) is your first line of defense against cyberattacks. It encrypts data as it travels between your employee's device and your company's network. Think of it as a secure tunnel that protects sensitive information, even on public Wi-Fi.

Data Encryption 

Data encryption is another critical layer of security. It allows only authorized users to access important documents and files, even when intercepted.

Data encryption scrambles this information, making it unreadable to anyone without the decryption key. This adds an extra layer of protection in case a device is lost or stolen.

Employee Training

Another security measure is to empower your employees with knowledge. Regular training on cybersecurity best practices is essential for any business.

Teach them strong password management, how to identify phishing attempts and the importance of avoiding suspicious links or attachments. The more aware your employees are, the better equipped they'll be to protect themselves and company data.

Security Software and Updates

Don't forget about cybersecurity software and updates. Just like updating your smartphone, keeping all devices equipped with the latest antivirus software and security patches is crucial. 

These updates often address newly discovered vulnerabilities, so make sure they're installed promptly.

Optimizing the WFH Experience: Beyond Troubleshooting 

While technical support is central, a well-rounded approach goes beyond fixing problems. A few small changes can significantly optimize your employees' WFH experience.

Ergonomics, for example, can significantly impact your employee's well-being. Simple things like proper chair height and monitor placement can help prevent discomfort and injuries.

Providing resources or programs that support their mental well-being can also be beneficial. Offering online stress management courses or access to an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) demonstrates your commitment to their overall health.

Wrapping up 

After reading this, you should now know how to provide remote IT support for your WFH employees. A well-supported remote workforce is a productive and happy workforce. 

Investing in the right tools, prioritizing clear communication, and cultivating a culture of security awareness are the building blocks for everyone's successful remote work experience.

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