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How to create a digital bulletin board? UPDATED 2022 – A Complete Guide

How to create a digital bulletin board
How to create a digital bulletin board? UPDATED 2022 – A Complete Guide
A virtual bulletin board is a screen that shows company announcements and enable the company to communicate alerts and messages effectively. How to create a digital bulletin board?
Posted in: Business Management
How to create a digital bulletin board
How to create a digital bulletin board? UPDATED 2022 – A Complete Guide

There are now a variety of ways to share and receive information, and these channels are always developing further. Nowadays, businesses worldwide use electronic billboards for advertising their products and services. A digital bulletin board is a great way to promote your business, school, college, restaurant, or entertainment venue. Then, what exactly is a digital bulletin board?

To put it simply, it's a television or digital screen on which you display information and make announcements. You have more freedom and convenience with a digital bulletin board than with a physical one. Displaying standard alerts is just the beginning; you can also integrate interactive video, weather forecasts, tickers with news or text, social media feeds, and maps of the surrounding area. 

Why should companies use digital bulletin boards? 

The vast majority of workers would rather have readily accessible dynamic content on their digital screens. Alerts, emergency messages, and announcements are just some of the internal communication components that can be effectively disseminated via bulletin boards in the workplace.

One of the best ways to get your staff's attention and spread important information is through digital bulletin boards. There is a marked improvement in the likelihood that employees and customers will retain the information conveyed when the alerts and information are presented in a way that is both visually appealing and dynamic. 

How can you create a digital bulletin board? 

How can you create a digital bulletin board

Publish and showcase your company's latest news on a screen display with the help of a digital bulletin board. Digital message boards provide a clean and simple alternative to updating customers, clients, visitors, and employees with posters and notes on a pinboard. Your messages will stand out more prominently on a digital sign than they would on a stack of paper flyers. In their place, you can write notices that actually stand out by being clear and concise.  

Select the screen

Your electronic bulletin board will function similarly to a television screen but will be reserved for promotional announcements and advertisements. A single screen may be sufficient for a small business like a boutique hotel or restaurant.

However, imagine that you oversee a larger indoor space at a multi-complex site. For instance, consider a university. Multiple bulletin boards could be added either in tandem or in different locations on the site. Consult with professionals to determine where your screens will have the most impact.

Be creative

Selecting a content management system or outsourcing content creation is necessary if you want complete freedom and control over your content.

One way to make your bulletin board even more unique is by creating your own custom fonts. With a few clicks, you can create a font that is specific to your brand or site, allowing you to stand out from the crowd.

In addition to using the fonts and graphics that work for your brand or organization, the added benefit of digital displays is the ability to add animation and audio for more impact.

It's possible that you just need to keep your announcements brief. Google Slides and other presentation software make it simple to make digital screen bulletins. 

Pair the screen with the digital bulletin board software

In order to use the screen as a digital bulletin board, you must first download the necessary software. Simply by entering the pairing code, a new screen can be added. Adding more than one bulletin board is as easy as repeating the steps above.  

Prepare the message

The digital bulletin board has become popular because of its quick and easy access to information. You should ensure the data you add is clear and simple. The information can be kept up-to-date with minimal effort when a simple system is used to display it. 

The Google Slides app, the digital bulletin board app of an intranet, your own graphics, etc., are all excellent options for creating a digital bulletin board. 

Schedule the messages

You can update the content with a digital bulletin board whenever you like. For instance, you can use digital bulletin boards to keep track of the tasks employees have due each day. The messages will evolve with each passing day. This means that after the messages have been created, you can set the times at which they will be displayed.  

What are the benefits of using a digital bulletin board? ​

What are the benefits of using a digital bulletin board

Improves information absorption

  Unfortunately, many businesses rely on inefficient forms of communication that are frequently disregarded. However, digital bulletin boards provide visual information management to keep workers informed of company news, information, peer activities, and career opportunities. When information is presented in interesting formats like graphics, videos, etc., the audience is more likely to retain the data presented. Internal message boards allow for more efficient and timely content management by higher-ups. They can transmit important messages, urgent announcements, or fresh data with just a few clicks.

Empower the employees  

Posting encouraging and empowering messages on bulletin boards is a great way to boost morale and productivity in the workplace. Motivating and reassuring workers is possible, for instance, through sharing stories of completed projects and employee appreciation. It's also a great tool for education.

Enhance productivity  

You can save time and get more done by using a bulletin board. With this resource, staff members won't have to waste time sifting through unnecessary emails and data. Rather, the bulletin board can be used to display individual messages, memos, and assignments. Clarity and consistency in communication can significantly impact efficiency, output, and the satisfaction of both employees and customers.

Establish a sense of community  

By giving everyone a place to post and read messages, digital bulletin boards are a visible symbol of workplace social cohesion. By doing so, they can get a great start on the conversations and find out more about their common interests, points of view, and approaches to overcoming obstacles. Because of this, people who participate on the board are more likely to feel like they are a part of something bigger.

Improve collaboration

Each intranet message board represents a one-of-a-kind aggregation of knowledge and insight. The staff has the ability to both find and add new content. Sharing the information with the team or sending quick links directly from the board makes collaboration much simpler. As the team regularly updates the documents, the information remains current.  

Improve the exposure

With everything going digital these days, it's time to do away with paper newsletters and mailing lists. In order to facilitate the dissemination of information within an organization, digital bulletin boards can be used. Large screens, touchscreens, video walls, monitors, and other internal and external options give companies progressive exposure.


Bulletin boards are a much more economical option. This is a one-time expenditure that won't need to be repeated. It's a net money saver because it helps cut down on wasteful spending.


Traditional bulletin boards are rendered useless when their original function has been fulfilled. All the flyers, posters, and banners that are thrown away end up in landfills and contribute to pollution. Electronic message boards are a simple way to reduce paper waste and help the environment. Corporations can make a positive impact on society by making the transition from analog to digital methods.

Useful for sharing multiple information  

Standard banners, flyer maker, and pamphlets make it tough to include all the details at once. Digital bulletin boards allow users to tailor and add content based on their individual preferences, facilitating the systematic processing of a large amount of data.

Better customer experience  

One of the best things about digital bulletin boards is their wealth of detailed, accurate, and simple-to-grasp information. Customers can save time and energy by accessing the relevant data in a matter of seconds.

Focus on important facts

You can benefit greatly from a digital bulletin board as an information-highlighting tool. Because there is so much information, employees frequently overlook vital details. Using a digital bulletin board is the ideal method for outlining guidelines, policies, and lessons.


Adding games and quizzes to a digital bulletin board is a simple yet effective use of technology in the workplace. This is a creative way to evaluate abilities. A digital bulletin board is a great tool for managers to use in the workplace for various activities.

What can you show on digital bulletin boards?  

What can you show on digital bulletin boards


The use of digital bulletin boards has made it much simpler to disseminate the latest news stories and other headlines. Adding motion to content is a great way to draw in readers or viewers.


Information slideshows are the most efficient means of dissemination in any business. Slides can also be displayed on bulletin boards to open the lines of communication effectively.

Let's take a closer look at how bulletin boards have been used in other settings to see how they might work for you.

Company updates

These applications are among the most niche for digital bulletin boards. It's simple to broadcast company-wide announcements, notifications, goals, product details and notes, employee accomplishments, and awards.  

Project schedules  

Meeting notices, calendar events, and weekly agendas can all be posted to electronic bulletin boards. More than that, it can be a useful tool for highlighting important dates, deadlines, and other reminders.

The combination of bulletin boards and the Microsoft 365 intranet solution ensures timely processing and presentation of schedules.

Video message 

Streaming videos can be accessed with less effort on a message board. Businesses can collaborate on various video types, such as advertisements, updated product demonstrations, and how-to guides.

Wrapping up 

A digital bulletin board provides a more convenient and individualized means of communicating with others. The creative potential of digital bulletin boards far exceeds that of their analog counterparts because of the ease with which users can upload their own images, slideshows, playlists, etc. Not only that, but you can prearrange the data that will be shown over the course of a week or two.

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