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6 In-Demand Fully Remote Career Paths to Explore as the World Transitions Back to Office Work

6 In-Demand Fully Remote Career Paths to Explore as the World Transitions Back to Office Work
6 In-Demand Fully Remote Career Paths to Explore as the World Transitions Back to Office Work
6 In-Demand Fully Remote Career Paths to Explore as the World Transitions Back to Office Work. 6 trends influencing the state of remote work in 2023 and beyond.

Posted in: Remote Work
6 In-Demand Fully Remote Career Paths to Explore as the World Transitions Back to Office Work
6 In-Demand Fully Remote Career Paths to Explore as the World Transitions Back to Office Work

It's no secret as the world returns to life post-pandemic workers are being called back to the office. However, according to a Pew Research Study, over 50% don't want to go back to the workplace. It's also not a secret why: the pandemic unleashed new freedoms and lifestyles for many workers, and it's hard to go back to a suit and tie after that. For many people, the allure of skipping a long commute or setting their own hours is simply too appealing.

However, for many the ultimatum is clear: return to work or be fired. Elon Musk became a vocal proponent of the latest tactic. The good news is there are self-directed job opportunities for those who don't want to be confined to an office again. From learning to trade stocks at home by participating in raging bull trading to learning to sell content online to finding remote positions based on skills and talent instead of location, there are plenty of ways to work from home without giving up your day job. 

#1.Become a Software Developer

Become a Software Developer

If switching jobs is not out of the question, it may be time to consider going back to school to learn software development. If you aren't willing to do that, then a coding bootcamp could help you acquire just enough skills to work in some similar entry-level positions. 

Most people can get started with a Bachelor's, but if you want to really be in high demand then consider adding a Master's to your current degree. If you need extra incentive, a software developer is the current top job on the US News Best Jobs list. 

Working from home as a software developer can have numerous benefits, such as increased flexibility, reduced commute time and costs, and improved work-life balance.

As a software developer, you can utilise your technical skills to work remotely on various projects, allowing you to broaden your skill set and gain experience in different industries.  A developer has the ability to create various types of digital products such as Android applications, websites, online applications, and intranet portals.

To succeed as a remote software developer, you need to have excellent communication skills to collaborate effectively with colleagues and clients. You also need to be highly self-motivated and able to work independently while still meeting deadlines and delivering quality work.

Overall, working from home as a software developer can be a highly rewarding career choice that offers a range of benefits and opportunities for growth.


To become a software developer, you need a range of technical and non-technical skills.

  • Technical skills required for software development include proficiency in programming languages such as Java, Python, C++, or JavaScript. 
  • You also need to be familiar with software development tools and technologies, such as integrated development environments (IDEs), version control systems (e.g. Git), and databases.


According to data from the UK Office for National Statistics, the average annual salary for a software developer in the UK is £48,752. However, this figure can range from around £27,000 for entry-level positions to over £80,000 for more experienced developers in senior positions.

#2.Learn to Trade Stocks

Learn to Trade Stocks

 The stock market is very complex, but that doesn't mean that you can't learn to be a day trader, it just means that you are going to have to proceed carefully and get used to a large learning curve. 

There are now plenty of apps like Robinhood and Webull that help break down the trading market. There are also a lot of traders online like Jeff Bishop with the Raging Bull platform that offers trade picks to followers to help guide them toward successful trading strategies.

However, it's important to note that trading stocks can be a challenging and risky job. Successful trading requires a deep understanding of market trends, financial analysis, and risk management. It also requires discipline, patience, and the ability to make quick decisions under pressure.

If you're interested in pursuing a career in stock trading, it's recommended that you invest in your education and training. There are numerous online courses, books, and resources available that can help you learn the necessary skills and strategies to become a successful trader.

Additionally, it's important to have a solid understanding of your financial goals and risk tolerance before you start trading. It's also recommended that you start with a small amount of capital and gradually increase your investments as you gain experience and confidence.


To be a successful stock trader, you need to have a combination of technical and soft skills. Here are some of the key skills that are essential for a career in stock trading:

  • The ability to understand financial statements and data to evaluate the performance of companies and make informed investment decisions.
  • A great understanding of market trends and factors that impact stock prices.
  • You must know how to identify and manage risk effectively to minimise losses and maximise profits.
  • You need to be able to use charts and other technical indicators to predict market movements and identify trading opportunities.
  • Able to have the discipline and patience to stick to your trading strategy and not be swayed by emotions or short-term fluctuations in the market.
  • Can make quick and informed decisions under pressure.
  • Effective communicate clearly and effectively with other traders, brokers, and clients is a must.
  • You need to be comfortable using trading platforms and other technology tools to execute trades and manage your portfolio


According to Glassdoor, the average base salary for a stock trader in the UK is around £56,000 per year. However, this can range from as low as £27,000 per year for entry-level traders to over £100,000 per year for experienced traders in senior positions or working for top-tier investment banks.

In addition to the base salary, many stock traders also receive bonuses and other incentives based on their performance and the profitability of their trades. These bonuses can significantly increase their earnings, with some traders earning several times their base salary in bonuses alone.

#3.Become a Content​ Creator

Become a Content​ Creator

 Content is still king, and there are thousands of web developers, business owners, and social media pages willing to pay for it. Whether you are skilled at producing digital content or written content, there are plenty of online platforms that allow you to sell it to the highest bidder. 

It may take time to earn real money, but there are many people who are successfully working from home producing high-quality content for clients.

So the answer is yes, Content creator is a very good job for someone that want to work from home.  Creating content can be a great job to consider for someone who wants to work from home. With the growth of online platforms and digital media, there is a growing demand for quality content that can engage audiences and drive traffic to websites.

There are many different types of content that you can create, including blog posts, social media updates, videos, podcasts, and more. As a content creator, you'll have the flexibility to work on your own schedule and from the comfort of your own home.

However, it's important to note that competition for content creation jobs can be fierce, so it's important to hone your skills and build a portfolio that showcases your work. You may also need to develop expertise in a particular niche or industry to stand out from the crowd.

If you're interested in pursuing a career in content creation, it's a good idea to start by building your skills and portfolio, networking with other content creators and industry professionals, and exploring job opportunities on online job boards and freelance marketplaces.


To be a successful content creator, there are several skills that you'll need to develop. These include:

  • As a content creator, you'll be responsible for creating written content that is engaging, informative and error-free. This means you need to have excellent writing skills, including the ability to write in a clear and concise manner, use proper grammar and spelling, and convey your ideas effectively.
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the practice of optimizing content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). To be a successful content creator, you'll need to understand the basics of SEO, including keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building.
  • As a content creator, you'll need to be creative and able to come up with fresh and engaging ideas for your content. This means you should be able to think outside the box and have a good understanding of what will resonate with your target audience.
  • Social media is a critical part of any content marketing strategy. You'll need to be proficient in using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to promote your content and engage with your audience.
  • As a content creator, you'll need to be able to manage your time effectively and meet tight deadlines. This means you should be able to prioritize your tasks and work efficiently to ensure that you deliver high-quality content on time.
  • To create high-quality content, you'll need to be able to research topics thoroughly and gather information from reliable sources. This means you should be able to conduct online research, interview subject matter experts, and fact-check your content to ensure its accuracy.


The salary range and benefits for content creators can vary widely depending on factors such as location, experience, and industry. Here are some general guidelines:

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a content creator in the UK is around £27,000 per year. However, this can vary depending on your level of experience, the size of the company you work for, and the type of content you create. Freelance content creators may charge hourly or project-based rates, which can vary widely.

If you work as an in-house content creator for a company, you may be eligible for benefits such as health insurance, paid time off, and retirement savings plans. Freelance content creators may not have access to these benefits but can enjoy the flexibility of setting their own schedules and working from home.

Many companies offer additional perks for content creators, such as professional development opportunities, access to industry events, and the opportunity to work with other talented professionals.

It's important to note that salaries and benefits can vary widely depending on your specific job and industry. As with any career, it's important to research potential employers and negotiate your salary and benefits package to ensure that you are being fairly compensated for your work.

#4.Start A Career As a Freelancing Websites Builder

Start A Career As a Freelancing Websites Builder

Web design services are in high demand, and with the exclusion of some top-notch web designers, almost all web design companies are remote. If web design comes naturally to you, or you are a creative who can contribute to graphic design it may be possible to carve a career out of building websites for clients who want to sharpen their online image. 

With the increasing demand for online presence, businesses and individuals are constantly seeking help to build and maintain their websites.

As a freelance website builder, you can enjoy the flexibility of working from home and choosing your own schedule. You can also work with clients from all over the world, which can give you exposure to diverse cultures and ideas.

However, it's important to note that freelancing comes with its own set of challenges, such as managing your own finances, finding clients, and setting your own rates. It's essential to have a solid portfolio, good communication skills, and knowledge of different website building platforms and programming languages to be successful in this field.


As a freelancer building websites, there are several skills you will need to have to be successful in this field. Some of these skills include:

  • You will need to have a strong understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You should also have experience with at least one CMS (Content Management System), such as WordPress, Shopify, or Squarespace.
  • A good eye for design is essential when building websites. You should be able to create visually appealing layouts and select appropriate fonts, colours, and images to create an overall aesthetic that matches the client's brand.
  • As a freelancer, you will be working with clients remotely. Good communication skills are crucial to ensure that you understand the client's needs and are able to deliver what they want.
  • You should be able to manage your time effectively and organise your workload to ensure that you can deliver projects on time and within budget.
  • It's essential to have some knowledge of digital marketing, including SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and PPC (Pay-per-click advertising), to help your clients drive traffic to their websites.
  • You should be able to troubleshoot problems and find solutions quickly and efficiently.


According to data from Payscale, freelance web developers in the UK earn an average hourly rate of £28.49, with rates ranging from £11.61 to £66.49 per hour. However, it's important to note that these rates can vary greatly depending on your level of experience, location, and the types of clients you work with.

It's also important to keep in mind that as a freelancer, you will be responsible for your own expenses, including taxes, healthcare, and retirement savings. It's important to factor these costs into your rates and budget accordingly.

#5.How to Become a Virtual Assistant

How to Become a Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants have been gaining popularity over the last decade, but the pandemic helped accelerate growth within this field. A virtual assistant essentially handles secretarial tasks that can be completed online or remotely. Secretaries who want to remain outside of the office will find that their administrative skills transfer easily into this career field. 

One of the biggest advantages of working as a virtual assistant is the flexibility it offers. You can set your own hours and work from anywhere with an internet connection, which is particularly appealing to those who value work-life balance. Additionally, the demand for virtual assistants has been increasing in recent years as more businesses turn to remote work and outsourcing.

According to the 2021 State of the Virtual Assistant Industry report by Time etc, the number of virtual assistants has grown by 95% since 2019, with 72% of virtual assistants being female. The report also found that the average hourly rate for virtual assistants was £16.63, with the highest rates being charged by those with specialized skills such as marketing or project management.


  • As a virtual assistant, you will be communicating with clients through email, phone, or video conferencing. You should be able to communicate clearly and professionally.
  • You will be managing multiple tasks and clients simultaneously, so being organised and able to prioritise is important.
  • You should be able to manage your time effectively and complete tasks within deadlines.
  • You should be comfortable with using technology and software such as Microsoft Office, Google Suite, and project management tools.
  • You should have strong attention to detail to ensure that work is completed accurately and free of errors.
  • You should be able to identify issues and come up with solutions quickly and effectively.
  • You should be able to adapt to changes in client needs and priorities.
  • You should be able to provide high-quality customer service and handle client inquiries and concerns in a professional manner.


The average salary for a virtual assistant varies depending on factors such as experience, location, and the specific services offered. According to Payscale, the average hourly rate for a virtual assistant in the UK is £10.99. However, experienced virtual assistants with specialised skills can charge higher rates.

#6.How About Being a Data Entry Clerk

How About Being a Data Entry Clerk

If you are good at typing and can pay close attention to detail, then working as a data entry specialist might be a good fit. However, there are a lot of scams related to data entry as well, so anyone attempting to find remote work within this field must tread carefully. 

If you are looking for a full-time income, you will have better luck finding a position as a data entry specialist for a verified company versus attempting to work for a freelance platform. 

Working from home as a Data Entry Specialist offers several benefits. 

It allows for greater flexibility in terms of scheduling and eliminates the need for commuting to and from work. Additionally, this type of job can often be done on a part-time or freelance basis, providing opportunities for individuals who may not want or be able to commit to a full-time job.

However, it is important to note that while data entry can be a good job for some people, it may not be the best fit for everyone. This type of work can be repetitive and may require a high level of attention to detail, as errors in data entry can have significant consequences. 

Additionally, competition for data entry jobs can be high, so it may take some effort to find the right job opportunity.


  • Data Entry Specialists must be able to type quickly and accurately, as they are responsible for inputting large amounts of information into computer systems or databases.
  • As data accuracy is crucial in this job, a strong attention to detail is essential to ensure that data is entered correctly and errors are minimised.
  • Data Entry Specialists should be comfortable using various computer programs and software, as they will need to navigate and input data into different databases and systems.
  • The ability to manage time effectively is important, as Data Entry Specialists may need to meet tight deadlines and juggle multiple tasks simultaneously.
  • Being organised is essential for Data Entry Specialists, as they will often be working with large amounts of data and need to keep track of various files and documents.
  • Data Entry Specialists may need to communicate with colleagues or clients to obtain or clarify information, so strong communication skills can be beneficial.


The salary for a Data Entry Specialist can vary depending on factors such as location, level of experience, and industry. In the UK, the average salary for a Data Entry Specialist is around £18,000 to £22,000 per year. However, this can range from £16,000 to £25,000 or more, depending on the employer and specific job requirements.

Find Jobs That Require Skill, Not Location

Finally, making yourself a commodity is the best way to ensure a career working remotely. If you possess a specialized skill set many companies will allow you to work remotely in exchange for access to that skill. 

One thing that many companies learned during the pandemic was to become "people-first" orientated. This means looking at the value a person brings to the company versus their physical location. 

Demonstrating that you can bring a lot to the table can make you more attractive to companies that routinely hire remote workers. 

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