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How Do Startups Pay Employees and Offer Competitive Compensation?

How Do Startups Pay Employees and Offer Competitive Compensation?
How Do Startups Pay Employees and Offer Competitive Compensation?
How do startups pay employees? Learn how they do it through a combination of revenue, investments, equity options, and various financial strategies.
Posted in: Growth
How Do Startups Pay Employees and Offer Competitive Compensation?
How Do Startups Pay Employees and Offer Competitive Compensation?

How do startups pay employees? Working at a startup can be both thrilling and fulfilling, offering the chance to chase your passions while collaborating with a team of driven and talented individuals.

Yet, no matter how inspiring startup work might be, people still have to meet their financial needs. Failing to compensate employees fairly is a critical mistake many startups make. So, what should you understand about startup pay and benefits?

What is employee compensation?

When people think of employee compensation, the first thing that typically comes to mind is an employee's salary. While this is a vital part of compensation, it's only one aspect of a broader concept. Employee compensation extends beyond just salary; it encompasses everything a company provides to employees in exchange for their work and contributions.

Compensation includes wages but also bonuses, incentives, and other monetary rewards. 

Beyond these financial elements, compensation also covers non-monetary benefits such as paid vacation, healthcare, retirement plans, and other perks like flexible working hours or wellness programs. This blend of both monetary and non-monetary compensation is not just a cost for the company, but an investment in its future. A competitive compensation package is a powerful tool for attracting, motivating, and retaining top talent. It shows employees that they are valued, making it a crucial factor in maintaining high morale and reducing turnover.

It's also worth noting that compensation and benefits, while often used interchangeably, are distinct. Benefits refer specifically to non-monetary rewards—such as health insurance, pension schemes, and other perks that significantly improve an employee's work-life balance. 

These benefits may not increase an employee's paycheck but enhance their overall work experience and job satisfaction, contributing to a healthier and more productive workforce. In today's competitive job market, offering a well-rounded compensation package that includes both financial incentives and thoughtful benefits is critical for organizations looking to stand out and secure the best employees.

It is also worth mentioning that providing comprehensive compensation demonstrates a company's commitment to its workforce, fostering loyalty and increasing employee engagement. A well-structured compensation plan helps build a positive work culture, contributing to a company's long-term success and sustainability.

What Can You Expect from a Startup Salary?

What Can You Expect from a Startup Salary

Working for a startup often means taking a cut in base pay, where employees typically earn below the industry average. However, many startups provide alternative compensation—most commonly in the form of equity—aimed at balancing the lower wages with the potential for future financial gains.

Based on industry insights, startup salaries can vary widely. In general, employees can expect an average salary of around $100,000 per year, with entry-level positions starting closer to $50,000 and senior roles reaching upwards of $180,000 annually. Another source suggests the national average hovers around $80,000.

Of course, these averages don't reflect the specific pay ranges for different positions within a startup, as compensation varies based on the role and expertise required. Below are some general estimates for a few key roles:

  • Software engineers typically earn around $100,000 annually, with entry-level roles starting at about $70,000 and more senior engineers earning up to $140,000.
  • For user experience designers, salaries tend to average close to $80,000, ranging from $50,000 to $110,000 depending on experience.
  • Sales directors see compensation averaging around $90,000, with pay ranging between $60,000 and $130,000.
  • Product managers often earn higher salaries, with an average of around $110,000 and a pay range from $75,000 to $150,000.

Interns at startups are generally paid less than full-time employees, but they are still legally required to receive at least minimum wage if the work primarily benefits the company.

Why is Employee Compensation Important for your Startup?

We've explored employee compensation and the various models you can adopt. 

Now, let's dive into why selecting the right compensation package is crucial for your startup's success.

  • Boosting Employee Motivation - When employees are compensated fairly, it communicates that their efforts are recognized and valued. This appreciation drives them to perform at their best, which raises overall motivation and lifts company morale, leading to improved performance across the board.  Bonuses, incentives, and commissions are potent motivators that reinforce an employee's value. These perks acknowledge their hard work and encourage them to strive for even better results, directly impacting your company's sales, revenue, and long-term success.
  • Enhanced Productivity - A motivated team is a productive one. Employees who feel appreciated and driven will naturally become more efficient, accomplishing more in less time. This increase in productivity helps reduce costs, enhances customer service, and ultimately boosts your revenue and profits. Moreover, proper compensation encourages retention, allowing employees to stay with the company longer, gain more experience, and become even more efficient over time as they master your processes.
  • Increased Job Satisfaction - Offering competitive salaries and benefits greatly impacts job satisfaction. When employees feel valued, their sense of fulfilment increases. This is especially true when compensation is tied to the company's performance, reinforcing the idea that as the company succeeds, so do they.  This sense of shared success fosters better teamwork and smoother collaboration, enhancing your company's efficiency and profitability.
  • Higher Employee Retention - Beyond improving performance, job satisfaction also reduces turnover. Employees who feel happy and valued are less likely to seek other opportunities, building stronger loyalty to your company. A well-structured compensation package helps retain top talent, leading to several benefits: consistency, cohesion within teams, and savings on recruitment, training, and onboarding—which can be particularly challenging for startups.
  • Attracting Top Talent - Competitive compensation not only retains employees but also attracts the best talent. Skilled professionals naturally gravitate towards companies offering great pay and benefits.

Also, satisfied employees become ambassadors for your company. Their positive experiences can be spread by word of mouth, strengthening your ability to attract future top-tier talent.

How are Startups Funded and How does it Impact Employee Pay?

Startup compensation is a tricky subject, mainly because startups often depend on securing fresh funding. In the early "seed stage," startups raise money from a small group of investors who trade their capital for an ownership stake in the company.

This initial funding helps the startup cover operating costs and pay employees until the business becomes self-sustaining. As the company grows, it moves through larger rounds of venture capital investment, commonly referred to as Series A, B, C, and so on.

A portion of this investment is allocated toward employee compensation, which typically includes both salary and equity in the company. Along with their yearly paycheck, employees are often offered stock options as part of their benefits package.

Stock options allow employees to purchase company shares at a set price. The goal is that, over time, the value of the stock will rise above the original "grant price" or "exercise price," enabling employees to sell their shares at a profit.

To encourage long-term commitment, stock options are usually tied to a vesting schedule, where shares become available for purchase gradually over time.

For instance, a common vesting schedule might span four years, with 25% of the shares becoming available each year. In this arrangement, there could be a one-year "cliff," meaning an employee must stay with the company for at least one year before any shares become eligible for purchase.

 Do Startup Founders Take a Salary? 

Do Startup Founders Take a Salary

Startup founders, as the key figures in driving the business, may or may not decide to draw a salary in addition to holding equity in the company. This decision typically depends on the financial standing of the startup and the founders' personal ability to manage without immediate income.

There's no one-size-fits-all answer, as startups vary in size and resources. However, some benchmarks offer a glimpse into common practices. For instance, founders in programs like Y Combinator may choose to pay themselves around $55,000 annually, according to industry data. Meanwhile, for startups with $7 to $9 million in funding, CEO salaries often hover around $125,000.

Other founding roles, such as the chief technical officer (CTO) or chief operating officer (COO), also generally receive compensation. Data suggests that startup CTOs typically earn about $140,000 per year, while COOs tend to bring in around $120,000 annually.

Startup Compensation Guide

The startup compensation guide can help you navigate the complexities of negotiating your pay when joining a startup. 

Since startup salaries often differ significantly from those offered by more traditional companies, it can be tricky to determine what's fair. However, that doesn't mean you can't negotiate a deal that reflects your skills, experience, and personal needs. This guide will outline the key elements of salary, equity, and additional perks that you should consider during compensation discussions.

Understand the Impact of Cost of Living  

One of the most crucial factors to consider when negotiating a startup salary is the cost of living in the city where the company is located. Many startups, particularly in the tech industry, are based in high-cost cities like San Francisco, New York, or London. Living in these areas can put a strain on your finances if you accept a salary that doesn't account for the additional cost.

If you're relocating to a pricey city, bring up the cost of living during your salary negotiations. Use data from online cost-of-living calculators to back up your request. These numbers can help you argue for a higher salary, especially if you're moving from a more affordable location.

Leverage Your Experience and Skills

Even if startups tend to offer lower base salaries than established companies, they still highly value experienced candidates. If you have several years of relevant experience or possess specialized skills that align with the company's needs, don't hesitate to use this as a bargaining tool.

Clearly outline your qualifications and contributions during negotiations, and how they can impact the startup's success

For instance, if you've led successful product launches or managed high-performing teams, emphasize these achievements to demonstrate your value. The more essential your skills are to the startup, the more room you'll have to negotiate for a competitive salary.

Plan for Salary Growth Over Time

While it's common for startup employees to accept lower initial wages, this shouldn't mean that your salary remains stagnant. 

As the company secures additional rounds of funding and grows, your compensation should increase accordingly. Be sure to discuss how and when your salary might rise in the future, ideally tied to specific company milestones like reaching Series A or B funding.

Consider proposing a compensation review after the startup hits certain funding or revenue targets. Having a plan in place for salary growth can ensure that your financial needs are met as the startup progresses, making the lower initial pay more manageable.

Weigh Salary Against Equity

Many startups offer employees equity in the company in exchange for lower upfront salaries. This can be an attractive option if you believe in the company's long-term success, as your shares could become valuable over time. However, this trade-off should be made with careful consideration of your immediate financial needs.

Equity typically comes with a vesting schedule, which means that you'll only earn the full value of your shares after staying with the company for a certain period. Make sure you fully understand the vesting terms and calculate how much those shares could be worth under different exit scenarios before making a decision.

Negotiate for Perks Beyond Salary

If you find that there's limited flexibility in terms of base salary, don't overlook the possibility of negotiating for additional perks. Startups are often more open to offering non-monetary benefits, such as extra vacation days, remote work opportunities, or flexible hours.

Another powerful negotiating tactic is to push for a more senior title. A title bump, such as moving from "Software Engineer" to "Senior Software Engineer," can provide long-term career benefits and position you for higher pay in future roles. Startups may be more willing to offer these perks, which don't immediately impact their cash flow, but can enhance your overall compensation package.

Where do Companies Get Money to Pay Employees?

So, where do companies get money to pay employees? It is essential to grasp how businesses operate. The primary source of funds for most companies comes from the revenue they generate by selling goods or services. This income allows businesses to cover operating expenses, including salaries, benefits, and other compensation for employees.

In addition to sales revenue, companies may also rely on external funding sources. For startups, this often includes investment rounds, where venture capitalists or angel investors provide capital in exchange for equity. Larger, established businesses might tap into credit lines or loans from banks or financial institutions, especially when cash flow is low.

Public companies, on the other hand, can raise money by issuing stocks or bonds, providing them with a broader base of funds to cover expenses, including payroll. In some cases, government grants or subsidies can also help companies, particularly in industries like research, renewable energy, or education.

Startups and companies acquire funds from various sources to pay their employees. Here's a list of common funding sources for startups:

  • BootstrappingFounders may use their personal savings or income from other ventures to pay initial employee salaries, especially in the early stages of the startup.
  • Revenue from SalesAs the company grows and starts generating revenue through sales of products or services, this income is often used to cover employee salaries and other operational expenses.
  • Angel InvestorsAngel investors are wealthy individuals who provide capital to startups in exchange for ownership equity or convertible debt. This early-stage funding can be used to pay employees.
  • Venture Capital (VC)Venture capital firms invest larger amounts of money in startups with high growth potential. This investment is often used to expand operations and pay employees.
  • Government Grants and LoansMany governments offer grants, loans, or tax credits to startups, especially in sectors like technology, healthcare, or clean energy. These funds can support payroll.
  • CrowdfundingPlatforms like Kickstarter or Indiegogo allow startups to raise money directly from the public. These funds can be allocated toward business operations, including employee salaries.
  • Accelerator ProgramsStartup accelerators, such as Y Combinator or Techstars, offer mentorship, resources, and seed funding in exchange for equity. The seed money provided can help with payroll costs.
  • Bank LoansSome startups secure traditional bank loans or lines of credit to fund their operations. Loaned capital can be used to pay employees, but repayment terms and interest are involved.
  • Partnerships and Strategic AlliancesStartups may form partnerships with larger companies, who invest in their growth. These funds can help startups scale and cover payroll expenses.
  • Private Equity Private equity investors provide capital for more established startups or those with proven revenue models, which can then be used for salary payouts and further growth.
  • Initial Coin Offerings (ICO)In the tech space, some startups raise funds through ICOs by offering digital tokens in exchange for cryptocurrency. Funds from ICOs can be used to support employee compensation.
  • Initial Public Offering (IPO)If the company goes public, selling shares on the stock market through an IPO provides significant capital, a portion of which can be used to pay employees.
  • Factoring or Invoice Financing Startups can sell outstanding invoices to factoring companies to get immediate cash flow, which can be used to cover payroll costs.
  • Friends and FamilySome startups rely on personal loans or investments from friends and family. While risky, this option can provide funds for paying employees in the early stages.

Ultimately, the funds used to pay employees depend on a combination of direct revenue and financial strategies, tailored to the company's size, industry, and growth stage.

Challenges for Startup Compensation

Compensation is critical to a startup's ability to attract, retain, and motivate talent. However, establishing an effective compensation structure in a startup environment is challenging. Limited budgets, the need for scalability, and competing against more established firms can complicate the process. 

This chapter delves into the primary challenges startups face in developing a compensation strategy and offers insights on overcoming them. 

1. Limited Financial Resources

One of the most obvious challenges for startups is the lack of financial resources compared to larger, more established companies. 

Most startups operate on tight budgets, often relying on initial funding rounds, personal savings, or revenue that has not yet fully materialized. 

However, these constraints also foster a culture of innovation and creativity. With limited cash flow, startups may struggle to offer competitive salaries to attract top talent, especially in industries where candidates expect significant compensation packages.


  • Need to attract highly skilled candidates.
  • Risk of high turnover due to lower-than-average salaries.
  • Potential for employees to feel

How to Overcome

  • Equity Compensation: One of the most common ways startups compensate for lower salaries is through equity-based compensation. Offering stock options or shares in the company can compensate for lower pay and provide long-term employee incentives. While equity doesn't offer immediate financial benefits, it allows employees to share in the company's potential success, creating alignment between employee and company goals.
  • Deferred Compensation: Another strategy is offering deferred compensation, where employees agree to receive part of their pay later, often after the startup reaches certain financial milestones. This option requires transparent communication to ensure employees understand the risks and rewards.
  • Creative Perks and Non-Monetary Benefits: Startups can also focus on non-monetary rewards that enhance job satisfaction, such as flexible working hours, remote work options, professional development opportunities, or a positive, mission-driven culture. These perks make up for a lower salary while creating a compelling work environment.

2. Attracting Talent in a Competitive Market

In competitive industries like technology, healthcare, or finance, startups face intense pressure to attract skilled workers, mainly when competing with larger, more established companies that offer high salaries and comprehensive benefits packages. 

Finding and retaining talent can be challenging for startups operating in high-demand markets. 


  • Limited ability to compete with higher compensation packages offered by bigger companies.
  • Loss of top talent to competitors.
  • Difficulty building a high-performance team in the early stages.
  • How to Overcome

    • Emphasize Mission and Culture: Startups can attract talent by highlighting their unique mission, culture, and growth opportunities. Many employees are drawn to startups because they offer a chance to work on innovative projects and have a direct impact on the company's success. A clear and compelling vision, paired with a strong culture of teamwork and collaboration, can be a powerful draw for candidates seeking more than just a paycheck.
    • Offer Clear Growth Paths: Startups can differentiate themselves by providing opportunities for rapid career growth and professional development. Many candidates are attracted to startups because they allow for accelerated learning and the chance to take on more responsibility earlier in their careers. Providing mentorship, leadership opportunities, and a clear path for advancement can be a compelling offer.
    • Flexible Compensation Packages: Tailoring compensation packages to individual employees' needs can be a strategic advantage. For example, some employees may prioritize equity over salary, while others might value work-life balance or professional development opportunities more. Providing flexibility in how compensation is structured can make the offer more attractive.

    3. Balancing Equity with Cash Compensation

    Equity compensation is a key tool for startups, but it can also present challenges. While offering equity can be an effective way to compensate for lower salaries, it comes with its own set of complexities. Determining the right amount of equity to offer, managing dilution as the company grows, and ensuring employees understand the value of their shares can all be tricky.


  • Misalignment between employee expectations and the actual value of equity.
  • Potential dilution issues for founders and early employees.
  • Complex legal and tax implications for employees receiving equity.
  • How to Overcome

    • Clear Communication: Transparency is critical when offering equity compensation. Employees need to understand the risks and rewards, including the fact that equity may not become valuable unless the company succeeds. Founders should provide clear explanations about the vesting schedule, potential dilution, and how equity will be valued over time.
    • Offer Competitive Equity Packages: To ensure equity compensation remains attractive, startups should benchmark their equity offerings against industry standards. Early-stage employees typically expect more significant equity stakes because they are taking on higher risks. As the company grows, equity packages may need to be adjusted accordingly.
    • Consult Legal and Tax Experts: Startups should work with legal and tax professionals to ensure that equity compensation is structured in a way that is compliant with local laws and beneficial to both the company and employees. This includes considerations like vesting schedules, 409A valuations, and employee stock option plans (ESOPs).

    4. Managing Cash Flow and Compensation Adjustments

    For early-stage startups, cash flow can be unpredictable, and managing compensation adjustments during periods of growth or financial instability is a constant challenge. While scaling, companies often find it difficult to balance paying competitive salaries with maintaining sufficient operational capital.


  • Cash flow constraints leading to delayed salary increases.
  • Inability to offer performance-based bonuses.
  • Increased risk of employee turnover if compensation is not regularly adjusted to market rates.
  • How to Overcome

    • Performance-Based Milestones: Tie salary increases and bonuses to specific performance or funding milestones. This approach aligns employee incentives with the company's financial health and allows the startup to make compensation adjustments in a sustainable way.
    • Regular Compensation Reviews: Conduct regular market benchmarking to ensure that your compensation remains competitive. While startups may not be able to offer large raises every year, it's important to stay informed about industry standards and adjust compensation when possible.
    • Leverage Bonuses and Profit Sharing: Instead of committing to high salaries, startups can offer performance bonuses or profit-sharing arrangements. These strategies reward employees for contributing to the company's success while also aligning their interests with the startup's financial goals.

    5. Regulatory and Compliance Issues

    Startups often operate with limited administrative resources, which can make managing compensation-related compliance issues challenging. There are various legal requirements to consider when offering compensation, including labor laws, tax regulations, and stock option compliance.


  • Risk of legal penalties for non-compliance with wage and hour laws.
  • Complex tax implications for equity compensation.
  • Potential for employee disputes if compensation is not managed transparently.
  • How to Overcome

    • Seek Legal and HR Expertise: Startups should consult with HR and legal experts early on to ensure that their compensation policies comply with local laws and regulations. This includes understanding minimum wage laws, overtime requirements, and tax implications for both cash and equity compensation.
    • Implement Standardized Compensation Policies: Even though startups are often flexible in nature, having clear, standardized compensation policies in place can help avoid disputes and ensure that employees are treated fairly. Documenting salary ranges, bonus structures, and equity terms can reduce the risk of misunderstandings and legal issues.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1. What is employee compensation?

     Employee compensation refers to the total reward paid to employees for their work and contribution to a company. It includes both monetary and non-monetary rewards. Monetary compensation typically consists of salaries, wages, bonuses, and incentives. Non-monetary compensation covers benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, vacation days, and other perks that add value to an employee's job experience. Effective compensation packages help attract and retain top talent and keep employees motivate

    2. What is the difference between compensation and benefits? 

     Compensation includes all forms of financial rewards provided to employees, such as salaries, bonuses, and stock options. Benefits, on the other hand, are non-monetary rewards provided to employees, like health insurance, wellness programs, or paid time off. Both compensation and benefits together form a complete employee package that enhances job satisfaction and employee retention.

    3. How do startups manage compensation with limited resources?

    Startups often face challenges when it comes to offering competitive salaries due to limited financial resources. To compensate, many startups offer equity-based compensation, stock options, and other non-monetary perks like flexible work hours, remote working, or professional development opportunities. This helps startups attract and retain talent even when they cannot match the salary levels of larger organizations. Additionally, some startups may offer deferred compensation tied to specific funding or performance milestones.

    4. Why is equity compensation important in startups?

    Equity compensation is crucial for startups because it aligns the interests of employees with the long-term success of the company. Offering stock options or shares allows employees to have a stake in the company's future, incentivizing them to contribute to its growth and success. It also helps startups compete for talent when they may not have the cash flow to offer high salaries. Equity compensation is especially attractive to employees who believe in the company's potential and are willing to take on the associated risks.

    5. What challenges do startups face with compensation compliance?  

    Startups face several challenges related to compensation compliance, such as adhering to local labor laws, tax regulations, and managing stock option plans. It's essential for startups to seek legal and HR advice to ensure they are compliant with wage laws, overtime rules, and equity distribution requirements. Non-compliance can lead to legal penalties and disputes with employees, making it important to establish clear and transparent compensation policies from the beginning.

    6. Can startups offer performance-based bonuses? 

    Yes, startups can offer performance-based bonuses as a part of their compensation packages. These bonuses can be tied to individual performance, company milestones, or revenue targets. Performance-based bonuses help motivate employees to meet specific goals while allowing the startup to remain flexible with cash flow, as payouts are linked to actual performance outcomes.


    ​ Companies draw from a variety of sources to pay their employees. 

    The most common is revenue generated from selling products or services, which forms the backbone of their financial stability. Additionally, companies may seek external funding, such as venture capital, loans, or public investments like stocks and bonds. Startups often rely on investor funding, while larger corporations might use a mix of financing options. Ultimately, the combination of revenue and financial strategies ensures that businesses can cover payroll and continue operating efficiently.

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