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Understanding millennials in the workplace and solving their problems in a digital workplace

Understanding millennials in the workplace and solving their problems in a digital workplace
Understanding millennials in the workplace and solving their problems in a digital workplace
One of the defining characteristics of the millennial generation is their affinity with the digital world. But how do we solve other problems in a digital workplace?
Posted in: Employee Engagement
Understanding millennials in the workplace and solving their problems in a digital workplace
Understanding millennials in the workplace and solving their problems in a digital workplace

Millennials have always been on the outside of society since they passed through the age of puberty. They are the most studied and over-analyzed generations in history. They're dubbed the "hardest target demographic to engage" by marketers and the "hardest lot to manage" by managers.

Younger workers are frequently chastised for being needy, clinging to their parents and constantly seeking praise and favour. While Millennials demand help, positive response, training, and to be acknowledged in the job, this does not make them reliant. They are, in fact, quite strategic. They consider what they require to be successful, and they ask for it.

Unlike previous generations, Millennials are used to using technology. They've known it since they were children, and it's been ingrained in their friendships and daily routines. Millennials are comfortable in using technology at the workplace because it helps them save time and minimizes drudgery. But just because kids are always using their phones doesn't mean they don't need other people. In reality, Millennials' commitment to the organization's goals, job satisfaction, and other factors like engagement and retention are all influenced by their sense of belonging at work.

Understanding Millennials in the workplace 

Understanding Millennials in the workplace

Millennials want to be heard and have their opinions considered. They despise undertaking monotonous or dull tasks. They desire a life outside of work, and they demand enough flexibility to be able to balance personal and professional obligations. However, entitled does not imply laziness. Millennials put in long hours, don't expect their job to end when they leave the workplace and are highly driven. They desire to do more than their job descriptions and advance in the company.

Meaningful employment, autonomy, recognition, feedback, and growth chances are what most people seek. Contrary to common assumption, there aren't many specific issues that need to be addressed when it comes to Millennials in the workplace.

That isn't to suggest that each generation isn't distinct from the one before it. For example, Millennials' work values may differ in some circumstances - Millennials may be more impressed by a company's excellent image than by its size and longevity. It is something the employers need to take into account when writing job ads to attract Millennials. In addition, the millennial generation's self-esteem and capacity to be patient has been harmed by their upbringing.

Even still, individuals haven't changed much in terms of what drives them at work or what might help them succeed - all of which are factors that managers and HR should consider in order to create a healthy workplace for everybody. Don't place folks with shaky self-esteem who are eager to achieve into a generational box if you want to help them. Instead, use the same tactics for all generations, including post-Millennials, including generation Z.

Managing Millennials in the workplace 

Managing Millennials in the workplace

One of the most major changes brought in by millennial employees is a strong focus on work-life balance. The term "work-life balance" has become popular among Millennials, and many of them are succeeding in managing their job and personal lives.

Employees' physical presence is not needed at work every day for the majority of job functions. The usual 9-to-5 work schedule is quickly becoming obsolete. The move to mobile communication has completely reshaped the workplace culture.

On the one hand, technology has allowed Millennials to work from anywhere. It has, on the other side, made youthful staff extremely approachable. They are "always accessible" and are willing to work outside of normal business hours. Millennials are used to checking business emails on their phones during vacations and holidays. As a result, you may employ intranet software to simplify things for them.

The notion of the unreachable boss who sits in the background while their staff works is ineffective. Even more, so is the manager, who constantly moans and mopes. People need to believe that they are trusted and respected and that you genuinely care about their development and improvement.

The majority of individuals desire to execute their work properly and efficiently. But they'll need enough resources, such as training and equipment, to do so. Promoting learning and development opportunities for your team members is a smart idea. Inquire about your team's training budget and debate the various choices with your colleagues. Some people may have discovered valuable conferences to attend, while others may choose to study through books and online courses. If you want your employees to learn certain abilities, do some research and offer related courses or seminars.

Job stability, decent income, vital benefits, and acknowledgement for one's work are all elements that most people value in their jobs. These may not be totally under your control, but doing your best will undoubtedly gain the trust and respect of your teammates. Applaud your coworkers for a job well done. When feasible, push for wage levels that are equivalent to or higher than the market. Be fair to everyone and, if necessary, overcome your unconscious biases.

Training Millennials in the workplace 

Training Millennials in the workplace

Workplace rigidity is one element that pushes young folks to become entrepreneurs. In fact, this generation's dread of becoming a gear in someone else's fantasy machine is a strong characteristic. However, not all young adults aspire to own their own company. This means that organizations with the correct training programs have a good chance of keeping their best employees and building loyalty.

To understand how to lead Millennials in the workplace, you must first recognize that they must believe that their position is vital not just to your company but also to their own personal fulfilment and happiness.

  • -Use small training sessions
  • -Provide coaching and mentorship
  • -Use video content
  • -Provide easy to use tools
  • -Use gamification in intranet
  • -Encourage continuous learning

Statistics about Millennials in the workplace 

Statistics about Millennials in the workplace

The bulk of today's workforce is made up of Millennials. Furthermore, Millennials will account for 75% of the US employment. Working with and engaging Millennials in the workplace is difficult. As a result, it's no surprise that Millennials in the workplace are the subject of much discussion and research.

We focus on Millennials for a reason: there are 1.8 billion of them, accounting for almost a quarter of the world's population. 

You can find 72.1 million Millennials in the United States, much outnumbering the 71.6 million Boomers.

Millennials are a digital generation that has grown up with the internet and tablets; laptops have transformed how they communicate and engage with one another. About 85 percent of Millennials use the internet through their phones. Furthermore, Millennials spend a significant amount of their spare time on their smartphones, and they expect to be able to access their work-related duties from the same device.

Millennials are the generation that prefers to deal with and work for companies that follow a certain purpose. In addition, they want their basic beliefs to match those of their employer. A job is no longer just about making a living; for Millennials, it's about having a sense of purpose. Moreover, about 75% of them show that they want their personal beliefs to line with their employer's principles. In addition, they are even prepared to accept a salary reduction to work for a firm that shares their values.

Problems faced by Millennials in the workplace 

Problems faced by Millennials in the workplace

Organizations with a high number of Millennials in senior roles and top management led by the older generation may experience a variety of millennial-related difficulties. The collision between Millennials' beliefs, tastes, and concepts with those of older age can lead to a variety of issues. You must be aware of challenges that may occur as a result of the presence of Millennials in the workplace, especially when they are the majority.

The continual changes in recruitment technologies are one of the numerous challenges Millennials confront while entering the workforce. It used to be enough to just go into a firm, hand a manager your résumé, and explain your story. Resumes are now sorted by machines using algorithms that look for keywords. If certain keywords aren't included in a resume, it's unlikely that it will be reviewed by a recruiter. Those who do not match a predefined profile, particularly those who are varied, are left out in the cold.

Millennials prefer more independence and dislike being micromanaged. They want to be able to solve problems on their own. The reverse appears to be true for Baby Boomers at the top of the business ladder: they refuse to surrender authority. Millennials may get increasingly frustrated as a result of this power struggle.


​ Employers must understand that the first step in managing Millennials in the workplace is to listen to their requirements. Like any other employee, Millennials want to be heard and supported. So, ask your staff what they believe is best for them and provide them advice based on their answers. Millennials will applaud you for cultivating meaningful workplace relationships since they make retention and productivity easier.

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