By Jill Romford on Wednesday, 22 May 2024
Category: Blog

Employee Experience Platform: Disengagement Killing Your Team?

Digital advancements are driving the need for new tools that empower employees. An employee's experience at your company can make or break their success. Feeling isolated, overworked, unseen, or overloaded can significantly hinder productivity and performance – a recognized concern by management and HR.

While employee engagement platforms have existed for some time, the employee experience software concept is a fresh take introduced by Josh Bersin in 2019. He envisioned EXPs as a "company-wide effort" to ensure employees stay productive, healthy, engaged, and on target.

By implementing an EXP or revamping your intranet, you can make significant strides in enhancing the employee experience. The best part is, these improvements can be made without disrupting the current workflows, making it a win-win situation for both the employees and the company.

They have always wondered how to keep employees happy, productive, and connected, especially in a startup or remote environment. 

Look no further than Employee Experience Platforms (EXPs). 

This article will explore employee experience software, their key features and benefits, and why they're a perfect fit for startups and businesses with remote frontline workers. So, let's get started!

The Problem: Disengagement and The Costs of Disengaged Employees

Disengagement is a severe issue that can drain your company's productivity and profits

You're on the front lines of combating disengagement as an internal communication manager. By keeping employees informed, connected, and motivated, you can help to create a positive and engaging work environment. But here is the problem with disengagement and the costs of disengaged employees.

A recent Gallup study revealed a concerning trend: employee engagement has dipped for the first time in ten years. While active disengagement has decreased slightly, a significant portion of the workforce (18%) remains actively disengaged.

Disengaged employees can significantly impact your business. From decreased productivity and collaboration to higher absenteeism and turnover, disengagement hurts your bottom line.

We also found that Gallup's research paints a clear picture: engaged employees are a company boon. They bring their best every day, collaborate effectively, and drive productivity.

On the flip side, disengagement is a drain. Gallup estimates that disengagement costs the global economy $7.8 trillion in lost productivity. In the US alone, companies lose $450 to $500 billion annually due to disengagement, translating to a hefty $3,400 for every $10,000 salary.

And here's the kicker: these figures only account for actively disengaged employees. Most of the workforce falls under the "not engaged" category, further amplifying disengagement's impact.

How to Reduce Employee Disengagement

While employers often seek naturally "engaged" workers, Gallup reminds us that engagement isn't a personal trait but an experience shaped by the company, managers, and teams. To boost employee engagement, the focus should be on cultivating a positive company culture and a fulfilling employee experience.

Here are some key actions to reduce active disengagement and drive overall employee engagement with a employee experience software:

What are the 4 pillars of employee experience in the workplace

In a study involving 600 workers, 93% identified four critical areas as the most important to them:

This is just a glimpse into the importance of the employee experience. 

Please read more to gain deeper insight into these four pillars and their impact on your workplace. 

What is an employee experience platform?

In today's work environment, organizations need new tools to thrive. Employee experience platforms (EXPs) such as AgilityPortal and Microsoft Viva support individuals and teams by fostering greater connection, insight, purpose, and growth.

An employee experience platform is a comprehensive digital solution designed to enhance and streamline various aspects of the employee experience within an organization. It integrates multiple tools and systems to create a cohesive environment that supports employees throughout their entire journey with the company, from onboarding to career development.

Key features of an employee experience platform typically include:

Organizations can create a more engaging, efficient, and supportive work environment by integrating these features into a single platform. This, in turn, can lead to higher employee satisfaction, better retention rates, and improved overall productivity. 

Why a Single Employee Experience Platform Supercharges Your Employees

The concept of a user-centric system for internal communication and collaboration might sound new, but the intranet has a well-established ancestor. Throughout this post, we'll use both terms interchangeably because, at their core, they serve the same purpose.

In essence, an EXP is a modern take on the traditional intranet. It's a private company network that empowers employees by facilitating communication, collaboration, and efficient work performance. Like the original intranet, an EXP acts as a central hub, connecting employees with their colleagues, employers, and the information they need to excel in their roles. 

It's a system built to enhance the overall employee experience.

The term "intranet" has evolved, branching out into names like:

While there might be slight variations in how these terms are used, they all essentially refer to the same concept: a user-friendly platform that integrates various data sources and business applications (think SharePoint, Teams, Salesforce) into a single, unified experience for employees to interact with their company.

Improves Employee engagement

 It's a well-known fact: happy and engaged employees are more productive, which translates directly to a company's financial success. Research confirms this connection, highlighting the importance of fostering a positive work environment.

However, there's a roadblock. Many companies, in their efforts to boost engagement, bombard employees with various tools. This creates frustration as employees waste time switching between them, hindering their workflow.

The answer lies in simplification. Creating a unified employee experience portal allows you to consolidate the essential tools your team uses most frequently. This streamlined approach keeps things organized and efficient.

Furthermore, personalization is crucial. You can tailor messages and resources to specific needs by segmenting your audience. This could involve job role, location, language, and personal interests. This ensures employees receive the most relevant information and support precisely when needed.

Also, recognition remains crucial in fostering long-term job satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment. Taking the time to acknowledge employees' achievements and express appreciation for their hard work goes a long way. Celebrating successes together further strengthens team spirit and reinforces the value each individual brings to the organization.

Builds Social connection with your employees 

Strong workplace relationships and a support network aren't just feel-good perks—they're essential for employee well-being. Studies show they act as a buffer against stress and burnout. This is especially important in today's remote work landscape, where employees often report feeling less connected despite the surge in meeting times.

The key lies in fostering natural communication beyond rigid, formal structures. Utilize your Employee Experience Platform (EXP) to create discussion forums for casual interaction – a place to chat about hobbies, weekend plans, or anything beyond work. Dedicating time within the workday for these informal conversations can significantly improve social connection.

The benefits extend far beyond employee happiness. Research suggests a clear link between high social connectivity and positive business outcomes. When fostering relationships becomes a company priority, the results are inspiring-BetterUp's findings show a remarkable 34% increase in goal attainment and a 23% boost in growth mindset among employees.

The impact is undeniable – employees with weak social ties are 71% more likely to leave their jobs. As responsible leaders, investing in tools and strategies to combat loneliness and isolation within your remote workforce is not just about fostering a positive environment, it's a smart business decision.

Encourages collaboration amongst employees

Employees crave the right tools to collaborate seamlessly, regardless of location. 80% of workers report that access to such technology would boost their productivity, with coordination being a significant hurdle.

A centralized Employee Experience Platform (EXP) acts as a bridge, breaking down communication barriers between teams and departments. This fosters a more collaborative environment, enabling effective virtual teamwork and streamlining coordination efforts.

The benefits extend beyond efficiency. Collaboration is the engine of innovation, generating fresh ideas and fostering diverse perspectives. An EXP that facilitates this type of collaborative exchange is not just about boosting productivity; it's an investment in building strong, long-term relationships within your workforce, which are essential ingredients for sustainable success and a competitive edge. 

Allows Learning and development 

Employee loyalty and satisfaction soar when organizations invest in their people's growth. Everyone has personal and professional aspirations, and companies that provide ongoing Learning and Development (L&D) opportunities demonstrate a commitment to their employees' futures.

An Employee Experience Platform (EXP) has become a powerful tool for self-directed learning. Training resources are readily available at the employees' fingertips whenever they're ready to take the next step, empowering individuals to take charge of their development.

The benefits extend further. The EXP allows for easy tracking of progress for employees and their managers. This valuable data can then be used to create personalized learning plans. Imagine one-on-one discussions fueled by insights into individual goals and skill development needs. These customized plans and informed career path planning discussions pave the way for a more engaged and motivated workforce.

Employee Experience Platforms are more than just a collection of tools – they invest in your most valuable asset: your people. By prioritizing relationship building, L&D opportunities, and goal alignment through an EXP, you can create a happier, more engaged workforce, ultimately leading to a more successful organization.

The Benefits of a Single Employee Experience Platform

Are you struggling? Do you need help keeping your team connected, engaged, and productive in today's fast-paced business environment? You're not alone. Many organizations face challenges like communication silos, disengaged employees, and difficulty measuring sentiment. This is where a robust Employee Experience Platform (EEP) comes in.

An EEP is a game-changer. It's a comprehensive solution streamlining communication, knowledge sharing, and workflow management, fostering collaboration, boosting engagement, and ultimately driving business success. Imagine a platform that:

But with so many EEP options available, how do you choose the right one? Don't worry; the next section will guide you through critical features to consider for a successful EEP implementation.

#1.Seamless Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

 The best Employee Experience Platform (EXP) or Enterprise Employee Portals (EEPs) put collaboration at the center. Imagine a platform where your team can work together smoothly, no matter where they are. Look for features like:

AgilityPortal shines in this area. Their collaboration tools are like a well-oiled machine, helping teams achieve more faster. Your employees will love you for making their workdays easier and more productive!

#2.Build Your Company Culture: A Digital Town Square 

 A powerful EEP goes beyond just tasks. It fosters a strong company culture by allowing employees to connect and collaborate socially. Look for features like:

AgilityPortal gets this. Their community features are like a thriving online town square. Employees can connect, share knowledge, and work together to achieve amazing things. This open communication and collaboration will fuel a positive and productive company culture.

#3.Work from Anywhere: Your Pocket Office

Today's workforce is always on the move. That's why a great EEP includes a powerful mobile app. Imagine your employees being able to access the company network anytime, anywhere. A mobile app like AgilityPortal, from Agility Online Ltd keeps everyone connected and productive:

AgilityPortal puts your office in your pocket, literally! This empowers your team to stay informed, engaged, and productive, regardless of location.

#4.Tech Stack Teamwork: All Your Tools, Working Together

A great EEP shouldn't be a silo. It should integrate smoothly with the tools your team already uses, like Gmail, Outlook, SharePoint, and Okta. This keeps your workflow running smoothly and avoids any disruptions. AgilityPortal is a team player. It integrates seamlessly with your existing tech stack, making work more straightforward, faster, and enjoyable. 

Imagine a new team member who fits right in and makes everything easier – that's what AgilityPortal is like for your tech ecosystem!

#5.Boost Productivity: Streamline Your Tasks

 Getting things done efficiently is critical. An EEP with built-in task management can be a game-changer. Imagine efficiently assigning tasks, tracking progress, and analyzing results – all in one place! AgilityPortal equips you with the tools you need to ditch the endless email chains and hello to streamlined workflows. 

Their cost ffective platform helps improve productivity at every level, keeping your team organized and on track. AgilityPortal: It's like having a project management superpower!

#6.Connect with Colleagues: Your Team Directory on Steroids

 A good EEP is more than just an address book. It should offer rich employee profiles that showcase skills, interests, and past contributions. 

This makes finding the perfect person for any project easier and fosters collaboration across the company. AgilityPortal doesn't just store contact information; it creates connections. Imagine a company directory like a yearbook on steroids – always up-to-date and packed with valuable information to help you find the right colleague for the job. 

AgilityPortal's rich profile feature makes it easy to connect with the expertise you need when you need it.

#7.Effortless Events Management for Employees: Plan Like a Pro

 Planning events shouldn't be a headache. The right EEP can streamline the entire process, from virtual meetings to team outings. AgilityPortal Events is your one-stop shop for event planning success. It provides all the tools you need:

Imagine planning company conferences or team-building activities with minimal effort. AgilityPortal's Events Module makes it possible. It's like having a dedicated event planner – without the hefty price tag!

Employee Experience vs Employee Engagement: What's the Difference?

Employee experience (EX) and engagement are two sides of the same coin but with distinct nuances. EX acts as the foundation, encompassing all the elements that shape an employee's journey within your organization – from onboarding to work environment, tools, and development opportunities. It's the "input" you provide.

Engagement, on the other hand, reflects the outcome. It's the emotional commitment, motivation, and sense of connection employees feel towards their work, colleagues, and the company's mission. This is the desired "output."

Some, like Forbes, view engagement as a top-down approach. Companies strive to cultivate a culture and purpose that inspires employees to become highly engaged. In contrast, EX is often seen as bottom-up. Organizations design work environments and processes specifically around employees' needs and well-being.

Another key difference lies in scope. Engagement generally focuses on the work itself and driving productivity. EX takes a broader perspective, encompassing the employee as a whole person. Their aspirations and well-being become a factor in shaping the overall experience.

Regardless of the perspective, one thing remains clear: EX is the broader concept, placing employees firmly at the center. By focusing on creating a positive EX, organizations naturally foster higher levels of employee engagement, leading to a more productive and successful workforce. 

What a modern employee experience platform looks like

For managers, EXPs provide valuable data on employee engagement. This allows them to tailor communication, identify areas for improvement, and ensure everyone feels valued. A modern EXP fosters a positive, connected work environment, keeping employees happy and engaged – the recipe for a thriving organization.

How do you know if you need an employee experience platform?

Whether you need an employee experience platform (EXP) depends on your company's size, structure, and current challenges. Here's a breakdown to help you decide:

Consider an EXP if:

An EXP might not be urgent if:

Here's a tip: Survey to gauge employee sentiment about their work experience. This will help you identify areas an EXP can address.

Before You Dive In: Questions to Ask About Employee Experience Platforms (EXPs)

Investing in an employee experience platform (EXP) can be a game-changer, but it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Here are some questions to consider before adopting one:

Needs Assessment:

  1. What are our current challenges? Are employees struggling with communication, feeling disconnected, or disengaged? Identifying pain points helps determine if an EXP offers the right solutions.
  2. What's our company culture like? A platform should complement, not clash with, your existing culture.
  3. How many employees do we have? EXPs might be overkill for small teams, while larger organizations can benefit greatly.

Feature Focus:

  1. What functionalities are most important for us? Consider features like communication tools, recognition programs, learning management, or well-being resources. Prioritize based on your needs.
  2. Does it integrate with our existing tools? A seamless integration avoids creating data silos and frustrating user experience.

Adoption & Sustainability:

  1. Is our workforce tech-savvy? User adoption is crucial – consider training and support needs.
  2. What's the budget? EXPs have varying costs, so they factor in licensing fees, implementation, and ongoing maintenance.
  3. What are the long-term goals? How will this platform contribute to your employee experience strategy in the long run?

Bonus: Conduct an employee survey! Gauging their current experience and desired improvements helps tailor your platform selection.

By considering these questions, you can decide whether an EXP is the right fit for your organization. 

10 Best employee experience platforms in 2024

​ We have put together the ten best employee experience platforms for employees. Have a look, and feel free to reach out for a demo. Gartner employee experience platforms are vital tools for enhancing workplace satisfaction and productivity. 

The website provides everything you need to know about employee engagement and tools. Meanwhile, we have provided the top ten platforms.

Employee experience platforms examples:


AgilityPortal is the best employee experience software platform for frontline teams. It's a mobile-first solution with an easy-to-use interface that keeps dispersed team members connected and engaged with each other and leadership.

AgilityPortal offers a range of great features, all designed to improve internal communication and employee engagement while simplifying life for your HR team.

Quick-launch pre-loaded employee surveys or create custom ones to explore specific topics. Add mandatory reads to the shared news feed, recognize employees for their excellent work, or dive into data that reveals insights on employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention.

Designed with frontline teams in mind, AgilityPortal centralizes all essential information in one place, from paystubs to scheduling to critical documents, known as the Employee Hub. The AgilityPortal Employee app is also easy and enjoyable to use, ensuring high adoption rates.

Key features:


With Lattice, managing your workforce becomes seamless and efficient. The platform makes it simple to launch comprehensive employee surveys, celebrate individual and team achievements, and gather real-time experience data through its advanced Pulse feature and sentiment analysis. Lattice also prioritizes employee development by providing tools that link individual performance to broader business outcomes, allowing employees to track their progress effortlessly.

Key Features:

With these comprehensive features, Lattice not only enhances employee satisfaction but also drives organizational success by aligning personal achievements with company objectives. 


Leapsome is a robust employee engagement software, ideal for companies seeking a scalable solution. It offers customizable modules, allowing you to tailor the software to fit your organization's size and budget. With Leapsome, you can conduct meaningful and well-structured meetings, publicly recognize colleagues, and share private feedback.

Key Features:

Leapsome's flexible features enhance employee engagement and drive organizational growth by supporting effective communication, continuous development, and goal alignment.


BambooHR offers an extensive suite of HR tools designed to streamline various HR processes. Teams can utilize it for tracking payroll, managing hours worked, and monitoring paid time off. The platform also includes robust recruitment and learning and development (L&D) tracking tools.

Beyond simplifying HR tasks, BambooHR enhances the employee experience with features like wellbeing surveys and employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) surveys, providing insights into employee satisfaction. Additionally, performance tracking tools aid in monitoring and supporting employee growth and progression.

Key Features:

With its comprehensive features, BambooHR not only eases the burden on HR teams but also fosters a positive and supportive work environment for employees.

#5.Culture Amp 

Culture Amp is an outstanding option for enhancing your performance tracking processes. It allows you to set and monitor employee targets, develop personalized learning and development (L&D) plans, and access historical conversations and 1:1 data, enabling managers to deliver actionable feedback.

This employee experience management software also provides extensive data access, serving as a solid foundation for analysis and insights. Additionally, the platform simplifies your workload by utilizing employee engagement statistics to predict staff turnover.

Key Features:

With these features, Culture Amp not only improves performance tracking but also enhances overall employee engagement and organizational insight.


HiBob HRIS is an exceptional choice for streamlining HR processes and enhancing organizational efficiency. The platform offers a wide range of features including payroll management, benefits administration, and time tracking. With HiBob, you can easily manage employee data, track attendance, and streamline onboarding processes.

In addition to its core HR functionalities, HiBob prioritizes employee experience with features like self-service portals and employee engagement tools. Employees can access their information, request time off, and communicate with their teams seamlessly, fostering a positive work environment.

Key Features:

With HiBob HRIS, organizations can streamline HR operations, improve employee engagement, and focus on driving business success.

#7.Workhuman Social Recognition  

Workhuman Social Recognition is an exceptional platform for fostering a culture of appreciation and recognition within organizations. It offers a comprehensive set of features designed to celebrate achievements, reinforce positive behaviors, and cultivate a sense of belonging among employees.

With Workhuman, employees can give and receive recognition in real-time, fostering a culture of appreciation and gratitude. The platform allows for peer-to-peer recognition, manager recognition, and even company-wide recognition initiatives.

Key Features:

Workhuman Social Recognition not only boosts employee morale and engagement but also helps organizations build a culture of appreciation and recognition, ultimately driving performance and success.


WorkTango is an outstanding platform for enhancing employee engagement and gathering valuable insights within organizations. It provides a comprehensive suite of features designed to solicit feedback, measure employee sentiment, and drive positive organizational change.

With WorkTango, organizations can conduct customizable surveys to gather feedback on various aspects of the employee experience, including engagement, satisfaction, and alignment with company values. The platform also offers advanced analytics capabilities, allowing leaders to gain actionable insights from survey data.

Key Features:

With WorkTango, organizations can actively engage employees, gather valuable feedback, and make data-driven decisions to improve the employee experience and drive organizational success.


HeyTaco is a dynamic platform designed to promote team collaboration, recognition, and appreciation in a fun and engaging way. It offers a unique approach to acknowledging the efforts and contributions of team members through a system of virtual "tacos."

With HeyTaco, team members can give and receive tacos as tokens of appreciation for their peers' work, achievements, or support. This system encourages a positive and supportive work culture where recognition is both easy and enjoyable.

Key Features:

With HeyTaco, teams can boost morale, strengthen relationships, and foster a culture of appreciation and recognition, ultimately enhancing overall team performance and satisfaction.


Assembly is a dynamic platform designed to foster employee engagement and drive organizational culture through social recognition and rewards. It provides a comprehensive set of features that empower teams to celebrate achievements, share appreciation, and strengthen connections within the workplace.

With Assembly, employees can easily recognize their peers for their contributions, whether it's a job well done, going above and beyond, or demonstrating company values. The platform offers various ways to give and receive recognition, creating a positive and supportive environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated.

Key Features:

With Assembly, organizations can strengthen their culture, boost employee morale, and drive performance by recognizing and rewarding the contributions of their teams.

Criteria for Selecting the Best Employee Experience Software 

 Discover the dynamic world of Employee Experience Software, where innovation meets functionality to elevate your workforce engagement. In our exploration, we've unearthed pivotal features that define excellence in this evolving landscape:

Embark on a journey toward unparalleled workforce empowerment and engagement with our comprehensive suite of Employee Experience Software solutions. Elevate your organization's potential today!

Employee experience platform case study example

Here is and Employee experience platform case study example.

LPK's 32,000 caregivers dedicate their days to providing patient care, either in homes or hospice settings. The company encountered a significant communication challenge:

With no access to company phone numbers or email addresses, caregivers felt isolated from their colleagues and headquarters. Caregivers sought shift opportunities, yet an outdated manual system led to hundreds of unfilled shifts each week. The company's current HR platform failed to address the needs of both employees and the organization as a whole.

LPK found a solution in AgilityPortal. Our platform centralized all necessary information and tools for employees in a user-friendly interface accessible via smartphones. Employees and managers gained access to a social feed, shift scheduling, employee feedback, and recognition tools.

The outcome? Enhanced workforce efficiency and smoother communication channels. Thanks to AgilityPortal, LPK has revolutionized the employee experience. Now, 95% of employees feel more connected to LPK, and 96% endorse the platform.

Wrapping up

In today's digital age, a fragmented employee experience can impede productivity, collaboration, and engagement. Adopting a unified employee experience platform like AgilityPortal can streamline workflows, boost engagement, and integrate with existing systems to create a more cohesive and seamless experience for employees.

The advantages are evident: higher productivity, greater employee engagement, improved collaboration, and an enhanced sense of belonging. Opting for a single platform is more than just a technological upgrade; it's about cultivating an environment that empowers employees, strengthens connections, and drives business success.

Invest in a unified employee experience platform to unlock your workforce's full potential. 

Employee Experience Platform FAQs

What is employee experience?

Employee experience refers to all interactions and touchpoints an employee has with their employer throughout their employment. It encompasses every aspect of the employee's journey within the organization, from the initial recruitment process to onboarding, day-to-day work experiences, career development opportunities, and, ultimately, offboarding.

A positive employee experience is characterized by feeling valued, supported, and engaged. It involves aspects like a conducive work environment, effective communication channels, opportunities for growth and development, recognition for contributions, work-life balance, and alignment with organizational values and goals.

Improving employee experience is crucial for organizations as it directly impacts employee satisfaction, engagement, productivity, and retention. By prioritizing employee experience, organizations can create a more motivated, committed, and high-performing workforce, ultimately contributing to the overall success and competitiveness of the business.

Who uses employee experience software?

HR teams are the primary users of employee experience software. On a platform like AgilityPortal, HR teams can ask for employee feedback, recognize good work, and send out company communications. They can also monitor data on employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention.

Employees use employee experience software too. Depending on platform features, employees can use software to network with co-workers, communicate with leadership, access essential documents, and even book their shifts.

Finally, an IT team is also likely to use employee experience software. They'll take responsibility for integrating software with existing company tools and resources. For example, using AgilityPortal, an IT team makes all company policy and guide documents available via the AgilityPortal Hub.

How does it differ from traditional HR software? 

An EXP is a comprehensive platform designed to enhance employee journey, from recruitment to offboarding, focusing on employee satisfaction and engagement. Unlike traditional HR software, which primarily handles administrative tasks like payroll and benefits, EXPs emphasize creating a positive employee experience through features such as feedback mechanisms, recognition programs, and personalized development opportunities

How can an Employee Experience Platform improve employee engagement and retention?

EXPs offer various tools and features that foster a sense of belonging, recognition, and growth among employees. By providing opportunities for continuous feedback, recognition, and professional development, EXPs help create a positive work environment where employees feel valued and motivated to contribute their best, ultimately leading to higher engagement and lower turnover rates.

What key features should we look for in an Employee Experience Platform?

While features may vary depending on the specific platform, key functionalities to consider include employee feedback mechanisms (such as surveys and pulse checks), recognition and rewards programs, learning and development opportunities, communication tools (like chat and collaboration platforms), and integration capabilities with other HR systems and organizational tools.

How can an Employee Experience Platform help in building a strong company culture?

EXPs play a crucial role in shaping and reinforcing company culture by providing platforms for communication, collaboration, and recognition aligned with organizational values. Through features like social recognition, employee spotlights, and culture-building initiatives, EXPs help foster a sense of community and shared purpose among employees, contributing to a stronger and more cohesive company cultu

What are the potential challenges or pitfalls in implementing an Employee Experience Platform?

While EXPs offer numerous benefits, challenges in implementation may include resistance to change from employees accustomed to traditional HR practices, integration complexities with existing systems, ensuring data privacy and security, and the need for ongoing training and support to maximize platform adoption and effectiveness. It's essential to carefully plan and strategize the implementation process to mitigate these challenges and ensure a smooth transition to an EXP.

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