By Jill Romford on Friday, 07 July 2023
Category: Internal communications

Instant Messaging at Work: Why do employees use instant messaging?

In this article, we explore Why do employees use instant messaging and delve into the historical background of this form of communication. and, we examine the benefits it brings to organizations within the workplace.

In the modern workplace, effective communication is crucial for success. Among various communication tools, instant messaging has emerged as one of the most effective software solutions for office communication. 

It has gained widespread popularity not only in personal life but also in the corporate world. Instant messaging platforms not only complement traditional modes of communication but also have the ability to replace certain forms of communication altogether.

Instant messaging provides several advantages. 

Firstly, it offers near-instantaneous communication similar to telephone conversations, allowing for real-time exchanges of information. 

Additionally, instant messaging platforms incorporate record-keeping features akin to email messaging, ensuring that conversations can be referred back to later if needed. 

While face-to-face interactions and meetings remain valuable, instant messaging enhances convenience and accessibility by enabling communication regardless of distance, whether your colleagues are sitting at the next desk or in another country. 

What is instant messaging?

 Instant messaging, often abbreviated as IM or IM'ing, refers to the exchange of near-real-time messages using a standalone application or embedded software. Unlike chatrooms where multiple users engage in overlapping conversations, IM sessions typically occur between two users, allowing for private and interactive communication.

A key feature found in many instant messenger clients is the ability to determine if a friend or colleague is online and connected to the selected service, which is known as presence. With advancements in technology, IM clients have incorporated additional functionalities like file transfer and image sharing within an ongoing IM session.

The immediacy of message exchange sets instant messaging apart from email. IM conversations are session-based, meaning they have a clear start and end. 

As IM aims to replicate face-to-face discussions, individual messages tend to be concise. 

Conversely, email often adopts a more extended format resembling letter writing.

The history of instant messaging

Now let's delve into the history of instant messaging. 

The concept of instant messaging originated in the 1960s and 1970s with the development of multi-user operating systems and online chat programs. 

However, the true rise of instant messaging began in the 1990s with the advent of the internet and the growth of personal computers. The first widely-used instant messaging platforms emerged during this time, including ICQ, AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), and MSN Messenger.

As technology advanced, so did instant messaging. The introduction of smartphones and mobile internet in the early 2000s led to the proliferation of mobile instant messaging applications such as BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) and WhatsApp

These apps allowed users to stay connected and exchange messages on the go.

Today, instant messaging has become an integral part of both personal and professional communication. Workplace communication platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Google Chat offer advanced instant messaging features specifically tailored for organizational use. 

These platforms often include additional functionalities such as file sharing, video calls, and integration with other workplace tools, further enhancing productivity and collaboration.

Why do employees use instant messaging?

Employees use instant messaging for several reasons, and its importance as a feature within an intranet or employee communication software cannot be overstated. Instant messaging provides employees with a convenient and efficient means of communication, allowing them to exchange messages and information in real-time.

One of the primary reasons employees use instant messaging is for quick and informal communication. Unlike email, which can be seen as more formal and time-consuming, instant messaging allows for immediate and brief interactions. 

It enables employees to ask questions, seek clarifications, or share updates without the need for lengthy email exchanges or scheduling meetings. This speed and convenience foster better collaboration and decision-making within teams.

Another reason employees value instant messaging is its ability to support remote work and facilitate virtual collaboration. With the rise of remote and distributed teams, instant messaging provides a way for employees to stay connected regardless of their physical location. 

It enables real-time communication, ensuring that remote workers feel connected and can participate actively in team discussions. Instant messaging also helps foster a sense of camaraderie and social interaction, which can be lacking in remote work environments.

Also, instant messaging offers a platform for sharing files and documents, further enhancing productivity and collaboration. Employees can quickly send and receive files, eliminating the need for cumbersome email attachments. 

This feature promotes seamless information sharing, allowing teams to work together more efficiently and effectively.

It enables quick and informal communication, facilitates virtual collaboration, and streamlines the sharing of files and documents. 

By incorporating instant messaging into their communication platforms, organizations can enhance employee productivity, foster teamwork, and create a more connected and engaged workforce. 

An intranet portal or employee communication app with a messaging platform offers employees the ability to personalize their profiles, streamline self-service procedures like leave applications, and simplify the onboarding process for new staff members. 

Additionally, it allows for the creation of exclusive extranet portals, enabling external users to engage with the company without requiring access to the primary local network. This functionality provides a range of benefits to organizations.

Why use instant messaging?

Instant messaging, often abbreviated as IM or IM'ing, refers to the exchange of near-real-time messages using a standalone application or embedded software. 

Unlike chatrooms where multiple users engage in overlapping conversations, IM sessions typically occur between two users, allowing for private and interactive communication.

A key feature found in many instant messenger clients is the ability to determine if a friend or colleague is online and connected to the selected service, which is known as presence. 

With advancements in technology, IM clients have incorporated additional functionalities like file transfer and image sharing within an ongoing IM session.

The immediacy of message exchange sets instant messaging apart from email. IM conversations are session-based, meaning they have a clear start and end. As IM aims to replicate face-to-face discussions, individual messages tend to be concise. 

Conversely, email often adopts a more extended format resembling letter writing. 

Instant messaging in the workplace

Implementing instant messaging in the workplace

Implementing instant messaging in the workplace involves several key steps to ensure a successful integration:

Instant messaging workplace policy

The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and expectations regarding the use of instant messaging (IM) in the workplace. 

This policy aims to ensure efficient and responsible use of IM, promoting effective communication while maintaining security and privacy.


Consequences of Policy Violations: Violation of this instant messaging workplace policy may result in disciplinary actions, up to and including verbal or written warnings, suspension, termination, or legal consequences, depending on the severity and frequency of the violation.

This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its relevance and effectiveness. Updates may be made as necessary to address emerging technologies, changing business needs, or regulatory requirements.

By adhering to this policy, employees contribute to a productive, respectful, and secure workplace environment where instant messaging serves as an effective communication tool for work-related purposes. 

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