By Jill Romford on Thursday, 20 June 2024
Category: Blog

What is Blockchain Technology? How It Works and Why It Matters

In today's digital era, businesses are constantly seeking innovative solutions to stay ahead of the curve. There emerged an innovative technology that has garnered significant attention and promises to revolutionize various spheres of business and it is blockchain.

But what is blockchain technology and how does it work? 

More importantly, why should businesses use blockchain technology? 

In this blog post, we'll explore the fundamentals of blockchain architecture, its inner workings, and why it's becoming a crucial element for B2B operations. 

What is blockchain technology and how does it work?

So we going to explain what is blockchain technology and how does it work? Blockchain was created with the idea of information protection in its heart. It represents a distributed virtual database where transaction data is recorded into a special digital register or ledger. 

Every record or so-called block is joined with the preceding one employing a cryptographic identifier. It creates a line of linked blocks where information is tightly interconnected by hash algorithms. Such an approach preserves the data as they are from the moment of recording as it is not possible to change one block of information without affecting the others in the chain.

The right to update the ledger with the new data is rendered to data-receiving units, usually, computers, gathered into a network, whether public or private. 

That is why the data hub is characterized as decentralized, not managed by one control unit. Transactions that are permanently recorded into a chain of blocks are unchangeable and pellucid, enabling the exchange of anything valuable, be it material items or intangible assets.

Types of Blockchain

What are the different types of blockchain? As blockchain technology continues to evolve, different models have emerged to cater to diverse needs and preferences. 

Each model offers distinct features and benefits suited for specific use cases, here are different blockchain example: 

Public Blockchain

Public blockchains are permissionless networks that operate in a decentralized manner. No single entity controls the network, and anyone with internet access can participate. Participants remain pseudonymous, identified by cryptographic addresses. The consensus mechanism, often proof of work (PoW) or proof of stake (PoS), validates transactions and secures the network. Bitcoin and Ethereum are prominent examples of public blockchains.

Key Features:

Private Blockchain 

Private blockchains are permissioned networks where access and operations are controlled by a single organization or entity. These networks are often used by enterprises and government agencies that prioritize privacy, security, and centralized control over their blockchain activities. Participants must be authenticated and authorized to join the network, and data visibility and transaction permissions are restricted to authorized parties only.

Key Features:

Consortium Blockchain

Consortium blockchains, also known as federated blockchains, are semi-decentralized networks governed by a consortium or a group of organizations. These networks combine the benefits of decentralization with a degree of centralized control. Consortium members jointly operate the blockchain, set the rules, validate transactions, and decide on governance protocols. This model is often adopted in industries where multiple entities collaborate while retaining some control over the network.

Key Features:

Hybrid Blockchain

Hybrid blockchains blend elements of both public and private blockchains to cater to diverse use cases. These networks offer selective transparency, where certain parts of the blockchain are private and accessible only to authorized participants, while other parts remain transparent and accessible to the public. Hybrid blockchains provide flexibility for organizations that require both the security of private blockchains and the transparency and auditability of public blockchains.

Key Features:

What are the features of blockchain technology?

Many companies now offer custom blockchain solutions for those who want to improve their business processes via blockchain and experience its unique features that quickly conquered many industries and spread over the boundaries of cryptocurrency handling:

Blockchain technology is characterized by several key features that distinguish it from traditional databases and systems, and this will give you and idea on how blockchain works. 

Here are the fundamental features of blockchain technology:

These features collectively contribute to blockchain's potential to revolutionize various industries by providing secure, transparent, and efficient solutions for data management, transaction processing, and decentralized applications.

Why Is Blockchain Important?

 Blockchain is a groundbreaking technology because it helps reduce security risks, eliminate fraud, and promote transparency on a large scale.

Originally known for its association with cryptocurrency and NFTs, blockchain technology has now blossomed into a transformative force, revolutionizing various global industries. Today, it's the backbone of transparency in the food supply chain, the guardian of healthcare data security, the catalyst for innovation in the gaming industry, and the game-changer in data and ownership management on a massive scale.

Furthermore, blockchain is not just a buzzword. It's actively reshaping sectors like finance, facilitating faster and more secure transactions, and real estate, simplifying property transactions by making records transparent and unchangeable. Governments and public sectors are also harnessing its power, exploring blockchain for the creation of secure and reliable voting systems.

With each stride in its evolution, blockchain technology is paving the way for a future where innovation and efficiency are the norm across numerous fields. It's a future where transparency and security are not just buzzwords, but the very foundation of all digital interactions, promising a world of limitless possibilities.

A Deep Dive into Its Revolutionary Process

Creating a blockchain involves several critical steps, each essential for executing any transaction. It begins with the Transaction Input, where a user initiates a transaction. This transaction can involve adding various data types to the blockchain, such as converting cryptocurrency or executing a smart contract. 

For example 2020, over 100 million unique Bitcoin transactions were recorded.

Following this, the Transaction Proof step ensures the initiated transaction is verified. The method of validation depends on whether the blockchain is private or public. In public blockchains like Ethereum or Bitcoin, validation is conducted by miners through a process called consensus, which confirms the legitimacy of the transaction. In private blockchains, specialized operators manage entries and control the ability of users to add new records.

Once the transaction is verified, it moves to the Block Formation stage. Here, verified transactions are grouped to form blocks. Each block contains a list of transactions, timestamps, and references to the previous block, creating a blockchain. As of June 2024, the Bitcoin blockchain, for instance, contained over 800,000 blocks.

The next step involves the Consensus Mechanism, where the newly formed block is validated. All network nodes must authorize the incoming block before being integrated into the chain. This process relies on various consensus methods depending on the blockchain protocol. For example, Bitcoin uses Proof of Work (PoW), while Ethereum employs Proof of Stake (PoS).

Once consensus is reached, the block undergoes Block Validation. Validated blocks are immediately added to the chain. During this process, each block receives a unique cryptographic hash generated from its transaction data and the preceding block's hash.

Finally, the Synchronization step ensures that the new block is distributed to all authorized participants in the network. This maintains a decentralized system where data storage and preservation do not rely on a single network node. Finality's last step confirms that the transaction is now an immutable part of the blockchain ledger, providing a tamper-proof record that cannot be altered or removed. This comprehensive process underscores the robustness and security of blockchain technology. 

Challenges of Blockchain Technology

 Blockchain technology is challenging, though it is often hailed for its security and transparency. These hurdles must be addressed to realize its full potential in mainstream applications. Below are some of the significant obstacles blockchain faces today.

Transaction Limitations

Blockchain networks, as they gain popularity and usage, encounter bottlenecks in processing transactions efficiently and cost-effectively. This issue is not just a technical one, but it has real-world implications. For instance, Bitcoin can handle only about 7 transactions per second (TPS), while Ethereum processes around 15 TPS. In contrast, Visa processes approximately 1,700 TPS on average, with the capability to handle up to 24,000 TPS. This disparity highlights the current limitations of blockchain technology in supporting high-throughput volumes, leading to network congestion and increased transaction fees. During peak periods, such as the 2017 crypto boom, Bitcoin transaction fees soared to over $55 per transaction, rendering it impractical for everyday use.

Energy Consumption
The computational power required for blockchain operations, particularly those using proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanisms, is immense. This high energy usage is not just a financial concern, but it also raises significant environmental concerns. Bitcoin mining alone consumes around 120 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity annually, comparable to the energy consumption of a small country like Norway. This high energy usage raises significant environmental concerns and results in substantial operational costs. Alternative consensus mechanisms, such as proof of stake (PoS), offer a promising solution. PoS can reduce energy consumption by up to 99%, as evidenced by Ethereum's planned transition to PoS, which is expected to cut its energy usage drastically.

Scalability Issues

Blockchain's current architecture, where every node stores a copy of the entire data chain and processes each transaction, results in slow and congested networks. For example, Bitcoin's block size is limited to 1 megabyte, and block processing times are roughly 10 minutes. During periods of high traffic, this structure leads to lagged processing times and decreased efficiency. Scalability issues also stem from resource-intensive consensus mechanisms. To address these challenges, various solutions are being developed:

Regulatory Concerns

The regulatory landscape for blockchain and cryptocurrencies remains to be determined. Governments and regulatory bodies are still grappling with classifying and overseeing these technologies. For instance, the United States has not established a comprehensive regulatory framework, leading to a patchwork of state-level regulations. This uncertainty stifles innovation and adoption, as companies face legal ambiguities. In 2021, China took a drastic step by banning cryptocurrency mining and trading, citing financial risks and energy consumption concerns. On the other hand, countries like Malta and Switzerland are actively creating favorable regulatory environments to attract blockchain businesses. The divergence in regulatory approaches underscores the need for clear and consistent global standards to facilitate blockchain's growth.

By addressing these challenges—transaction limitations, energy consumption, scalability issues, and regulatory concerns—blockchain technology can move closer to achieving its promise of transforming industries with enhanced efficiency, security, and transparency.

Benefits of Blockchain for B2B Customers

Understanding what is blockchain technology and how does it work is just the beginning. Let's delve into why it matters for B2B customers:

Enhancing Supply Chain Management

Blockchain's pellucidness and traceability are revolutionizing supply chains. Companies can track products from origin to destination, safeguarding authenticity and reducing swindle. For instance, IBM's Food Trust blockchain provides end-to-end traceability for food products, improving safety and minimizing waste. 

Streamlining Financial Transactions 

Blockchain enables faster, cheaper, and more secure financial operations. Smart contracts automatize and enforce agreements, decreasing the need for mediators and minimizing faults. According to a Deloitte study, 73% of financial executives believe that blockchain will create a significant competitive advantage in the financial industry.

Improving Data Security 

 With data breaches becoming increasingly common, blockchain offers a robust solution for data security. Its cryptographic nature ensures that data is tamper-proof and only accessible to authorized parties. In healthcare, for example, blockchain can secure patient records, providing controlled access to authorized personnel.

Facilitating Smart Contracts 

Smart contracts are self-performing contracts with conditions directly integrated into code. They automatically enforce and execute agreements, not requiring any mediators or manual authorization steps and ensuring compliance. This is particularly beneficial in industries like real estate, where smart contracts can automate operations with property.

 Enhancing Transparency and Accountability

 Blockchain's transparency ensures that all parties have access to the same information, minimizing disputes and enhancing trust. This is especially valuable in industries like manufacturing, where transparency in the production process can ensure quality and compliance.

Real-World Examples of Blockchain in B2B

Maersk and IBM's TradeLens

Development and Implementation:

Maersk, a global leader in container shipping, and IBM, a pioneer in blockchain technology, collaborated to create TradeLens, a blockchain-based platform designed to enhance the efficiency and transparency of the shipping industry. The initiative started in 2018 to transform the complex logistics of global trade.

TradeLens leverages Hyperledger Fabric, an open-source blockchain framework, to provide a secure and immutable ledger of transactions. IBM uses blockchain development services for supply chain, including shippers, port operators, customs authorities, and freight forwarders. Each participant can access a single shared view of transactions, improving coordination and reducing errors.


Walmart's Food Safety Solution

Development and Implementation:

One of the largest retail chains globally, Walmart adopted blockchain technology to address food safety and traceability issues. In collaboration with IBM, Walmart developed a food safety solution built on the IBM Food Trust blockchain.

Practically, the solution empowers Walmart to meticulously track the journey of food products from farm to store. Each product is endowed with a unique identifier, and its origin, processing, and distribution details are securely recorded on the blockchain. This wealth of information is readily accessible by simply scanning a product with a smartphone or any other device.


  1. With the adoption of blockchain, the time required to trace the origin of a food product has been dramatically reduced from days or weeks to mere seconds. This swift traceability is a game-changer in the face of a foodborne illness outbreak, enabling prompt identification and removal of contaminated products from the shelves.
  2. Enhanced Food Safety: By ensuring that all parties involved in the supply chain adhere to strict standards and recording their compliance on the blockchain, Walmart can guarantee higher food safety and quality.
  3. Increased Consumer Trust: Consumers gain confidence in the safety and quality of the products they purchase, knowing that the entire supply chain is transparent and accountable.
  4. Operational Efficiency: Blockchain reduces the administrative burden of tracking and verifying the provenance of food products, leading to cost savings and improved efficiency.

J.P. Morgan's Quorum

Development and Implementation:

J.P. Morgan, a leading global financial services firm, developed Quorum, an enterprise-focused blockchain platform based on the Ethereum protocol. Quorum was designed to meet the specific needs of financial institutions by providing a permissioned blockchain network that enhances transaction speed, security, and privacy.

Quorum boasts unique enhancements to the Ethereum codebase, including private transactions, high throughput, and robust consensus mechanisms. It's a platform that supports both public and private smart contracts, offering a versatile range of financial applications.


  1. Enhanced Transaction Speed: Quorum's optimized consensus mechanisms significantly increase transaction throughput, enabling financial institutions to process transactions more quickly and efficiently.
  2. Improved Security and Privacy: Quorum ensures that sensitive financial data remains confidential and secure by allowing private transactions and controlling access through permissions.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Quorum's design is a testament to its commitment to facilitating compliance with regulatory requirements. It does so by providing transparent and auditable transaction records, a particularly crucial feature for financial institutions operating in heavily regulated environments.
  4. Interoperability and Innovation: Quorum supports the development of decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts, fostering innovation in financial services. Its compatibility with the Ethereum ecosystem enables interoperability with other blockchain solutions.

These three initiatives leverage blockchain technology to demonstrate how traditional industries can overcome longstanding inefficiencies and security challenges, paving the way for more transparent, efficient, and secure operations. 

Tips for B2B Customers Considering Blockchain

Implementing blockchain technology requires careful planning and consideration. Here are vital tips to help businesses effectively integrate blockchain solutions:

Assess the Need

Not every business problem requires blockchain technology. Begin by assessing whether blockchain is appropriate for your specific use case. Blockchain is best suited for scenarios where transparency, immutability, and decentralization are critical. For example, supply chain management, where tracking the origin and journey of goods is crucial for transparency and trust among stakeholders, is a prime candidate for blockchain implementation.

Choose the Right Blockchain

Selecting the right blockchain platform is essential. Public blockchains, like Ethereum or Bitcoin, offer transparency and openness, making them suitable for applications where public verification is crucial, such as decentralized finance (DeFi). On the other hand, private or permissioned blockchains, such as Hyperledger Fabric or Quorum, provide more control over access and data privacy, making them ideal for enterprise applications where confidentiality is paramount, like in financial services or healthcare.

Focus on Interoperability

Ensure your chosen blockchain solution seamlessly integrates with existing systems and other blockchain networks. Interoperability facilitates data sharing and enhances the overall efficiency of your business operations. For instance, interoperable blockchain platforms allow different organizations within a supply chain to share data while maintaining privacy and integrity securely.

Prioritize Security

Due to their decentralized and immutable nature, blockchain networks are attractive targets for cyber threats. Invest in robust security measures, such as encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits, to protect your blockchain from malicious attacks. For example, in 2021, the Poly Network hack resulted in over $600 million worth of cryptocurrencies being stolen, highlighting the importance of stringent security protocols in blockchain networks.

Start Small

Begin by implementing blockchain technology on a small scale to pilot its feasibility and demonstrate its benefits before scaling across your organization. Starting small lets you identify potential challenges early on, refine your blockchain strategy, and build stakeholder confidence. For instance, Walmart initially piloted its blockchain-based food traceability solution in collaboration with IBM to track the journey of mangoes and pork in China, proving its effectiveness before expanding to other products and regions.

By following these tips—assessing the need, choosing the suitable blockchain, focusing on interoperability, prioritizing security, and starting small—businesses can leverage blockchain technology strategically to solve complex problems, enhance operational efficiency, and drive innovation. 

Wrapping up 

Blockchain technology is transforming the way businesses operate, offering unparalleled transparency, security, and efficacy. By embracing the clue of what is blockchain technique and how it works, B2B customers can harness its potential to enhance their operations, build trust, and gain a competitive edge. As the technology continues to evolve, staying informed and proactive will be key to leveraging blockchain's full potential.

Incorporate blockchain into your business strategy today, and be part of the revolution that's shaping the future of commerce.

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