By Jill Romford on Wednesday, 31 July 2024
Category: Blog

4 Tips to Reduce Eye Strain and Improve Health for Remote Workers

Eye strain has become a significant issue in today's digital world, especially for those working remotely. Did you know that 89.5% of adults in the UK and Ireland who work with digital devices experience ocular symptoms like dryness, discomfort, visual problems, strain, and headaches? These symptoms are not just minor annoyances; they can severely impact productivity and overall well-being.

Remote work offers numerous benefits, such as saving time and money, but it also comes with challenges, particularly the extensive use of digital devices. Prolonged screen time can lead to discomfort and even long-term eye health issues. Obstacles like these disrupt your workflow and pose serious health risks to your eyes.

Fortunately, there are simple habits you can adopt to protect your eyes and maintain your well-being while working from home. 

This blog post will share six practical tips to help reduce eye strain and promote better health for remote workers. By implementing these strategies, you can safeguard your eyes and enjoy the benefits of remote work without compromising your health. 

Understanding the Problem with Eye Strain

About the Problem 

Digital eye strain, also known as computer vision syndrome (CVS), is a common condition arising from prolonged screen exposure. This condition manifests in various symptoms, including dryness, discomfort, blurred vision, eye fatigue, headaches, and neck and shoulder pain. These issues often emerge after extended periods of focusing on screens, such as computers, tablets, and smartphones, which are essential tools in many remote work setups.

Statistics highlight the widespread nature of this issue:

Key Symptoms of Digital Eye Strain Include:

These symptoms can disrupt productivity and overall well-being, making it crucial to address and manage digital eye strain effectively. As remote work grows, understanding and mitigating the risks associated with prolonged screen exposure is more important than ever.

What are the Causes

Understanding the various factors that contribute to digital eye strain is crucial. This knowledge empowers individuals and organizations to take proactive steps to mitigate the associated risks, ensuring healthier and more comfortable work environments. Here are the key causes:

By identifying these causes, individuals and organizations can take proactive steps to reduce the impact of digital eye strain, ensuring healthier and more comfortable work environments.

How does that Impact you

Digital eye strain can lead to more severe and persistent problems if left unaddressed. Chronic exposure to blue light is associated with a higher risk of developing macular degeneration, a leading cause of vision loss. This risk is compounded by the consistent strain on eye muscles, which can lead to long-term issues such as myopia or worsening existing vision problems. 

Additionally, the discomfort caused by digital eye strain can reduce productivity, increase absenteeism, and lower overall job satisfaction.

More than just physical symptoms, the discomfort caused by digital eye strain often leads to mental fatigue and stress, further impacting work performance and personal well-being. These challenges are particularly pronounced for remote workers, who may lack the ergonomic setups commonly found in traditional office spaces. Poor lighting, improper desk setups, and inadequate seating can exacerbate the strain on the eyes and body, making it difficult to maintain a healthy and productive work environment.

Addressing digital eye strain is essential for preserving eye health and ensuring a comfortable and efficient work experience. In the following sections, we will explore practical strategies and tips to help mitigate these effects and promote better eye health for remote workers.

Pre-Solution Checklist: Preparing for Eye Strain Relief and Improved Health

Before diving into solutions for reducing eye strain and boosting overall health while working remotely, it's crucial to set the stage properly. Here's a pre-solution checklist to ensure you're fully prepared for effective changes. 

1. Mindset Preparation

Adopting a proactive mindset is essential. 

Acknowledge that remote work comes with its own set of challenges, including eye strain and sedentary habits. Embrace the fact that small adjustments in your routine can lead to significant improvements in your well-being. Commit to making these changes a regular part of your workday.

2. Evaluate Your Workspace

A thorough evaluation of your workspace is crucial for reducing eye strain and improving comfort. Inspect the height and angle of your monitor, the ergonomics of your chair, and the layout of your desk.

Conduct a workspace audit by measuring the distance between your eyes and the monitor (ideally 20-30 inches), ensuring the top of the screen is at or slightly below eye level. Use a tape measure or ruler to make these assessments. Additionally, assess your chair's height and adjust it so that your feet rest flat on the floor, with your knees at a 90-degree angle. 

This setup promotes good posture and reduces strain on your eyes and body. 

3. Assess Your Screen Time

Understanding how much time you spend on screens can help you implement effective solutions. Track your screen usage to identify patterns and areas where you might reduce exposure. 

Use a screen time tracking app like RescueTime or the built-in screen time trackers on your devices. 

Set up daily or weekly reports to monitor your screen time. Based on the data, establish limits for non-work-related screen use and schedule regular breaks during work hours to give your eyes a rest.

4. Gather Essential Tools 

Certain tools and resources can enhance your efforts to reduce eye strain and improve health. Here's what you'll need:

5. Prepare Your Environment

 A well-prepared environment can enhance your comfort and reduce eye strain. Focus on improving lighting and temperature in your workspace to create an optimal work setting. 

Position your desk near a window to take advantage of natural light, but use curtains or blinds to control glare. Invest in a desk lamp with adjustable brightness to reduce eye strain during late hours or cloudy days. Ensure your workspace maintains a comfortable temperature by using a fan or heater as needed. 

Regularly adjust the lighting and temperature based on your comfort level to create a conducive working environment.

Comprehensive Solutions: Reducing Eye Strain and Improving Health for Remote Workers

Solution 1: Optimize Your Lighting

Proper lighting is crucial for maintaining eye health and reducing strain, especially in a remote work setup. Poor lighting can exacerbate issues like glare from computer screens, leading to eye strain, headaches, and overall discomfort. A well-lit work area not only helps in alleviating these problems but also enhances productivity and mood. 

According to the American Optometric Association, about 50% of individuals who use computers for extended periods experience symptoms of digital eye strain, which can often be mitigated with proper lighting. 

Step-by-Step Guide

By following these steps, you can create a well-lit workspace that not only reduces eye strain but also enhances your overall work experience. A well-lit environment supports better productivity, improves mood, and fosters a healthier work-life balance. 

As per the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, effective lighting can reduce eye strain by up to 25%, demonstrating the significant impact of proper lighting on your well-being. This reassurance should give you the confidence to make the necessary changes to your workspace lighting.

Solution 2: Schedule Regular Breaks for Your Eyes

Taking regular breaks from screen time is essential for reducing eye strain and maintaining overall eye health. Prolonged exposure to screens can lead to digital eye strain, which may cause symptoms like dryness, irritation, blurred vision, and headaches. The 20-20-20 rule is a proven method to alleviate these symptoms by encouraging periodic breaks.

Also, standing up and moving around every hour can further enhance eye comfort and overall well-being. Research indicates that implementing such breaks can reduce eye strain symptoms by up to 60%, making it a highly effective strategy for remote workers.

Step-by-Step Guide​

By scheduling regular breaks and incorporating the 20-20-20 rule into your routine, you can significantly reduce eye strain and improve your overall comfort while working remotely. This approach not only helps in maintaining eye health but also enhances your productivity and well-being. 

Adhering to these practices can lead to a noticeable decrease in digital eye strain symptoms, contributing to a more comfortable and sustainable remote working experience. 

Solution 3: Observe Proper Eyewear Hygiene

Maintaining proper eyewear hygiene is crucial for preventing eye strain and ensuring overall eye health. 

Eyeglasses and contact lenses can accumulate dirt, oil, and bacteria, which exacerbate irritation and dryness. Regular cleaning of eyeglasses helps remove buildup on the lenses and nose pads, while proper contact lens hygiene prevents complications such as dust accumulation, cloudiness, and deterioration. 

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, poor eyewear hygiene can lead to discomfort and vision problems, making it essential to adhere to best practices for cleaning and maintaining your eyewear. Implementing good hygiene routines for both eyeglasses and contact lenses can significantly reduce irritation and improve comfort during prolonged screen use. 

Step-by-Step Guide​

By observing proper eyewear hygiene, you can effectively reduce irritation and dryness, contributing to a more comfortable remote working experience. 

Regular cleaning of eyeglasses and adherence to contact lens care routines not only improves eye comfort but also supports overall eye health. Implementing these practices ensures that your eyewear remains in optimal condition, enhancing your productivity and comfort during long hours of screen use.

Solution 4: Lubricate Your Eyes

Regular lubrication of your eyes is an effective way to counteract dryness and irritation, particularly exacerbated by prolonged screen use. Digital screens often reduce blink rates, leading to decreased natural tear production and increased eye dryness. Using artificial tear products helps replenish moisture, improving symptoms like itching, tiredness, and irritation. 

Products such as Hycosan Extra, which contains hyaluronic acid, are specifically designed to restore the tear film and provide long-lasting relief. Additionally, maintaining a humidified environment and staying hydrated are crucial practices that support overall eye health. 

According to a study published in the British Journal of Ophthalmology, artificial tears can improve symptoms of dry eye by up to 40%, making them a valuable tool for remote workers. 

Step-by-Step Guide

By incorporating regular lubrication into your eye care routine, you can effectively combat dryness and improve comfort during extended periods of screen use. Using artificial tears, maintaining a humidified environment, and staying hydrated are key practices that support eye health and enhance your overall remote work experience. 

Implementing these strategies will help you maintain comfort, productivity, and well-being as you navigate the demands of working from home. For more tips on optimizing your remote work environment, explore further resources and updates on the AgilityPortal Blog.

Tips and Best Practices for Reducing Eye Strain

General Tips

To effectively manage eye strain and enhance overall eye comfort, consider incorporating these general tips into your daily routine:

Common Mistakes

Avoid these common pitfalls to effectively manage and reduce eye strain:

By applying these tips and avoiding common mistakes, you can effectively manage eye strain and improve your overall comfort and productivity while working remotely.

Case Studies: Real-Life Applications of Eye Strain Solutions

Case Study 1: Sarah's Enhanced Workspace

Sarah, a graphic designer working from home, faced significant eye strain and discomfort due to long hours in front of her computer screen. After implementing a series of changes based on eye strain solutions, she noticed a marked improvement in her comfort and productivity.

 Sarah adjusted her workspace lighting by placing her desk near a window to benefit from natural light and added an adjustable desk lamp with a dimmable feature. She also adopted the 20-20-20 rule and set up a timer on her computer to remind her to take breaks every 20 minutes. Additionally, Sarah invested in a pair of blue light glasses and started using artificial tear drops like Hycosan Extra to address her dry eyes.

Within a few weeks, Sarah reported a significant reduction in eye strain and headaches. The improved lighting and regular breaks helped her maintain focus and productivity throughout the day. The use of blue light glasses and artificial tears further alleviated dryness, making her work experience more comfortable. 

Case Study 2: David's Contact Lens Comfort

David, a software engineer, experienced severe eye dryness and irritation due to extended screen use and improper contact lens care. He decided to overhaul his eye care routine to address these issues.

David switched to daily contact lenses, specifically Dailies AquaComfort Plus, to ensure optimal moisture and reduce the risk of dryness and irritation. He also incorporated a humidifier in his home office to add moisture to the air and began drinking more water throughout the day to stay hydrated. For added comfort, David adopted a regular routine of using artificial tears to supplement his natural tear production.

David found that daily contact lenses significantly improved his comfort, reducing the symptoms of dryness and cloudiness. The addition of a humidifier and increased water intake further enhanced his eye comfort, and regular use of artificial tears kept his eyes well-lubricated. David's new routine not only alleviated his discomfort but also increased his productivity and focus during work. 

Case Study 3: Emily's Ergonomic Adjustments

Emily, an administrative assistant, struggled with eye strain and neck pain due to poor ergonomics and lighting in her home office. She sought to create a more ergonomic and visually comfortable workspace.

Emily reconfigured her desk setup to ensure her monitor was at an appropriate distance and angle. She used an adjustable monitor stand to achieve the correct height and incorporated a combination of natural and artificial lighting to reduce glare. Emily also began practicing the 20-20-20 rule and used an anti-glare screen filter.

Emily experienced a notable decrease in eye strain and neck pain after these adjustments. The improved lighting and ergonomic setup created a more comfortable working environment, allowing her to work more efficiently without discomfort.

These case studies demonstrate the practical benefits of implementing eye strain solutions, highlighting how adjustments to lighting, breaks, eyewear, and hydration can lead to significant improvements in comfort and productivity for remote workers.

FAQs: Addressing Common Questions on Reducing Eye Strain

These FAQs provide quick answers to common concerns related to eye strain and offer practical advice for improving eye health and comfort in a remote work setting.

Q: How often should I take breaks from my screen?

​ It's recommended to follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at an object 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. Additionally, take a longer break every hour to stand up, stretch, and move around to reduce overall eye strain and physical discomfort.

Q: What is the best way to clean my eyeglasses?​

Clean your eyeglasses with a solution of ammonia-free soap and lukewarm water. Use a microfiber cloth to gently wipe the lenses and frames. Avoid using paper towels or household cleaners, as they can scratch the lenses or leave residue.

Q: How can I choose the right artificial tear product?

 Look for artificial tears that contain ingredients like hyaluronic acid or glycerin, which help retain moisture and provide long-lasting relief. Products such as Hycosan Extra are highly recommended for their effectiveness in replenishing the tear film.

Q: What type of lighting is best for reducing eye strain?

A combination of natural and artificial light is ideal. Position your workstation near a window to utilize natural light and use adjustable lamps with LED bulbs to provide even, diffused lighting. Avoid direct glare from lights or windows. 

Q: How can I prevent dryness from contact lenses? 

Use daily contact lenses to reduce the risk of dryness and irritation. Ensure proper hygiene by cleaning your lenses and storing them in a sterile solution. Incorporate a humidifier into your workspace and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

Q: How can I improve my eye comfort while working remotely?

To enhance eye comfort, maintain proper screen distance (20-30 inches away), use blue light filters, stay hydrated, and follow regular break schedules. Implementing ergonomic adjustments and proper lighting can also contribute to a more comfortable work environment.

Q: How to relieve eye strain fast?

​If you're looking to understand how to relieve eye strain fast, incorporating a few quick strategies can make a significant difference. Start by applying the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and focus on something 20 feet away. This simple adjustment helps reduce the intense focus required by screens and gives your eyes a much-needed rest.

Not to mention, adjusting your screen brightness to match the ambient light in your environment can minimize glare and strain. Using artificial tears to lubricate dry eyes can also provide immediate relief. Finally, taking a few minutes to perform eye exercises, such as blinking rapidly or gently massaging your closed eyelids, can help alleviate discomfort quickly. 

These strategies are effective ways to combat eye strain and restore comfort rapidly.

Q. How to reduce eye strain from phone?

To effectively understand  how to reduce eye strain from phone use, implementing several key strategies can provide significant relief. Start by adjusting your phone's brightness to match the surrounding light to minimize glare and prevent your eyes from straining. Utilize the built-in blue light filter or night mode to reduce the amount of blue light emitted by your screen, which can contribute to digital eye strain. 

Make sure you practice the 20-20-20 rule by taking a 20-second break every 20 minutes to look at something 20 feet away, allowing your eyes to relax. Increasing text size and using dark mode can also reduce the effort required to read on your phone. Regularly blinking and maintaining a proper distance from your screen can further alleviate discomfort and help reduce eye strain from prolonged phone use.


Reducing eye strain and enhancing comfort while working remotely is crucial for maintaining productivity and well-being. Key solutions include optimizing your lighting, scheduling regular breaks, practicing proper eyewear hygiene, and using artificial tears to combat dryness. By implementing these strategies—such as adjusting screen distance, integrating the 20-20-20 rule, and maintaining hydration—you can significantly reduce eye discomfort and improve your work environment.

We'd love to hear which solution works best for you or if you have any other tips to share. Feel free to comment below, share this post with your network, or subscribe for more insights on improving your remote work experience. Your feedback helps us create valuable content tailored to your needs!

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