By Jill Romford on Wednesday, 15 March 2023
Category: Business Management

Call Tracking Solutions for Small Entrepreneurship: What is it and How does it work?

Heavily relying on good old phone calls rather than overestimated-for-customer-service chatbots, consumers are expecting to quickly connect to a knowledgeable sales rep who can accurately address their needs and wants on the spot.

For businesses, delivering call leads to the destination place means using an advanced call tracking solution.

But we might have jumped the gun.

Let's move step by step, starting with what call tracking is and how it can help your business, big or small (the scale matters little, if at all, as call tracking software works equally for any number of inbound calls). 

What Is Call Tracking?

Call tracking assigns a unique phone number for a marketing channel (your landing page, TV commercial, etc.) to measure the engagement from start to finish while drawing the complete picture of interactions across all touchpoints.

As your callers progress through their journey, you can get insights into the following call tracking metrics:

No less important is that all collected customer data is transferred to sales reps in real-time so they can convert more calls. 

How Does Call Tracking Work for Small Businesses?

There's almost no difference in tracking calls for small and big businesses. The only major deviation is the complexity of call routing, as big companies may have to map out multiple customer journeys for many categories of callers.

So where does call tracking start and end? Let's dive into the thick of things.

Step 1 – Get a Call Tracking Number for Your Marketing Channels

Depending on the call differentiation you need, you can assign different call numbers for different marketing channels or just digital and traditional traffic sources. Software for call tracking works with three types of phone numbers: local, international, and vanity numbers, each of which serves a unique purpose under unique circumstances:

There are a few dimensions to call tracking numbers: static or dynamic, toll-free or paid. Dynamic toll-free numbers account for most digital marketing campaigns, as they allow free inbound calls while enabling advanced tracking of callers through DNI insertion. 

Step 2 – Meet Your Caller With Advanced IVR to Track More Data

From directing branded greetings to data-driven routing, a well-configured interactive voice response (IVR) system can make a difference in the caller's journey, directing them on the ideal conversion path.

IVR starts with a greeting and then – along with automatic call distributor – distributes the caller by location, budget, sales reps' performance or availability, company size (if you route call leads to a third-party business), or other factors that make sense to your business.

Step 3 – Convert the Call Using the Collected Data

As the sales rep picks up the phone, they already know the caller's problem and persona, significantly increasing the conversion chance. The more advanced the software for call tracking, the more data your sales rep can get. 

The Advantages of Call Tracking Software for Small Entrepreneurs

Fraud prevention: Call tracking software will block fraudulent and fishy calls, keeping your sales funnel unclogged for relevant callers. 

How To Choose the Best Call Tracking Solution

With so many different providers offering a variety of features and services, choosing the right call tracking solution may be a daunting task.

Pay attention to the following when selecting your call tracking solution:

Last but not least, a hosted call tracking solution must provide round-the-clock support, so you can solve issues immediately at any given time without sacrificing your customers.

Knowing these four major factors will allow you to easily navigate countless call tracking solutions to choose the one that resonates with your vision and technical capabilities. Elevate your customer experience now – integrate robust call tracking software into your CRM or lead management system. 

Wrapping up 

So you can use a call tracking software to Track calls to a phone number on a website. Use phone call conversion tracking to help you see how effectively your ads lead to phone calls from your website. 

Call tracking solutions can be extremely beneficial for small entrepreneurship, allowing them to track and analyze incoming phone calls to improve customer service, sales performance and marketing efforts. Here are  some examples:

When choosing a call tracking solution, it is important to consider the needs of your business and the features that are most important to you. Look for a solution that offers flexible pricing, integrates with your existing systems, and provides reliable customer support.

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